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Trishy - I use a Gemini 20 scale that I just got.  Actually today was the first day I used it cause I saw that the tablets were not the same size.  I did shave one of them a tad so they can match weight. 


Mary - my heart goes out to you and I am sending you a giant hug 🤗.  I am so sorry you are in this place. 


My love 😍 to all.



Thank you meems. That's the one I just got. My first one I got a couple months ago is called homgeek.. It's no better or worse than the gemni. I guess I'll have to get comfortable with it jumping around. I'm going to make sure I calibrate before each use like FH suggested.. 🤷

Trish ♥️

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Sorry guys if you care. I’ve been tied up all day trying to get things done.


Kind of a losing battle.


I feel like I’m losing my mind. I’m still a member of this group; just can’t contribute much right now.

Hey intend, I care I read all your posts but I get how you feel. I've been in the LHSG for almost a year and a half and I sometimes feel invisible here. Everyone who comes here should not be ignored, but I know largely my posts are going unintentionally missed or sometimes people are too sick to engage, but this group moves fast when it gets going so I think that's how it happens. It sometimes hurts my feelings but I know I'm a little fragile right now with my recent two cuts and my emotions are all over the place.

Anyway, I hope you have a good day you Dan and Pepper. It sounds like you have been busy lately, that's good! I find the busier I am the better, less time to think about this nightmare.

Trish ♥️

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Good morning twin,

I hope your day goes well today and that you find some enjoyment in it with your daughter. You damn well deserve a break. I don't know what kind of weather you're having over there but I know you love the seaside. Maybe a drive there would lift you up. Whatever you do I hope it's relaxing, I'm glad your daughter is with you I know that lifts your spirits. 🙂


Thinking of you and praying sis comes home quickly 🙏❤️


Love you,


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Good morning everyone,

I almost never address by names bc I'm very challenged in the brain dept. Thank you benzos! 😜


I know there's a lot of suffering here and I'm hoping today is better for everyone. This group seems to be as a whole not doing well ☹️


Mary, omg girl I've got everything crossed that you wake up feeling better 🤞 🙏.. something has to give. I don't have any thoughts on what you can do but I wish I did. The only thing I can think of is maybe go back to your old routine of tapering. But you are the one who knows best and that's just a heartfelt suggestion. I'd just like to see you better ☹️

Love ya, Trish ♥️


Bill, I know you are down with the flu, however, I hope you are on the upswing as I type this. Thinking of you and please check in when you can. 🙂


Love to all,

Trish ♥️


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Hi everyone. I hope you're all having a better day or you're holding onto the certainty that this is temporary.


Trishy talk about being ignored. I feel ignored by half the members at least, however as long as there are a few who sometimes care about me I'm sticking to this group. I think you have a lot of friends here who always care about you. The shakes suck and I'm so sorry you're feeling like that. Stutt said you were cutting too fast? Maybe listen to her. She's one smart woman.


Olive kitty yes, I do worry about you. My psychiatrist saw how fast you were cutting and he was shaking his head because he says once you've been sensitized like we have, we have to go down extra carefully. Also, let's not forget valiums sneaky lag time. That's what got me in this mess in the first place. That, plus kindling. I know I'm being intrusive but you're so sweet and you've been through so much, that if I don't expres my concern I won't sleep well at night (not that I sleep well anyway lol). Please be careful!!! The reason I went over your signature with him is because our crash, updose and hold are very similar. Yes he supports me holding. He says no cutting at least till jaruary and I'm OK with that. I don't like that he put me on gabapentin but what can you do, nobody's perfect.

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Hi everyone. I hope you're all having a better day or you're holding onto the certainty that this is temporary.


Trishy talk about being ignored. I feel ignored by half the members at least, however as long as there are a few who sometimes care about me I'm sticking to this group. I think you have a lot of friends here who always care about you. The shakes suck and I'm so sorry you're feeling like that. Stutt said you were cutting too fast? Maybe listen to her. She's one smart woman.


Olive kitty yes, I do worry about you. My psychiatrist saw how fast you were cutting and he was shaking his head because he says once you've been sensitized like we have, we have to go down extra carefully. Also, let's not forget valiums sneaky lag time. That's what got me in this mess in the first place. That, plus kindling. I know I'm being intrusive but you're so sweet and you've been through so much, that if I don't expres my concern I won't sleep well at night (not that I sleep well anyway lol). Please be careful!!! The reason I went over your signature with him is because our crash, updose and hold are very similar. Yes he supports me holding. He says no cutting at least till jaruary and I'm OK with that. I don't like that he put me on gabapentin but what can you do, nobody's perfect.


I would never leave here. LHSG is my home. I was just pointing out how benzo wd can make me feel. I know it's not real and mostly imagined in my head. Benzo's lie to us over and over again. It's like having an unfaithful lover you can get rid of 😏..


My shaky hands didn't last long thank God..I hate those"kinds" of shakes or any kind for that matter lol!  But other then feeling a little fragile I'm functional and feeling overall good. So I won't complain too much about the shakes. No matter how little we cut I don't think we can escape some sxs along the way , it's the nature of the beast unfortunately. 😏

Have a good day VNM , I hope it's kind to you. 🙂.. And can you have your psychiatrist read my sig? I'd love his opinion lol!  ;D


Love to all,

Trish ♥️


Anyway, I'm off to the therapist this morning just to touch base with her.

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Morning LHSG


Just a check in, Hope everyone has a Grateful Day. I'm hoping for day 4 at the new dose of the "new tablet" with no wiggling or waffling. LET GO & "Let it Be"... Had "the long talk" with my step-mother and I feel much more gounded.


This is my Feline Fur-Family, Spot. She is 11 years old.






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Hi Tt,

I have those feelings too. It has to be wd. Plus some dqys I think it is hard for ppl to keep up.  We are all going thtough tubulent tims..see my t's. Lol. Sorry you have thse shakes. I get them too. I hate it. Just dont fo anymore cuts. Your too fragile right now. Hope your therapy appt. Goes well. I always like your posts and thinking of you and everyone here and you too intend. I love your posts. I truly hope you get some relief soon. Be back later just woke up. Love you all ...dd pebbles  :laugh:

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Trishy you're very funny  :laugh:


Maybe you could plan a visit here for a second opinion ;D. Yes, bwd magnifies all our insecurities and fears. I'm glad the shakes have left you. I always wonder if Angela Merkel is in bwd. She's been seen shaking in public a couple times.


Have a good day Trish.

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Morning LHSG


Just a check in, Hope everyone has a Grateful Day. I'm hoping for day 4 at the new dose of the "new tablet" with no wiggling or waffling. LET GO & "Let it Be"... Had "the long talk" with my step-mother and I feel much more gounded.


This is my Feline Fur-Family, Spot. She is 11 years old.






Lost cause, your kitty is adorable. I want to hug him so badly.

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Is there anybody who messes his/her CNS with so many changes like me, then hold and stabilize?


Hi June!


I'm sorry you're feeling so badly. Yes, many of us ended up here after being very destabilized by either rapid tapers, CT and reinstatement, different drugs, kindling due to coming off benzos and back on them... I see your trouble lately seems to be with remeron? I don't know anything about that drug. Do you know there's a remeron support group here on BBs? Please wait for a more experienced buddy to chime in.

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Morning LHSG


Just a check in, Hope everyone has a Grateful Day. I'm hoping for day 4 at the new dose of the "new tablet" with no wiggling or waffling. LET GO & "Let it Be"... Had "the long talk" with my step-mother and I feel much more gounded.


This is my Feline Fur-Family, Spot. She is 11 years old.






Such a sweetie.  I love how cats just look content no matter where they are. 

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Hi everyone. I hope you're all having a better day or you're holding onto the certainty that this is temporary.


Trishy talk about being ignored. I feel ignored by half the members at least, however as long as there are a few who sometimes care about me I'm sticking to this group. I think you have a lot of friends here who always care about you. The shakes suck and I'm so sorry you're feeling like that. Stutt said you were cutting too fast? Maybe listen to her. She's one smart woman.


Olive kitty yes, I do worry about you. My psychiatrist saw how fast you were cutting and he was shaking his head because he says once you've been sensitized like we have, we have to go down extra carefully. Also, let's not forget valiums sneaky lag time. That's what got me in this mess in the first place. That, plus kindling. I know I'm being intrusive but you're so sweet and you've been through so much, that if I don't expres my concern I won't sleep well at night (not that I sleep well anyway lol). Please be careful!!! The reason I went over your signature with him is because our crash, updose and hold are very similar. Yes he supports me holding. He says no cutting at least till jaruary and I'm OK with that. I don't like that he put me on gabapentin but what can you do, nobody's perfect.


I would never leave here. LHSG is my home. I was just pointing out how benzo wd can make me feel. I know it's not real and mostly imagined in my head. Benzo's lie to us over and over again. It's like having an unfaithful lover you can get rid of 😏..


My shaky hands didn't last long thank God..I hate those"kinds" of shakes or any kind for that matter lol!  But other then feeling a little fragile I'm functional and feeling overall good. So I won't complain too much about the shakes. No matter how little we cut I don't think we can escape some sxs along the way , it's the nature of the beast unfortunately. 😏

Have a good day VNM , I hope it's kind to you. 🙂.. And can you have your psychiatrist read my sig? I'd love his opinion lol!  ;D


Love to all,

Trish ♥️


Anyway, I'm off to the therapist this morning just to touch base with her.


Val, first you would have to teach him Trishy math 🍎🍎🍎+🍕🍕🍕=💊.    :laugh::D

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Morning LHSG


Just a check in, Hope everyone has a Grateful Day. I'm hoping for day 4 at the new dose of the "new tablet" with no wiggling or waffling. LET GO & "Let it Be"... Had "the long talk" with my step-mother and I feel much more gounded.


This is my Feline Fur-Family, Spot. She is 11 years old.






Oh, she is beautiful LC.  We love to see people's pets , Mary ♥️

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Mary, I did go to Chewing the Fat and read somebody what Colin posted and the subsequent responses.  Very intense but informative.


Intend, you response to what was being posted was well written. You personally had experience with that person.


I really walked away thinking that how we taper and what method we use is very individual.  I feel less stressed that the method I am using is the wrong method and that since it works for me, i will stay with it. 


I kept thinking that because I had symptoms that my method was wrong but I think as DD or maybe Trishy said, we can't avoid symtoms when we are withdrawing.  For me, its managing the intensity of the symtoms that matter. 

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Hi everyone. I hope you're all having a better day or you're holding onto the certainty that this is temporary.


Trishy talk about being ignored. I feel ignored by half the members at least, however as long as there are a few who sometimes care about me I'm sticking to this group. I think you have a lot of friends here who always care about you. The shakes suck and I'm so sorry you're feeling like that. Stutt said you were cutting too fast? Maybe listen to her. She's one smart woman.


Olive kitty yes, I do worry about you. My psychiatrist saw how fast you were cutting and he was shaking his head because he says once you've been sensitized like we have, we have to go down extra carefully. Also, let's not forget valiums sneaky lag time. That's what got me in this mess in the first place. That, plus kindling. I know I'm being intrusive but you're so sweet and you've been through so much, that if I don't expres my concern I won't sleep well at night (not that I sleep well anyway lol). Please be careful!!! The reason I went over your signature with him is because our crash, updose and hold are very similar. Yes he supports me holding. He says no cutting at least till jaruary and I'm OK with that. I don't like that he put me on gabapentin but what can you do, nobody's perfect.


I would never leave here. LHSG is my home. I was just pointing out how benzo wd can make me feel. I know it's not real and mostly imagined in my head. Benzo's lie to us over and over again. It's like having an unfaithful lover you can get rid of 😏..


My shaky hands didn't last long thank God..I hate those"kinds" of shakes or any kind for that matter lol!  But other then feeling a little fragile I'm functional and feeling overall good. So I won't complain too much about the shakes. No matter how little we cut I don't think we can escape some sxs along the way , it's the nature of the beast unfortunately. 😏

Have a good day VNM , I hope it's kind to you. 🙂.. And can you have your psychiatrist read my sig? I'd love his opinion lol!  ;D


Love to all,

Trish ♥️


Anyway, I'm off to the therapist this morning just to touch base with her.


Val, first you would have to teach him Trishy math 🍎🍎🍎+🍕🍕🍕=💊.    :laugh::D


Aaaaaaahaha yes Mary, Trishy can come and teach him Trishy math. Between Trishy math and me with my forum printing, I hope the nice man doesn't end up on benzos himself!


I'm glad your pain doesn't beat your sense of humor Mary.

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Well, people,


I’m on and have spent almost the entire day on Chewing the Fat discussing how Jana Hill is pushing her agenda again.


If any of you don’t know who she is, join the club. A coward is what I said because I think she is. She now has a member what was here in 2008? (Not sure) speaking for her. That thread seems to be going on forever, and I’m now worn out.


Stut, I do hope that things move along quickly now that the weekend is gone. And I am not going to do a ticker because these sort of things just don’t interest me. If I had a decent recall of all these switches and the way I’m dealing with this crap, I’d just do a regular signature and say “jump,” “done” or whatever I feel like saying.


And no, I haven’t tapered again yet, but these sx are worse than ever after this rather long hold. I’d better  cut again though because I see my doctor on Thursday at 3:30.


There was some talk of cats again. I think it was Olive Kitty and FH. All I can say there is that Olive the kitty looks so much like little Pepper that I’m looking at Pepper when I look at Olive the kitty.


Gads, it’s late here. Luckily, I’ve got that good looking Mexican cooking dinner.


And this iPad says I need to update or back it up or something. I think I can do that cause I save the instructions from a video. Once you get into the settings area of these iPads, it’s confusing.


So tomorrow I need to pay some bills, and do some running around. There’s more.


Mary called and is her usual argumentative self, and Cathy called just to get updated.


Then there the water softener. Matt took a picture of something downstairs where it is. I sure hope I don’t have to pester him to get this done. And I need a phone number from him also.


So on we go.


Hey Intend, I didn't read the Jana Hill posts but I did read the Allison K.  thesis.  Pretty interesting.

I never use to read Chewing the Fat until you talked about it so much.  ;). Hope you have a good day, or best one possible.  Glad Cathy called too.  Love ya, MM 🐱🐾🐾🐾🌹🌹🌹🚂🚂🚂




I too read the Allison K. thesis, but couldn’t find it to read again. It was interesting as you say.


Well, someone else responded on that Chewing the Fat thread by Colin. Oy vey! How it does go on and on.


Looks like Jana Hill does have a sort of “cult” bunch of avid followers still after all these years. Colin is handling it, so I’m going to take my own advice to another of her fanatical followers and SHUT UP for now.


I’m dreading this cut I must make because I need my brain right now. Have to be clear headed and do bills.


Cathy was kind of fun and interesting when she called. Mary was her usual snappy (at me) self. I may have to ask her how to do this picture of pepper and then upload it here.


And those fire sticks. Dan has that whole thing figured out except not for things I want to watch. Can’t seem to get back to my profile so my kind of movie shows up. Once again, ask Mary.


Hope you’re feeling good. You seem and sound good. So are you? Love you. IIII. 🌶 Pepper, me 🌹, Dan 🚂




Here is my response to you that I think you missed. I was wondering how you were feeling.



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Hi everyone. I hope you're all having a better day or you're holding onto the certainty that this is temporary.


Trishy talk about being ignored. I feel ignored by half the members at least, however as long as there are a few who sometimes care about me I'm sticking to this group. I think you have a lot of friends here who always care about you. The shakes suck and I'm so sorry you're feeling like that. Stutt said you were cutting too fast? Maybe listen to her. She's one smart woman.


Olive kitty yes, I do worry about you. My psychiatrist saw how fast you were cutting and he was shaking his head because he says once you've been sensitized like we have, we have to go down extra carefully. Also, let's not forget valiums sneaky lag time. That's what got me in this mess in the first place. That, plus kindling. I know I'm being intrusive but you're so sweet and you've been through so much, that if I don't expres my concern I won't sleep well at night (not that I sleep well anyway lol). Please be careful!!! The reason I went over your signature with him is because our crash, updose and hold are very similar. Yes he supports me holding. He says no cutting at least till jaruary and I'm OK with that. I don't like that he put me on gabapentin but what can you do, nobody's perfect.


I would never leave here. LHSG is my home. I was just pointing out how benzo wd can make me feel. I know it's not real and mostly imagined in my head. Benzo's lie to us over and over again. It's like having an unfaithful lover you can get rid of 😏..


My shaky hands didn't last long thank God..I hate those"kinds" of shakes or any kind for that matter lol!  But other then feeling a little fragile I'm functional and feeling overall good. So I won't complain too much about the shakes. No matter how little we cut I don't think we can escape some sxs along the way , it's the nature of the beast unfortunately. 😏

Have a good day VNM , I hope it's kind to you. 🙂.. And can you have your psychiatrist read my sig? I'd love his opinion lol!  ;D


Love to all,

Trish ♥️


Anyway, I'm off to the therapist this morning just to touch base with her.


Val, first you would have to teach him Trishy math 🍎🍎🍎+🍕🍕🍕=💊.    :laugh::D


Aaaaaaahaha yes Mary, Trishy can come and teach him Trishy math. Between Trishy math and me with my forum printing, I hope the nice man doesn't end up on benzos himself!


I'm glad your pain doesn't beat your sense of humor Mary.


Somedays it's a fight Val, but having bb helps so much  :)

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Morning LHSG


Just a check in, Hope everyone has a Grateful Day. I'm hoping for day 4 at the new dose of the "new tablet" with no wiggling or waffling. LET GO & "Let it Be"... Had "the long talk" with my step-mother and I feel much more gounded.


This is my Feline Fur-Family, Spot. She is 11 years old.





Oh she's beautiful 😍

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Hi Tt,

I have those feelings too. It has to be wd. Plus some dqys I think it is hard for ppl to keep up.  We are all going thtough tubulent tims..see my t's. Lol. Sorry you have thse shakes. I get them too. I hate it. Just dont fo anymore cuts. Your too fragile right now. Hope your therapy appt. Goes well. I always like your posts and thinking of you and everyone here and you too intend. I love your posts. I truly hope you get some relief soon. Be back later just woke up. Love you all ...dd pebbles  :laugh:

Thank you Suzy Q you're a sweetheart. Wd just sucks for all of us, doesn't it uhg 😏


Therapy went well. My therapist told me she won't let me be without a Dr. which is my biggest fear. Something I want to share with the group is she told me to deal with facts not fears.. 🤔 we went over my irrational fears this morning like losing my Dr but that simple statement hit home with me. So from now on when I start to spiral down with my thoughts about what could happen I'm going to remind myself to deal with facts and not fears or what "it's". Hope that can help someone here like it did me.


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Trishy you're very funny  :laugh:


Maybe you could plan a visit to Madrid for a second opinion ;D. Yes, bwd magnifies all our insecurities and fears. I'm glad the shakes have left you. I always wonder if Angela Merkel is in bwd. She's been seen shaking in public a couple times.


Have a good day Trish.

I'd love to come to Madrid. Maybe we could do a two for one session with your psychiatrist he might need the benzos after an hour with the both of us! 😂😘


Now I have to check out Angela Merkel  :laugh:

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Hi everyone. I hope you're all having a better day or you're holding onto the certainty that this is temporary.


Trishy talk about being ignored. I feel ignored by half the members at least, however as long as there are a few who sometimes care about me I'm sticking to this group. I think you have a lot of friends here who always care about you. The shakes suck and I'm so sorry you're feeling like that. Stutt said you were cutting too fast? Maybe listen to her. She's one smart woman.


Olive kitty yes, I do worry about you. My psychiatrist saw how fast you were cutting and he was shaking his head because he says once you've been sensitized like we have, we have to go down extra carefully. Also, let's not forget valiums sneaky lag time. That's what got me in this mess in the first place. That, plus kindling. I know I'm being intrusive but you're so sweet and you've been through so much, that if I don't expres my concern I won't sleep well at night (not that I sleep well anyway lol). Please be careful!!! The reason I went over your signature with him is because our crash, updose and hold are very similar. Yes he supports me holding. He says no cutting at least till jaruary and I'm OK with that. I don't like that he put me on gabapentin but what can you do, nobody's perfect.


I would never leave here. LHSG is my home. I was just pointing out how benzo wd can make me feel. I know it's not real and mostly imagined in my head. Benzo's lie to us over and over again. It's like having an unfaithful lover you can get rid of 😏..


My shaky hands didn't last long thank God..I hate those"kinds" of shakes or any kind for that matter lol!  But other then feeling a little fragile I'm functional and feeling overall good. So I won't complain too much about the shakes. No matter how little we cut I don't think we can escape some sxs along the way , it's the nature of the beast unfortunately. 😏

Have a good day VNM , I hope it's kind to you. 🙂.. And can you have your psychiatrist read my sig? I'd love his opinion lol!  ;D


Love to all,

Trish ♥️


Anyway, I'm off to the therapist this morning just to touch base with her.


Val, first you would have to teach him Trishy math 🍎🍎🍎+🍕🍕🍕=💊.    :laugh::D

Yes can anyone tell me how many slices of pizza + apples I take in Xanax??  :idiot:😂😂


How are you sweet Mary D? I hope you're getting better 🤞.. I'll find out soon I'm trying to catch up on the posts. I hope some better 🙄🙏


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Mary, I did go to Chewing the Fat and read somebody what Colin posted and the subsequent responses.  Very intense but informative.


Intend, you response to what was being posted was well written. You personally had experience with that person.


I really walked away thinking that how we taper and what method we use is very individual.  I feel less stressed that the method I am using is the wrong method and that since it works for me, i will stay with it. 


I kept thinking that because I had symptoms that my method was wrong but I think as DD or maybe Trishy said, we can't avoid symtoms when we are withdrawing.  For me, its managing the intensity of the symtoms that matter.

That's the ticket FH is to try to get your sxs to a minimum and decreased in intensity. That's what I shoot for but I've shot myself in the foot at times trying to do just that. But that's the goal. Not that you'll be sx free but that you'll get to where you can be functional and manage them. 🙂

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Sorry guys if you care. I’ve been tied up all day trying to get things done.


Kind of a losing battle.


I feel like I’m losing my mind. I’m still a member of this group; just can’t contribute much right now.

Hey intend, I care I read all your posts but I get how you feel. I've been in the LHSG for almost a year and a half and I sometimes feel invisible here. Everyone who comes here should not be ignored, but I know largely my posts are going unintentionally missed or sometimes people are too sick to engage, but this group moves fast when it gets going so I think that's how it happens. It sometimes hurts my feelings but I know I'm a little fragile right now with my recent two cuts and my emotions are all over the place.

Anyway, I hope you have a good day you Dan and Pepper. It sounds like you have been busy lately, that's good! I find the busier I am the better, less time to think about this nightmare.

Trish ♥️


Hi Trish.


Yep, posts are being missed by plenty here. Not on purpose. Just because we are all busy, but I don’t doubt that anyone here cares about all of us.


Part of my problem is the time factor. I’m  on mountain time, and many are on eastern time. I do get up very early, but I don’t just “dash” to my iPad to see what’s going on. And that’s why my morning posts show up one right after another.

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