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Forced into 50 percent taper


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Looking for a doctor willing to do a safe taper as my current doctor suddenly called, said I was refilling too early (yet I had not changed my refill period for over a year) and that she was going back to double the refill period hence halving my prescription amount. I am desperate to find someone before I go into severe withdrawal. I am in Maine.
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Hello BeHomeBy11,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies! I'm terribly sorry you are finding yourself in this difficult situation. It is irresponsible of your doctor to do this when you have simply followed the orders set forth by the prescription.  Having to reduce your benzo by half can bring on some strong withdrawal symptoms. 


What benzo are you taking and at what dose?


Have you checked to see if there are other doctors in your area that you can contact?


The best taper is a slow taper, guided by you, based on how you feel.  Generally, a reduction of no more than 5-10% every 10-14 days is suggested. Some people go even slower, following a symptom based taper.  I'll provide more infomation for you about tapering plans.


I'll also give you a link to the Withdrawal Support Board. You can post there and receive feedback from others who are going through the withdrawal process. It really helps to know you are not alone.


I'll also provide additional links for you that might contain information about providers in your area.


Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidelines

Planning Your Withdrawal(TaperPlans)

Withdrawal Support


I'm glad you've joined the forum, you'll find good information as well as excellent support from those who understand the process.  Settle in and do some reading and let us know how we can help.



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I am taking Lorazepam 0.5 mg 20 pills 30 days (after reduction) prescribed as  one half to one pill up to twice daily as needed. It was previously for 14 day period.


Now I am taking half pill spaced at 8 hours to try and even out back at the 14 day prescription level hoping I can convince her to go back to that refill period after letting her know the seriously drastic consequences. I had 9 pills left over from slowing down or she would have CT'd me because she set the refill date to 2 weeks past the normal refill date, pretending my period was supposed to be 30 days all along.  She accused me of accelerated use I think because I was using more than she thought I should I guess. But I had always been using it all eventually as the prescription was as needed and I kept needing it.


After reading Ashton (?) I realized I had been having interdose withdrawal or tolerance withdrawal (?) with symptoms of anxiety including 2 bouts of paranoia and one where I felt emotionally unstable and out of control raging. So I think that was giving me more instances for as-needed usage! Now I realize I should have been taking it regularly to even out my blood level amount since I was having problems from the fluctuating levels. Boy she may not like that one. She thinks I don't really need it every day, as if she has some magical ability to know such things. It's surreal. Anyway I have written 4 versions now of attempts to communicate the disconnect and beg to go back to 14 days while I find a benzo wise doctor to taper me safely.


Oh yeah she accused me of addictive behavior because I raised my voice on the phone in disbelief when she told me she was going to 30 days, that my refill period had always been 30 days (it had been for over a year at 14 days according to my pharmacy records). So something triggered my doctor and she tried to change the past to put me in my place, is what it feels like. I need to convince her that this is dangerous and cruel.



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I’m sorry to hear how you’ve been treated, it sounds like there is more going on than we know, she sounds very defensive. 


It sounds like you’ve figured out why you’ve been feeling like this, interdose and or tolerance are both possible.  i hope you can find a doctor to help you with a steady supply, we can help you design a taper. 

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