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Please help! Reinstatement? I’m desperate and so tired and I’m in so much pain


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11 years long term daily klonopin use. Tapered very slowly, kinda rugged some kindling. Tapered too quickly at end (went from 0.125mg - 0.01mg in three months). My body said too fast but I just wanted to be off and I thought it was at least bearable. I wasn’t functioning but whatever I was determined. Got off September 2022. Symptoms have been primarily neuro muscular: some akathisia, jerks incredible tension and compression of muscles squeezing writhing inner vibrations; pinching, and lots of GI belly issues sensitivities to everything. But was doing better, slowly. Have been making steady slow progresss rising baseline until five days ago I got a migraine with an aura. I’ve gotten them my whole life a couple times a year but haven’t had one since last spring (2022). After the migraine I’ve been in the worst wave??? UNBELIEVEABLE neurological pain and burning and tightness and so so oversensitive and I can’t move anywhere it hurts so much to move. I am so so weak and everything is heavy and a lot of effort and I just can’t fucking move. Also having chills cold minty angry burning numb sensations. I haven’t gotten better in four days.


I’m really concerned, I’m literally in the hospital as I called 911 earlier — had serious heart palpitations and rushing blood feeling and extreme extreme tension and numbness in left side. Since the migraine I’ve also had a lot of POTS like symptoms and my heart will speed up. I’m in such extreme excruciating pain I can’t believe this is only withdrawal? I’m getting some other tests done right now but a lot they can’t do in the ER.


Wondering about reinstating? Looking for any advice, any fucking thing. I’m struggling I’m so so so lost. I feel this worst I’ve ever felt in my life, truly, I feel like I’m dying. I’m very calm and weak and tired feeling — and the doctors and nurses here think I’m just having a panic attack and say they can’t really do anything for me.


Has reinstatement ever helped anyone? Or can anyone point me in the direction of a doctor or psych who might be able to help me?

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These are very early days Julie.  I wouldn't reinstate just yet.  Hopefully, not ever. 


I think you would be very disappointed if you were to reinstate. 😞


I feel your pain Julie.  I've been there too. 


Hang in, is my advice. 

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i know the feeling it feels like being in the middle of the ocean of uncertainty without a paddle. Just be strong and keep going. try to get nutrients from foods and if your symptoms are ramping up try not to consume foods that produce alot of GABA. the medications mutate our receptors and they cannot recieve the GABA and that causes symptoms to ramp up. try and be as neutral as you can and just relax. I know its hard but you will get through this.
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thanks buddies!! And thanks deadwoodgone — your comment was very soft and reassuring I really appreciated it. It all helps. :) glad to know there’s hope.


I am feeling better today — a little — guess is just bad bad bad monster wave. Had some réalisations I have some psychological work to do, too.


Praying for peace for all of us ☮️✌️🧘‍♀️

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Hey there!

I’m so sorry!

I pretty much did the same route as you if you read some of my posts. Spent a ton of time in hospital getting tests etc. Couldn’t walk, had excruciating nerve pain, insomnia, and pretty much all the symptoms. And akathesia when you can’t walk or move…..it’s like a special kind of hell.


Now this is what happened to me…I know for some reinstatement worked for them and saved them, so I feel like it’s each individuals decision. But for me I tried it…right around 4-5 months off. I thought I was in hell…but trying to reinstate sent me to like 7th level hell or something. It really did make me worse. It was brutal. I feel like I was too far out to try and reinstate m, it seems like it works more often for people if they are very soon off, like a week or two. But that’s just my opinion!


If it were me, and I could keep going without reinstating, I would. Or I would maybe consider other meds that aren’t benzos. (Ultimately that’s what I did for the nerve pain, and I got lucky)


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