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Hair-trigger gut issues keep derailing brief tiny hopeful progress


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The short version:


My gastrointestinal system has never known as much distress as it has in the past 3-4 months.  Thanks withdrawal!


I’m waiting for endoscopy results but this isn’t about potential celiac or whatever, this is withdrawal.


I’m writing because I wonder if any of you have dealt with this, and if you have suggestions.


Here in month 10 I’m in many ways significantly more miserable than in month 2.  It’s brutal.  Part of it is that the smallest thing will set my stomach off - emotions, quite simple non-irritating (I thought) foods, etc.  And I don’t even know what the specific triggers are there. I wonder if it is even really traceable to stimuli like these, and would have happened regardless of what I ate or thought or did. 


I will start to feel somewhat less abysmal - I can’t call it a window - and maybe that lasts 30 hours, maybe it lasts 12, and then oops, running to the bathroom.  Which sounds to the layperson like “that’s unpleasant,” but beyond that (and the hemorrhoids) it’s so much crueler than that.  I instantly feel worse throughout my body, and my mood just plummets.


I was so excited for a true day off today, I’d been celebrating a recent modest increase in stamina, I was going to do fun things here in NYC and be spontaneous.


It now feels silly to have hoped.


I’ll end it here before I get any more self pitying.  Greatly appreciate any thoughts.

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Sorry to hear you're suffering like this, I'm 21 months off and have had severe gut issues since i jumped, I've had brief windows where it dissipates but now I'm in yet another setback and it's back with a vengeance, horrible pain like a constant gnawing hunger pain, gas and nausea, just awful. Sometimes warm milk soothes it but it's very persistent. I put it down to the zillions if gaba receptors in the gut that are clearly not healed. Hope it eases for you soon.
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I have the same problems. So much so that I have lost 20 lbs. I went and bought some meal replacement shakes.


I wonder if something like tylenol or advil would help???

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I'll be 9 months off in two days and still having severe gut issues. I have to eat every couple of hours due to pain. I have to get up several times during the night to eat. It's benzo belly plus ibs plus severe burning nerve pain on steroids. The pain radiates into my back, butt and thighs. And my intestines are dead. There's never an urge to go to the bathroom. It just sits there and everything gets backed up. And my gut is hypersensitive to most foods and all meds/supplements so I can't take anything to get things moving. I'm getting desperate.
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  I am on a family vacation right now, and everyone is roasting s’mores. I’ve been heaving and turning green all week. It seems like for no reason. I’m about 6 months out. I take zofran and phenergan when it gets really bad. I’m so sorry you guys have this too.
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Hi 88keys,


I am the same at 8.5 months off.  Severe daily nausea/GI issues since tolerance, throughout the taper and jumping with the exception of a couple weeks.  My constant anxiety and any other emotions just make it worse.  Not sure if the anxiety is creating the nausea or if the nausea is creating the anxiety.  I wish I had some advice.  I just wanted you to know that you are not alone.     

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I've had gut issues for all my life almost 10 years. But last year after taking benzos they have flared up soo much like never before

8.5 months and my inestines are burning and I'm having blood. Benzos have caused soo much mysery.

I think benzos disturb every organ of the body and tose that have issues prior to benzos mess up after taking benzos.

Sorry to hear that you are also suffering.


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