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So awhile back I was worried about hair dye setting me back. Tried it  and didn't feel like it did any harm. Now I have another worry only because I've been feeling bad since I've started using Head and Shoulders shampoo more often. Is it just me or could this have set me back. I've got horrible head symptoms come on with a vengeance and I can't help but think the shampoo is the cause. Anybody here have set backs with a certain shampoo? Thanks in advance.
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Hello there- wow, that's a new one on me. I've never been a fan of head and shoulders myself, mainly because of the smell, but I wonder if it's that which is setting you off? I've only been off the bennies for a couple of months, but I notice that certain smells can really set me off. Think it's just the over-excited senses miscommunicating to the brain, but my ex-wife had something similar when she was pregnant. Certain smells that she was fine with for years suddenly made her feel really sick, and that was again just a case of the brain misreading communications from the senses. Think it's probably true with tastes and all the other ones too. Definitely not saying you should test this by drinking the head and shoulders, mind!  :laugh:
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Even before WD I never used stiff like that.

Why would anyone put these horrible chemicals on their bodies.

They are full of parabens etc. They are poison.

Many things also contain forms of alcohol that might effect you on WD.

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I use ‘natural’ stuff and still end up reacting to it at times during waves. Have to switch to unscented products at times as I get very sensitive to even natural essential oils, foods too. I had very bad dandruff issues during my taper at one point and really liked this product on Amazon. It worked really well for me. Thought I would share just in case.




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During my taper and for about 2 years afterwards I was very sensitive to smells. Had to change my laundry detergent, bath soap, shampoo. I spent quite a while in the shampoo/body wash section of the local health food store, sniffing things in order to find something that didn't make me feel ill. I found a laundry detergent without a scent also. It seems this is a common phenomenon among us. I'm not so bad now . . . but it's still trial and error.


I think things will get better for you. In the meantime . . .you may have to put things to the sniff test!





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Oh, and my sensitivity extended to food, also. I couldn't tolerate the smell of garlic on the pizza from my favorite pizza joint, or sharp cheddar cheese. Or the taste of tomato sauce. (Tomatoes were okay, the sauce, nope). Aaargh. My diet was pretty bland for awhile. But, as I said, that all faded.


Best to you,



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Lots of shampoos contain sodium cocyl glutamate and other glutamate ingredients. They also contain other things like hydrolyzed protein which also contains free glutamate. A lot of people can be sensitive to fragrances aswell. I just use plain castile soap which I bought from a soap making shop as my shampoo. No fragrances or anything and it works good for me. I have lots of sensitivites so I have to be careful about hygiene products and the food I eat
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