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Jordan Peterson, take 2, let's stay on point, please


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you do a biopsy for melanoma, and then a histopathology screen to look for malignant cells. theres a biological test for the disease presence, thats the point. that means its biologically constructed. not socially. theres no biological foundations to mental illness, its PURE social construct. Theres whole textbooks on this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Myth_of_Mental_Illness. and thats not a laymen book, thats a foundational textbook for psychology and psychiatry. the profession openly acknowledges this. its astonishing you dont know what im talking about when you say your not a laymen. you certainly sound like one.


Thomas Szasz, the author of The Myth of Mental Illness, and his relationship with CCHR (Scientology):




In 1969, Szasz and the Church of Scientology co-founded the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) to oppose involuntary psychiatric treatments. Szasz served on CCHR's Board of Advisors as Founding Commissioner.[32] In the keynote address at the 25th anniversary of CCHR, Szasz stated, "We should all honor CCHR because it is really the organization that for the first time in human history has organized a politically, socially, internationally significant voice to combat psychiatry. This has never been done in human history before."[33]


In a 2009 interview aired by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Szasz explained his reason for collaborating with CCHR and lack of involvement with Scientology:


    Well I got affiliated with an organisation long after I was established as a critic of psychiatry, called Citizens Commission for Human Rights, because they were then the only organisation and they still are the only organisation who had money and had some access to lawyers and were active in trying to free mental patients who were incarcerated in mental hospitals with whom there was nothing wrong, who had committed no crimes, who wanted to get out of the hospital. And that to me was a very worthwhile cause; it's still a very worthwhile cause. I no more believe in their religion or their beliefs than I believe in the beliefs of any other religion. I am an atheist, I don't believe in Christianity, in Judaism, in Islam, in Buddhism and I don't believe in Scientology. I have nothing to do with Scientology.[34]


Make what you will of Szasz's attempt to explain his involvement with CCHR. But - at best - it demonstrates a lack of critical thinking skills.


I also point to the reviews of Szasz ideas by Robert Evan Kendell and Edward Shorter detailed at the same Wiki page:


Kendell - (former) Chief Medical Officer of Scotland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Szasz#Kendell's_views


Shorter - historian of psychiatry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Szasz#Shorter's_views


It is beyond unpersuasive to use the very old, and highly discredited ideas of someone deeply involved with Scientology's efforts to outlaw psychiatric practice (and to, incidentally, replace it with their own therapeutic practices: Dianetics).


this is classic guilt by association. he wasnt even a Scientologist and he distanced himself from them.


this is exactly how education at university works. they teach landmark controversial issues within the field and than you decide for yourself. what, you think they dont teach freud cause his ideas were discredited. or semmelweiss, or Jung or any of the thousands of doctors who created controversy in the field. this is the whole point of university, they 'teach the controversy'! they dont tell you what to think, are u crazy, thats straight indoctrination. They teach you to think for yourself and than show you all the points in favor and points against, all the critics etc. The myth of mental illness like many critics of medicine, raised valid points. He wasn't "debunked", thats like saying freud was "debunked" therefore why bother teaching about him, hes so fringe. Hes foundational to understanding psychology.


They teach Freud, Semmelweis and Jung because some of their ideas are still valid. Szasz's never were.


wrong. i demonstrated that as well. check the record.

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