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Couple days shy of 17 months, but is it a milestone or not?


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I've been tricked by my body quite a few times throughout this withdrawal process, at 8 months and then again at 12 months. But I'm having a pretty good window and I'm wondering if maybe it's my last because I'm at 17 months just about.


I quit taking all my other prescription meds other than propanolol, and I've been off of them for a while. I will probably quit taking propranolol soon but I want to know I'm out of my benzo withdrawal first.


Has anyone else got into the 17 month mark That's reading this? I'm just wondering if this is going to be a long window, even though most people have different time frames. Maybe if there's a consensus of many people at 17 months that felt pretty much healed, that would be a more of a sure sign.

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I hate writing posts that are not uplifting, but I am 20 months off the waves came still coming. I am not saying this to scare you, and this may not be your reality; but you still may have waves...so prepare yourself just in case. I am trying to be more accepting, and doing what I can to help my body recover.
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Thanks for the response, yeah I'm hoping that I don't get hit with any big waves anymore. I'm not completely healed by any means, but each day recently has been pretty low-key and the only time I feel like I'm having a way of this if I go for a walk and I see people, because I still have horrible agoraphobia. And my body is super sensitive.


But I'm not sitting around in my room having paranoia and vibrating and burning up anymore. Now the most anxiety I will get is if I try to cook something in a toaster oven or chop up vegetables, basically performance anxiety.


But earlier I went for a walk and there was quite a few people out there with their dogs, and it felt like I was going to have a panic / seizure or something. So I guess my body is super sensitive right now.


Also part of the problem is I just quit taking primidone, a barbituate. It's only been a couple weeks so I'm not healed from that yet either. But hopefully I don't have to wait 20 months like you did before not having waves. The quicker the better before I heal.

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I too am just at 16months off. After 7 years of tapering, I truly understand what you are describing. I am in a huge wave right now, Have been for about 12 weeks - most likely brought on by the stress of surgery, healing and the PT that goes with it. However, as yucky as this is, I must say that I have noticed over the last year that I can actually carry on a conversation and remember what was said. I was so afraid that this is new me, just reading several of these post has renewed my hope that this too will pass and this is not the real me.

This benzo journey has and is teaching so much. I appreciate the most basic of things, like being able to brush my teeth, get dressed, be in a room with a few other people. Cooking a simple dinner for family, washing clothes and remember how to. driving myself to the store and then actually grocery shopping.

One day soon we will look out and see the blue sky, feel the blue sky, respond with continued joy with the holiday seasons and look forward to celebrating with others.

Yes, hun, we will heal and live life more fully than we ever imagined.  :smitten:

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That's a really long taper, I'm glad that you have been off of them for 16 months. I got off of mine July 14th last year and it has been hell Non-Stop. I've also been stuck in a wave, going on about two months now.


I had to move and then go to the dentist and then the dermatologist and I have x-rays on Friday and I've got injuries as well, my shoulder is doing really bad. Maybe injuries make us worse.


I'm pretty sure the dentist and fillings and numbing stuff that they put in my gums when they did the fillings, I'm pretty sure that set me back a little bit. And somehow I tore a tendon I believe, so I'm pretty sure that set me back a little too.


And I keep hoping that I will be healed within the first 22 months like most people, and that I won't be one of those long term scenarios like some people. Maybe we will both heal around the same time in the near future, that would be great.


I don't want to suffer for a long time, or any longer I should say because it's already been a long time.

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