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Would u rather be blind or live with derealization?


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I hope this is not a medical situation you are facing. I am so sorry to see you have all the sxs that qualify you to know the torture of derealizaton (and then some). I have many of the same sxs but still have hope (if I can endure) that given time, this will get better. I hope and pray the same for you.     


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Didn't mean to scare people.


Not a medical situation I'm facing. I just often walk around supermarkets and nature and get super depressed at derealization so I often close my eyes and wonder this question. Wondering if anyone else's mind wanders there too

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Potential Trigger:


I use thought experiments like that all the time to explain my situation to others. I'll say something like: if you gave me the choice to X,Y, and Z (all of which are horrible beyond belief, an example might be: amputation of the leg without anesthesia, having all my teeth pulled out at once, followed by a year in prison), I would take that choice over this experience without hesitation.


But I also don't know what it's like to have those things happen in such an extreme manner. I've noticed that whatever symptom is bothering me the most, is the worst symptom, and I'll say "if only this will go away" and then it does, and the next one will be the worst symptom ever and I'll think "if only this will go away."


I wonder if we asked someone who had lost their sight, and who was distraught over that (since I don't want to assume blind people are all just mired in depression, many seem to thrive): but anyway, if we asked them if they would rather have that sight lost forever, and all that means for enjoying the life you once lived, or go through what we were going through for (hopefully) a period of time, what they would say? And of course, their answer would not mean much, since they don't know what it's like for us.


I know there are people who have lost their sight and have benzo withdrawal, sometimes because of Benzo Withdrawal. I guess they would be the ones to know.


I don't know if these kind of thoughts (for myself) or ways of explaining things to those who don't know (my family) are helpful are not. But they pass the time.


There is no doubt that if Acute Benzo Withdrawal lasted for the entirety of your life, nearly anything else would be preferable. But there are many types of pain that people could not endure for a truly extended period of time. In some ways, we aren't as alone as we think. Though it sure feels that way.



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Good perspective as usual Quiet..


Not sure if I would take the accident and its permanent injury over the medication issues.. Both are kinda out there and beyond all logic, imo..??


I guess I would have to ask myself AFTER Im healed from medication to get a true perspective...


Food for thought though...

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Four months ago i had a stroke caused by bwd, medically verified that bwd is the cause. It took my sight. I am slowly recovering it as well as coping with brutal sxs. I  would take derealisstion over blindness any time.
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I'm really fine with derealization. I probably never had your level of derealization then. It's the terror that I can barely handle. Derealization I found uncomfortable but not something I couldn't live with. We're all different on how different symptoms affect us and maybe I never had the intensity of your derealization, though in summer I wondered often if I was really doing all these things, I was so out of reality. I just felt like I was on acid and on a bad trip. But the terror is unbearable for me, and I "only" went down to 0.80, I didn't even come off this time, although severely kindled and finished lexapro at the same time. But the terror is insane. I know I couldn't have done that for long. I wouldn't rather be blind though, because withdrawal is supposed to be temporary or at least it is for most people.
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