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Ambien withdrawal


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Hi, I was suffering from insomnia and was prescribed Ambien 10mg in 2015. I managed to get the dosage down to 5mg per night, but in the past year, I have had quite a lot of insomnia. Also, anger and sometimes suicidal thoughts when I cant sleep. I increased the dose to 7.5mg, but it didnt help much. Recently, my sleep is worse, sometimes awake from 1am til 5am, its awful, I also have Lyme disease and insomnia is often a symptom of that. The GP said she could give me a stronger medication, but I dont want it! I would love to get off this drug, as I think it could me making my mental symptoms worse. Thanks all so very much.
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Hello Ambienna, welcome to BenzoBuddies,


We are glad to have you as a member of our community!  It does happen for many of us that benzos and Z-drugs such as Ambien quit working and start to cause more problems than they seem to help.  I am glad you aren't opting for anything stronger!  You body will learn to sleep naturally in time if you allow it.


We support a slow taper to minimize symptoms, reducing your daily dose by no more than 5-10% every two weeks or so.  This link has taper plans you can review:


Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper Plans)


We have a support group for Ambien that you can access here:


Z-drug Withdrawal Support Group


Look around and get settled in and let us know how we can help.


Best and again, welcome






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