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Morning LHSG'ers,

Hope everyone has a good day!


Just want to throw something out there, it may not mean anything to you but to some it might. Today marks the beginning of Lent. The pastor at my church is doing a 40 day challenge with our church. Today is day one and the challenge is to " let go of fear" it might be fear of failing 🤔.. Well as soon as I found out what day one challenge was this morning, by his podcast, I immediately thought of my conversation last night with Mary. I'm afraid to cut, afraid of the possible heart sxs and how long it's going to take.. But after hearing the podcast this morning I thought PERFECT! I'm going to run with this challenge and let fear fly out the window on my next cut. I know a lot of you aren't religious and that's ok, I'll be praying about my fear and yours! Each day will bring a new challenge and if I think it's relevant to the group I'll mention it. Please know I'm not trying to push my Christian faith on anyone. I know people hate that and I believe it only makes people all the more resistant to faith. You've all known me long enough now to know I don't do that. So just some food for thought about fear and how we might handle it.


Love you all and hope today is a good day 🤞

TT ❤️

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

This is a quick message am at my sister's house so wanted to see how everyone is doing.

. Thank you for your lovely words my friends l miss you all.l will hopefully be back next week sometime have to say l never realised how much l depend on the internet.Anyway l really hope everyone has a lessening of withdrawal.

Morning Trish what's happening on Saturday? Sweetheart if you are going to cut just cut stop putting it off.You are just giving yourself time to panic.Yes this is horrible and we all become obsessed with our taper however it can't be changed and the future isn't written yet.None of us are going to be bouncing off these drugs anytime soon however our day will come.lf you are not able to get below 1 mg then talk to your doctor.l believe you will however the only way to do it is to cut and wait it out.Stay strong honey.love you my lST X

Morning Suzy well done honey you are so much better than you were when you stumbled on here.l know you have a battle ahead however you will get through anything this crap can throw at you.As for your bf he needs a good kick up the ass 😠. love you.X

Morning Final that is an excellent resource for anyone that needs one to one support and the fact that it is free is a real bonus.l hope you are doing as well as can be expected? love to you.X

Morning Olive l miss my friends here too l have to say l never thought l would meet so many caring and kind people on the internet.You are winning every day my love.You have been through so much and l have no doubt you will improve given enough time.Keep on keeping on.love you.X

Morning Meems l will say this again are you sure this is the right time to taper?l know you are in an impossible situation which will only aggravate withdrawal symptoms.l know we are never going to be stress free however in the future you will probably be in a better position than you are now.l hope the depression lifts honey.love youX

Morning Lady Mary awe Hen this does suck 😵.l had to let you know our wee Daisy is back to normal woohoo 🎊🎉.l knew she would bounce back.l know you are scared honey however chip away you will survive and thrive.All we can do is do our best and keep withdrawal down as much as possible.We all hit sticky patches however we get through them.look how far you have come 😘.Try not to worry too much.lf all else fails stop tapering for as long as is necessary.look at Olive.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Troch how are you my love?l really hope you are doing ok.love to you.X

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Bill Miyu Nova Esperanza NJ GP Janice and everyone here sending you my love.X


Stut, it's so good to see and read your post! I thought we were going to have to wait way too long.  So glad our Daisy is better.  Lots of pets for Muffin, Daisy, and Socks.  Yes, we use the internet a lot  :idiot:  we miss you, need your wise words and humor every day you aren't on.  Hope you are feeling some better too.  Love you my Queen, your Lady Mary x Hen!    🐶🐕🐾🐾🐾🐈🐾🐾.    💜☮️💜☮️💜☮️💜

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Hi Stut,


Glad you are back online! Woohooo!! I am so glad little muffin bounced back. Yay. Hope you are feeling ok and your arm is back to normal. My little left to us red and inflamed. So weird. I am doing good! Not perfect but ok. I am glad you think I have improved. Its hgv card yo tell sometimes. Bf doesnt say anything I think he does need a kick in the ass! Have a wonderful day! Ly Suzy

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

This is a quick message am at my sister's house so wanted to see how everyone is doing.

. Thank you for your lovely words my friends l miss you all.l will hopefully be back next week sometime have to say l never realised how much l depend on the internet.Anyway l really hope everyone has a lessening of withdrawal.

Morning Trish what's happening on Saturday? Sweetheart if you are going to cut just cut stop putting it off.You are just giving yourself time to panic.Yes this is horrible and we all become obsessed with our taper however it can't be changed and the future isn't written yet.None of us are going to be bouncing off these drugs anytime soon however our day will come.lf you are not able to get below 1 mg then talk to your doctor.l believe you will however the only way to do it is to cut and wait it out.Stay strong honey.love you my lST X

Morning Suzy well done honey you are so much better than you were when you stumbled on here.l know you have a battle ahead however you will get through anything this crap can throw at you.As for your bf he needs a good kick up the ass 😠. love you.X

Morning Final that is an excellent resource for anyone that needs one to one support and the fact that it is free is a real bonus.l hope you are doing as well as can be expected? love to you.X

Morning Olive l miss my friends here too l have to say l never thought l would meet so many caring and kind people on the internet.You are winning every day my love.You have been through so much and l have no doubt you will improve given enough time.Keep on keeping on.love you.X

Morning Meems l will say this again are you sure this is the right time to taper?l know you are in an impossible situation which will only aggravate withdrawal symptoms.l know we are never going to be stress free however in the future you will probably be in a better position than you are now.l hope the depression lifts honey.love youX

Morning Lady Mary awe Hen this does suck 😵.l had to let you know our wee Daisy is back to normal woohoo 🎊🎉.l knew she would bounce back.l know you are scared honey however chip away you will survive and thrive.All we can do is do our best and keep withdrawal down as much as possible.We all hit sticky patches however we get through them.look how far you have come 😘.Try not to worry too much.lf all else fails stop tapering for as long as is necessary.look at Olive.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Troch how are you my love?l really hope you are doing ok.love to you.X

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Bill Miyu Nova Esperanza NJ GP Janice and everyone here sending you my love.X

Bless you sweetie :hug:



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi tt,

I think that would be fun! I am up for it.  I hope you are feeling less anxious and the heart palps stopped.  :-[  You sound alot better! Ly dd


Hi ok,

That is sooo good. Glad you are getting out and working through your phobias. That is so awesome. You are doing so good!  :smitten:;) ;)ly Suzy

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Hey v,

Hope you are doimg ok. Thinking of you. Miss you. I am.praying you turned a corner. Love yoy dd ❤❤


Morning DD, you sound good too  ;D:D LY MM. 💜💜

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Hey v,

Hope you are doimg ok. Thinking of you. Miss you. I am.praying you turned a corner. Love yoy dd ❤❤


DD dear one thanks so much for remembering me. I'm busy weekdays and the arm and shoulder pain limit my typing but I remember you always. I'll tell you a secret my dear friend : I think I'm FINALLY turning that corner. I don't want to say it too loud in case it turns around to bite my butt!!! And BTW, my period hasn't come this month and it's not going to. No swollen breasts and no PMS. Has it left that easy? Could that be all? Can I become a wise old lady without going through two years of hellish menopause? I hope you're stabilizing a bit too. I believe in holding for us DD. like with OK or begood, it can take a long time, but I trust it's the way for us.

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Hi tt,

I think that would be fun! I am up for it.  I hope you are feeling less anxious and the heart palps stopped.  :-[  You sound alot better! Ly dd


Hi ok,

That is sooo good. Glad you are getting out and working through your phobias. That is so awesome. You are doing so good!  :smitten:;) ;)ly Suzy

Hey DD!  Thank you for responding to my post, you're an absolute sweetheart! I look at it this way, whatever helps us to take that next cut when ready right? 😉

Loveu sweetie,

TT ❤️

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Hey v,

Hope you are doimg ok. Thinking of you. Miss you. I am.praying you turned a corner. Love yoy dd ❤❤


DD dear one thanks so much for remembering me. I'm busy weekdays and the arm and shoulder pain limit my typing but I remember you always. I'll tell you a secret my dear friend : I think I'm FINALLY turning that corner. I don't want to say it too loud in case it turns around to bite my butt!!! And BTW, my period hasn't come this month and it's not going to. No swollen breasts and no PMS. Has it left that easy? Could that be all? Can I become a wise old lady without going through two years of hellish menopause? I hope you're stabilizing a bit too. I believe in holding for us DD. like with OK or begood, it can take a long time, but I trust it's the way for us.


Fingers crossed for you Vali , that would be so great..LY 💜☮️🙏💜☮️🙏💜

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Thank you Mary. I'm also praying that the muscle pain eases for you and that your eyes get well. And that everything will be OK in the end 🏞️🆗🏄‍♂️
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Thank you Mary. I'm also praying that the muscle pain eases for you and that your eyes get well. And that everything will be OK in the end 🏞️🆗🏄‍♂️


Awww, thank you Vali :smitten: :smitten:  me too  :D

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Hey v! I am so glad to hear from you! Im glad tou.might be turning a corner! Shhhhh I do tha too. Dont overthink it and ruin it. Im sorry about tour pain.  :-[ :-[ Mine is in my legs and butt  :tickedoff: Not to bad though.  Im glad this might be your last period! Sometimes you can skip months and it may come back. Sometimes they are close together. Its lik e you have severe pms all the time. I always had bad anxiety with pms. Sometimes it just stops and thats it! So hoping this will be your last one. Fi.gers crossed! Glad you are ok. Love you dd
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Ok I know I'm suppose to"give up fear" today butttt I'm watching CNN about the Coronavirus and what the CDC has said about it. They are saying to expect communal spread of the virus and what it might look like if schools had to shut down. Well that got my mind whirling about Drs offices and getting my meds 😳.. CDC has said that it's not if the virus spreads throughout the US it's when 😱.. I don't like this at alllll. President is giving a 6:00 news conference on the virus, CNN is reporting that he's downplaying it bc the stock market is falling here, he also needs a strong economy bc he's campaigning and he doesn't need further plummet of the stock market 😤 wouldn't be good if businesses here suffered bc no one was going out and spending money 😤😤


So trying not to fear but this virus has my wheels turning. Also head of Homeland security when questioned by Congress was forced to answer a question he didn't seem to want to answer and that question was do we have enough respirators in this country and he finally answered " NO" . In other words America is not prepared for a communal spread that is inevitable according to CDC.


So just venting my concern and passing along what was reported on CNN.


TT ❤️

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Hey v,

Hope you are doimg ok. Thinking of you. Miss you. I am.praying you turned a corner. Love yoy dd ❤❤


DD dear one thanks so much for remembering me. I'm busy weekdays and the arm and shoulder pain limit my typing but I remember you always. I'll tell you a secret my dear friend : I think I'm FINALLY turning that corner. I don't want to say it too loud in case it turns around to bite my butt!!! And BTW, my period hasn't come this month and it's not going to. No swollen breasts and no PMS. Has it left that easy? Could that be all? Can I become a wise old lady without going through two years of hellish menopause? I hope you're stabilizing a bit too. I believe in holding for us DD. like with OK or begood, it can take a long time, but I trust it's the way for us.


Hey v, don't get too excited about skipping a month. I would skip several months, then get it six times in three months. I hope you will be lucky, but  it's usually irregular first before it stops completely. I have not had my period since Sept. 13. I hope this is it for me but only time will tell!


All is the same here. Still holding. Experiencing more nausea not sure why. Son is still having issues ... we are now 18 months into that adventure.

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Ok I know I'm suppose to"give up fear" today butttt I'm watching CNN about the Coronavirus and what the CDC has said about it. They are saying to expect communal spread of the virus and what it might look like if schools had to shut down. Well that got my mind whirling about Drs offices and getting my meds 😳.. CDC has said that it's not if the virus spreads throughout the US it's when 😱.. I don't like this at alllll. President is giving a 6:00 news conference on the virus, CNN is reporting that he's downplaying it bc the stock market is falling here, he also needs a strong economy bc he's campaigning and he doesn't need further plummet of the stock market 😤 wouldn't be good if businesses here suffered bc no one was going out and spending money 😤😤


So trying not to fear but this virus has my wheels turning. Also head of Homeland security when questioned by Congress was forced to answer a question he didn't seem to want to answer and that question was do we have enough respirators in this country and he finally answered " NO" . In other words America is not prepared for a communal spread that is inevitable according to CDC.


So just venting my concern and passing along what was reported on CNN.


TT ❤️




My son who is 17 is on two immune suppressing drugs and I am trying hard not to panic. He just had the flu and while he didn't have complications he did not recover quickly. It is almost spring break at his school and lots travel internationally and I am terrified of what happens when everyone comes back. He has a friend right now who is in South Korea for some reason and I want to tell him not to go near that kid when he comes back. I am trying to stockpile some of his meds but hard to do others since they only give as needed (each dose is $5000). I don't think we are prepared here. I know last night on the news they said only 3% of those who get sick become critically illl ... so maybe that will ease your worries. I am really terrified though for my son and all those who have compromised immune systems. A part of me wants to pull him out of school now but I know that is an over-reaction. My other son is telling me not to worry but I have never in my life seen countries quarantine people like this.


I think the best we can do is know that the fatality rate does seem low (it isn't like Ebola) and that we do overall have good medical care here.

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Hey v,

Hope you are doimg ok. Thinking of you. Miss you. I am.praying you turned a corner. Love yoy dd ❤❤


DD dear one thanks so much for remembering me. I'm busy weekdays and the arm and shoulder pain limit my typing but I remember you always. I'll tell you a secret my dear friend : I think I'm FINALLY turning that corner. I don't want to say it too loud in case it turns around to bite my butt!!! And BTW, my period hasn't come this month and it's not going to. No swollen breasts and no PMS. Has it left that easy? Could that be all? Can I become a wise old lady without going through two years of hellish menopause? I hope you're stabilizing a bit too. I believe in holding for us DD. like with OK or begood, it can take a long time, but I trust it's the way for us.


Hey v, don't get too excited about skipping a month. I would skip several months, then get it six times in three months. I hope you will be lucky, but  it's usually irregular first before it stops completely. I have not had my period since Sept. 13. I hope this is it for me but only time will tell!


All is the same here. Still holding. Experiencing more nausea not sure why. Son is still having issues ... we are now 18 months into that adventure.

NJ is right Vnm I didn't have it for 11 months and thought I was home free only to get it at the end of that 11th month. It was frustrating. You have to go a whole year to be considered menopausal. I had to start counting months again after that.. so it would be great if you're done but it's like NJ said it's very unpredictable heading toward the end of it.


So sorry NJ that you're still dealing with your son's health issues. Nothing more worrisome than when your kid is sick.🙁


Trishy ❤️

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Ok I know I'm suppose to"give up fear" today butttt I'm watching CNN about the Coronavirus and what the CDC has said about it. They are saying to expect communal spread of the virus and what it might look like if schools had to shut down. Well that got my mind whirling about Drs offices and getting my meds 😳.. CDC has said that it's not if the virus spreads throughout the US it's when 😱.. I don't like this at alllll. President is giving a 6:00 news conference on the virus, CNN is reporting that he's downplaying it bc the stock market is falling here, he also needs a strong economy bc he's campaigning and he doesn't need further plummet of the stock market 😤 wouldn't be good if businesses here suffered bc no one was going out and spending money 😤😤


So trying not to fear but this virus has my wheels turning. Also head of Homeland security when questioned by Congress was forced to answer a question he didn't seem to want to answer and that question was do we have enough respirators in this country and he finally answered " NO" . In other words America is not prepared for a communal spread that is inevitable according to CDC.


So just venting my concern and passing along what was reported on CNN.


TT ❤️




My son who is 17 is on two immune suppressing drugs and I am trying hard not to panic. He just had the flu and while he didn't have complications he did not recover quickly. It is almost spring break at his school and lots travel internationally and I am terrified of what happens when everyone comes back. He has a friend right now who is in South Korea for some reason and I want to tell him not to go near that kid when he comes back. I am trying to stockpile some of his meds but hard to do others since they only give as needed (each dose is $5000). I don't think we are prepared here. I know last night on the news they said only 3% of those who get sick become critically illl ... so maybe that will ease your worries. I am really terrified though for my son and all those who have compromised immune systems. A part of me wants to pull him out of school now but I know that is an over-reaction. My other son is telling me not to worry but I have never in my life seen countries quarantine people like this.


I think the best we can do is know that the fatality rate does seem low (it isn't like Ebola) and that we do overall have good medical care here.

I totally understand your fear for your son NJ. I'm terrified for my two little grandchildren. You made a very good point, that only 3% were becoming critically ill. That's something we can hold onto. My daughter told me she read children were handling this better than adults another positive. We are not prepared for this, CDC and other officials have come out and said as much. Trump is downplaying this and I don't like that. We as US citizens deserve correct information.

I'm going to church tonight for an Ash Wednesday service so I'll miss the president addressing the nation at 6 but I plan to watch it later. CNN is saying he's preparing to calm our fears bc of a sliding stock market, he's downplaying it and that infuriates me.

I don't want to panic but I do want the truth so I know how to prepare me and my family.


All the best to you NJ, I'll say a prayer for your son in church tonight.


Lots of love,

Trishy ❤️

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Ok I know I'm suppose to"give up fear" today butttt I'm watching CNN about the Coronavirus and what the CDC has said about it. They are saying to expect communal spread of the virus and what it might look like if schools had to shut down. Well that got my mind whirling about Drs offices and getting my meds 😳.. CDC has said that it's not if the virus spreads throughout the US it's when 😱.. I don't like this at alllll. President is giving a 6:00 news conference on the virus, CNN is reporting that he's downplaying it bc the stock market is falling here, he also needs a strong economy bc he's campaigning and he doesn't need further plummet of the stock market 😤 wouldn't be good if businesses here suffered bc no one was going out and spending money 😤😤


So trying not to fear but this virus has my wheels turning. Also head of Homeland security when questioned by Congress was forced to answer a question he didn't seem to want to answer and that question was do we have enough respirators in this country and he finally answered " NO" . In other words America is not prepared for a communal spread that is inevitable according to CDC.


So just venting my concern and passing along what was reported on CNN.


TT ❤️


Trishy ,Trump has almost completely shut down the department we need now back in 2018.  That cruise ship is here in San Antonio.  Everything he has said about it and being ready has been proven a lie.  We have at least 3, maybe more with the virus now.    >:( >:(>:(

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I'm scared about the virus too. I have been trying to not be too scared but today has put me on edge.

I guess we all have one advantage... we stay home all the time!

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Ok I know I'm suppose to"give up fear" today butttt I'm watching CNN about the Coronavirus and what the CDC has said about it. They are saying to expect communal spread of the virus and what it might look like if schools had to shut down. Well that got my mind whirling about Drs offices and getting my meds 😳.. CDC has said that it's not if the virus spreads throughout the US it's when 😱.. I don't like this at alllll. President is giving a 6:00 news conference on the virus, CNN is reporting that he's downplaying it bc the stock market is falling here, he also needs a strong economy bc he's campaigning and he doesn't need further plummet of the stock market 😤 wouldn't be good if businesses here suffered bc no one was going out and spending money 😤😤


So trying not to fear but this virus has my wheels turning. Also head of Homeland security when questioned by Congress was forced to answer a question he didn't seem to want to answer and that question was do we have enough respirators in this country and he finally answered " NO" . In other words America is not prepared for a communal spread that is inevitable according to CDC.


So just venting my concern and passing along what was reported on CNN.


TT ❤️


Trishy ,Trump has almost completely shut down the department we need now back in 2018.  That cruise ship is here in San Antonio.  Everything he has said about it and being ready has been proven a lie.  We have at least 3, maybe more with the virus now.    >:( >:(>:(

I know Mary he did. Obama had put all that in place when ebola was a threat and just bc Obama did all that he went and undid it! I'm scared and furious. It's in Massachusetts one state away from me and where DD lives. What's more worrisome is they said now is the time for us to prepare for a pandemic 🤦‍♀️.. Just what we need while tapering is more rattled nerves. 😤

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I'm scared about the virus too. I have been trying to not be too scared but today has put me on edge.

I guess we all have one advantage... we stay home all the time!

Me too Olive, I was trying not to worry about it but all that info I found out today from the news has frazzled me. I worry about my grandchildren and being able to get my xanax.

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