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Ups and downs. Had a month long window from end of September until 24th of October. Another one from 13th Dec until 24th of January.


Wave at the end of Oct was rough. Some difficult ones early November too. Then they got a little bit milder and I'd have a few days window a few days wave. Almost always evening windows.


This first week of wave since 24th Jan has been intense but not as bad, I think, as in October. Small silver lining.


I know i am healing. My windows are great. I was happy for a full almost 6 weeks. It can just be hard to see when you go back into a wave even if it's a slightly milder wave than before.

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You've had some incredible windows, that's fantastic but I can't imagine the letdown you felt when you entered another wave.  You've got to be getting close.
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Thanks Pam!


Yes it was devastating. I cried hysterically. During November and early December, sure I hated the waves and they got me down, but it was usually like 4-5 days window 4-5 days wave, and they weren't usually quite so bad. So when a wave came in, it was disappointing but I took it as part of the process I was on, and I got the sense that the waves were getting a little bit more manageable every time.


But the first week or two when you go into a wave from a long window, you're pretty inconsolable!


However silver lining (so far at least) is that this wave seems to be milder than when I entered a wave from a long window last time. And the long window was longer. So hopefully these are positives.


You're much appreciated Pam

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I can fully understand how the waves feel like you have been punched after being in a window.  I like to look at a wave as my CNS is going into another healing overdrive and I am one step closer to recovery.  I think so many of us have learned about patience and acceptance through this recovery.  Congrats on your healing thus far!
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I can fully understand how the waves feel like you have been punched after being in a window.  I like to look at a wave as my CNS is going into another healing overdrive and I am one step closer to recovery.  I think so many of us have learned about patience and acceptance through this recovery.  Congrats on your healing thus far!



This is a very helpful thought when the wave comes back after feeling better. A “healing event” or like a deep sea diver going back down to the bottom to find buried treasure. It helps to re-frame this scary wave feelings for me.

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Thanks guys. I try and tell myself that, but do we know it's the case? Do we know that a wave after a window constitutes going into healing or repair?


My wave began on the 24th and I seemed to only last in earnest for 2-3 days. I still don't feel returned back to my 6 week window baseline, but if the wave doesn't return in the next week I'm going it as a win and proof of healing.

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