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Mary, I will also be here on Christmas Day when Tim is away. We've just found out that Dave's sister and family are going to her Mum and Dad's house in Wales for Christmas. So I will be here with Dave.

Feel free to message me whenever. Love ya.  Gilly 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱


Awww, thanks GB, I might get a little in the dumps, so I might take you up on that .  That was very sweet.  Love ya GB 💞💕❣️💔💛💖💗💙

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I have a question I get hit with symptoms the day I start my period and it’s rough for a week then the next week get hit even harder and can’t function anyone worse the week after.
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Good morning Begood Cant Heath Mary Trish Miyu Bluepill Gard Free Intend NJ SS TMB Green Deep Nova Barbara Olive Ginger Cally Battle Esperanza Anu Gilly Milli Val Hope Let Off Bry and anyone else here sending you my love and support hopefully today will be a better day for all.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Lady Mary don't get sad my love l know you had a bad day yesterday 😂 but in all seriousness you won't be on your own lots of people can't celebrate Xmas and there will always be someone about.l wish l could come for a visit we would have some craic.

  Chin up my love.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning SS l think you need to hold the holidays are definitely stressful at the best of times so tapering on top just is pushing too far.l think next year is going to be our year.l have hope.

  Love to you my lovely friend.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Gilly that is a quiet Xmas however if my mum were ill l would definitely be away seeing her.The up side is no pressure at all on you so you can do what you want.There is always a plus.

  No l don't watch that show.l see enough dogs lol.l like Paul O'Grady preferred him as Lily Savage.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning lntend l have to say Mary's partner sounds like a nice guy.l wonder how they will get on living together that will be the test.l know this Xmas is going to be tinged with sadness but l do hope you enjoy it.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Well folks another day of rest nausea bad good news headache not as bad.l couldn't drive yet so fingers crossed tomorrow or the next day.l am cautiously optimistic.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Lady Mary don't get sad my love l know you had a bad day yesterday 😂 but in all seriousness you won't be on your own lots of people can't celebrate Xmas and there will always be someone about.l wish l could come for a visit we would have some craic.

  Chin up my love.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X


I will be fine Stut, wish you could come too and bring everyone.  We could all hurt, be shy, shake, and be nervous together  :laugh:  no good China out though  :D not that I have any.  I have early pt, so hoping she can help the shoulder, it's hard to do any exercise without using that shoulder, our dvd's are waiting.  Hope you are feeling better, your posts sound like you are.


Love all of LHSG and hope you have a good morning.  Be back after pt, Mary.....don't forget the train to quiet peaceful places, to pray or just sit with your own thoughts  :)🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂👩🏻‍✈️🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄💥💥☮️🙏🙏


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Morning Lady Mary maybe using the shoulder will loosen it up a bit.Does your pt do any manipulation or just exercises?

  We would be a motley crew no doubt about that it would have to be plastic cups etc and probably bibs for the dribblers 😁.lt would be fun though.l think poor Tim would never come back from his family's especially if that Trish started flirting with him 🤔.

  Love you my Lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Lady Mary maybe using the shoulder will loosen it up a bit.Does your pt do any manipulation or just exercises?

  We would be a motley crew no doubt about that it would have to be plastic cups etc and probably bibs for the dribblers 😁.lt would be fun though.l think poor Tim would never come back from his family's especially if that Trish started flirting with him 🤔.

  Love you my Lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X


She manipulated the hell out of it, then made me do exercises.  She's cruel and I tell her so, she just laughs at me :) she's good and she really does understand how the human skeleton, muscle, tendons all move and act together.  I am sore right now, but usually feel better the next day.

I told you Tim can be shy around women in social situations he doesn't know, Trishy would cause him to run :laugh: :laugh:  I miss her, will be glad when she posts again.  I know she's busy.

Are you feeling any better?  I believe you do, you just like that Dr making house calls  :D. Damn, how many of us get house calls.  Love you my Queen 💚💚💚💚🎄🎄🎄🎁🐕🐶🐾🐾💥💥💥 Lady Mary

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Sure I'm lovely l am a delight to come and see Lady Mary 😎.He comes and has a coffee and a bit of craic.l am nowhere near as bad headache wise still nauseous and dizzy still aiming for Sunday.

  I know your pt is cruel my love but she is right.No pain no gain.You gotta feel it or you are wasting your time.

  Tim is a gentleman he isn't used to those brazen hussys.l think we will keep Trish well away from him 😲.

  Now Lady Mary l suppose it is valium nap time so you curl up on that comfy settee give my little pal Sly a snuggle and drift off.Try not to drool.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Sure I'm lovely l am a delight to come and see Lady Mary 😎.He comes and has a coffee and a bit of craic.l am nowhere near as bad headache wise still nauseous and dizzy still aiming for Sunday.

  I know your pt is cruel my love but she is right.No pain no gain.You gotta feel it or you are wasting your time.

  Tim is a gentleman he isn't used to those brazen hussys.l think we will keep Trish well away from him 😲.

  Now Lady Mary l suppose it is valium nap time so you curl up on that comfy settee give my little pal Sly a snuggle and drift off.Try not to drool.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X


I will do my best not to drool, but can make no promises  :laugh:  You rest, drone overhead ::)

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Hi Stut, it isn't as you think with Dave's Mum when you say you would be visiting her for Christmas. If Dave went there for Christmas then he would have to leave me here on my own. He's not so mean as to do that. He wants to see his Mum and so he is going tomorrow or Sunday. So he is doing his best for everyone. There is no way I could go to Wales and stay over. I am still knackered up a week after seeing Rebecca. Hope that clarifies the situation.


I love Paul O' Grady with the dogs, though I am more of a cat person. I still like dogs though. I would have a Golden Retriever if I could choose. But this house is only big enough for a Chihuahua!


I really hope that you feel well enough to drive tomorrow, especially if you still have things to do. You have such a busy life. I think you're amazing to do everything you do.


Lots of Love.  Gilly xxx  🐶🐩🐱🐺🐹

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No Gilly l don't know if it is you or me we keep getting our wires crossed l meant if l was Dave's sister l would be away seeing my mum lol.

  I find keeping busy is what works for me l can not cope with being stuck in the house.To be honest with you my symptoms are the same no matter where l am so l may as well be out and about.That is just me.l know it isn't the same for everyone.

  I think it will be Sunday before l can drive home but it is definitely a wait and see thing.l won't stress about it whatever will be will be.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Lady Mary did you have a drone over Gatwick airport yesterday by any chance?I hope not l wouldn't like to see you going to prison.l would miss you.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Hi Mary. Hope your physio has loosened you up and that you feel better for having had it soon enough. No pain, no gain is exactly right.


Bad times over here. I am hardly functioning. What a good job Dave's parents aren't coming. I couldn't be changing duvets and cleaning everywhere. Been in bed all day. Still in bed but at least I'm doing something now. Dave has his football on the tv soon so he will be happy enough.


Hope we all feel better soon. Love, Gilly xxx 🐶🐩🐱🐹🐴🐷 (I like animals and so these are my replacement for hearts. I will put my old computer on sometime so I can send you lots of hearts....)

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Stut, So sorry if I misunderstood you. I only have half a brain at the moment. I just got a Christmas card from my ex mother-in-law. I did send her one. It got me thinking about the old days and that is fatal!


Yes, we do what we can, but I want to have a good time with Dave on Tuesday, otherwise he might as well have gone to Wales. So I'm chilling. Feel better than I did an hour ago.


Gosh, I just treated myself with the Amazon voucher that my Mum gave me the other day. I got a sort of bean bag to put over my eyes when I am doing my meditation. It is full of seeds and lavender and it is stinking the room out! Lol! I will have to keep it in a plastic box from when we have a Chinese takeaway. I am so classy!


Love, Gilly xxx 🐶🐩🐱🐹🐴🐷

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HI MiYu,

Saw from your recent posts that great success you have had -- 10%!!-- and that you have needed to slow down ( or hold?)

I wonder if the supplements aren't working as well? 

In the meantime though 10%... that must feel so great!

We'll crawl our way to the finish line -- in a gracious fashion.

:smitten: :smitten:



Hi SS,  :smitten:

It does seem that the supplements aren't having quite the same effect , or it could be that , because i had hardly tapered anything in the 8 months prior, I had a bit of a head start . I don;t know , time will tell

Over all I do feel better . stronger , still. But my nervous system is suffering feeling destabilized again , which I can only assume is from the benzo cuts


I had so hoped to be able to continue with a faster taper  but not yet apparantly!


I am holding now til after Christmas as I hope to at least have a few friends over during the holidays. If my nervous system is not happy , it'll be hard to enjoy anything.


I wanted to ask you , when you first cut your benzo too fast , did you feel like your nervous system was destabilized?  And did it settle down over your long hold?


How are you doing now, after the cutting back on the X ?

YOu seem to be doing ofrom the posts I've read. Hope it continues!!


much love,

MiYu :smitten: :smitten:



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Lady Mary did you have a drone over Gatwick airport yesterday by any chance?I hope not l wouldn't like to see you going to prison.l would miss you.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X



Lol, lol.  no, I try hard not to be flying in places I might be arrested.  I don't think the government is following you so I'm not following them.

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Hi Mary. Hope your physio has loosened you up and that you feel better for having had it soon enough. No pain, no gain is exactly right.


Bad times over here. I am hardly functioning. What a good job Dave's parents aren't coming. I couldn't be changing duvets and cleaning everywhere. Been in bed all day. Still in bed but at least I'm doing something now. Dave has his football on the tv soon so he will be happy enough.


Hope we all feel better soon. Love, Gilly xxx 🐶🐩🐱🐹🐴🐷 (I like animals and so these are my replacement for hearts. I will put my old computer on sometime so I can send you lots of hearts....)


I love animals too GBlossom, prob more than colorful hearts.  Glad Dave is there with you.  She worked on me pretty hard so I am sore but that goes away a lot the day after.  I'm hoping Tim gets off early today.  I know they are there sitting doing nothing so my fingers are crossed  :D. All I have left to do is wrap his presents .  You have a good evening girlfriend, luv ya, Mary. 💜💖❣️❤️💙💚🐶🦄🐰🦉🐕☮️🙏

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Morning SS l think you need to hold the holidays are definitely stressful at the best of times so tapering on top just is pushing too far.l think next year is going to be our year.l have hope.

  Love to you my lovely friend.

  Love and hugs Stut X

G'Morning Stut,

I hope that the nausea has eased some?  Are you home yet?  I do so hope that this next year is your year to be off this stuff completely!  Wouldn't that be the best thing to have happen!!!!  I'm hoping for you.

I just seem to be skimming a bit off the top each day -- I'm so tired of it all.  But I'm not pushing myself beyond any reasonable limits.  It's just there are days with little going on as well as the days of socializing.  I always try to make use of the down times to taper a wee bit.

Thanks for your concern for all of us here you fabulous being!

Love to you






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Stut, So sorry if I misunderstood you. I only have half a brain at the moment. I just got a Christmas card from my ex mother-in-law. I did send her one. It got me thinking about the old days and that is fatal!


Yes, we do what we can, but I want to have a good time with Dave on Tuesday, otherwise he might as well have gone to Wales. So I'm chilling. Feel better than I did an hour ago.


Gosh, I just treated myself with the Amazon voucher that my Mum gave me the other day. I got a sort of bean bag to put over my eyes when I am doing my meditation. It is full of seeds and lavender and it is stinking the room out! Lol! I will have to keep it in a plastic box from when we have a Chinese takeaway. I am so classy!


Love, Gilly xxx 🐶🐩🐱🐹🐴🐷


Takeaway, we call them to go's,  :D. I love learning how you say things ;D

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