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Diazepam and hypersexual


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Since switching from 0.5 clonaz to diaz 4mg I take at night with mirtaz and Zopiclone and feel very sexual urges but would fall asleep. Reduced diaz to 3  sexual urges awful all night and cant climax. Goes on for hours  I cant lay still uts awful driving me crazy. I dread nights. Or I fall asleep only to wake feeling sexual urges. Told my psych. She said it wouldnt do this....but it has!!!! I never had this issue with clonaz. I cant take much more I'm 71 and dont need this at my age. A drug did this to ne before. She says to reduce Diaz 1mg a month but it will get worse and I'm at end of tether. Or I can go back on clonaz...was in 3 years. Anyone had this issue and what did you do.
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Hi Basten


I am sorry the  psychiatrist was quick to dismiss this symptom, I guess its hard for anyone to understand, unless they have gone through it!      Quite a few people have reported this symptom.  It will get easier I promise you.  I know you must be weary of this process but “the only way out is through”  As tough as withdrawal is, its temporary you will get better.


I found this thread, you might like to check it out.






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Oh wow yes hyper sexual is awful and it's getting me down at 71!!! 

I've sent you a message asking how you tapered 15ng liquid mirtaz,? Sorry i find navigation around here hard

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A similar thing happened to me when weaning diazepam. It was a very uncomfortable and disgusting type of hypersexual feeling that would also wake me up in the night. It literally made me want to rip my dick off and scream. I've had this feeling outside of w/d when I was young watching a movie where this big disgusting woman jumps on top of a man and starts humping him and he can't escape. It was a comedy but it produced a similar feeling to when you're watching someone get tortured in a movie and it makes you internally cringe imagining yourself in that situation, except the feeling is in your dick.


It should pass with time and be replaced by another symptom soon enough. Particularly as you lower your doses the symptoms should begin to change, they did in my case. Tips on dealing with it is mostly just meditation. This applies to most of the symptoms when trying to sleep. During withdrawal I got very good at clearing my mind or focusing my attention onto something positive. For example I would loop positive music in my head, what worked best was music on the radio I hadn't listened to much before, this is because if I used songs I was more familiar with there was some sort of personal emotion attached to it which can become pretty intense in w/d. If you can find something generic and uplifting that makes you feel good try looping that in your head. You could also imagine a time in your life when you were really happy and sink into that fantasy. I also move my foot in a repetitive motion to focus my attention elsewhere on my body and it would help to tire me out. I particularly do this when feeling restless and instead of my whole body wanting to move I transfer it to my foot. As soon as you feel it starting to happen you need to physically try and make it calm.. idk how to explain doing this, basically just don't tense at all down there if that makes sense?


The only other thing I can think that might have helped me was cannabis or my antidepressant agomelatine which helps me sleep. Most likely the cannabis if either of those. Cannabis has helped every single symptom of mine to some degree. The only downside I found was it can intensify specific feelings of anxiety and DP/DR. It's also up for debate whether it prevents healing, I think there's even some evidence to suggest it promotes healing. Probably a bit of both. When it came to meditating and sinking into fantasy the weed did most of the job for me.


Good luck old bugger and I'm so sorry you're dealing with this shit in your golden years.

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Hi thanks for explaining all that. I told psych since going onto diaz from clonaz felt randy and since reducing 1mg itscworse but she says it wouldnt do this. I felt alone and yes in my old age onnown I dont want or need. Even happens in day .

Yes at night leg starts restless whole body head rolling cant ataybstill. Try to switch off but crazy urges . Yes if mine was a dick I'd feel like ripping it off.


I was on agomelatine. But went back on Mirtaz wish I hadnt. I was worried as ago you have to have regular liver tests.


Yes my son a weeder. !!! He says that will help but I concerned it will react. I cant smoke due to bad acid makes it burn worse  .Last time I had some I was feeling ok and it just made me laugh and talkative for 10 mins.

I know what you mean re apathy depression. Since cut to 2 5bdiaz became agrophobic more pain aggressive crying lethargic.


I also now still on Zopiclone 2 half years mirtaz 16 months.

My psych doesnt believe half what I say. Seen another and he says I have personality disorder and doubts he can help ad since 40s had stacks meds ballooned felt iill stopped etc.


I dont know if weed answer but son likes itvweekends to chill and sleep.  My brains already screwed with pain anxiety re reducing tryingbstop meds. I cant go out even ifvwanted and broken hip. I just feel the urges starting and say oh no please no not again.


At the moment I have huge digestive issues made worse since cutting. Whole insides feel inflamed.  Your comment re old buggar made me smile. I never gave old age a thought when young but suddenly wham!! So I hope you get clean and well if young cos it creeps up. I wish I'd never seen a drug. I was alcoholic but quit 2000. Easier than this shit.

I think I've hit tolerance with diaz and zop and my anastgetic for op set me back.

Also get aggressive on top and that's shit too.

Thanks for saying all that  I will try meditate on a happy past . Its very hard to switch brain .

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Ps good for you quitting cigs they are killers. My son wont listen  Seb 2 people die from COPD and one on way out  . My breathing git bad so I quit.


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Oh wow yes hyper sexual is awful and it's getting me down at 71!!! 

I've sent you a message asking how you tapered 15ng liquid mirtaz,? Sorry i find navigation around here hard



I did a slow taper with sugarfree Mirtazapine  liquid, I used an oral syringe,  using same method as with my Valium taper 10% every 2 weeks. :thumbsup:






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  • 3 weeks later...

My UK mirtaz liquid has sorbitol and ethanol.

10% you say every 2 weeks. 15mg ="1ml.

If I fill right up to 1ml (15mg) and push plunger down to 0.9ml Mark just below is that 10%? Do for 3 weeks then push plunger to 0.8%  I know you cant give taper plans no allowed but hope you could say yes or no to above.


By the way my GP has told me to go back on 0.5 clin as so I'll on diaz and burns all through my back urges awful .she said until hip better and seen GI. then try diaz again but I cant go through it the urges all night leg thrashing violently and reacting to foods bad . I have tried to post a question re how do I taper 0.5 clonaz dry

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