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Constantly dehydrated / weird skin problems


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Hi everyone,


I'm about 12-13 months out and am feeling constantly dehydrated every day and wondering if this is normal. My lips are badly chapped to the point where it hurts to eat, and even though I drink water all day at work as my primary beverage, it takes a lot more than usual for me to feel like I'm properly hydrated. This seems to occur more often for any days involving a lot of stress.


On top of that, I keep getting these weird red bumps on my skin that look like flea bites even though I'm not in a household that has a flea problem.


Is this part of the WD? Anyone else dealing with this and have any tips?



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Yes, all kinds of things can happen. During withdrawal I developed a rash on my skin - red blotches - that itched and burned. I hid the areas it was in because it looked embarrassing. But a good portion of it was on my hands. I itched so badly that there were flakes of skin on the couch. In time, it went away. The benzos affect our immune systems, so that's part of it.


And, YES, dehydration is a part of it also. When you're stressful, it happens more.

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Have you tried bumping up your electrolytes? I wonder if you are drinking so much water that you are lowering your sodium, potassium, etc., levels? I had a period when I was drinking too much water. That lowered my electrolytes which then caused me to not retain as much water.



Oh, and I have really dry patches of skin on my face. Never had this before.


Edit: additional info.

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Skin issues are a pain in the butt. I stood in a room where a family member opened a new mattress the other day and the smell nearly knocked me on my arse and then it was pointed out that my face had come out in red blotches. The joys of recovery
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Same issue I drink a gallon of water aday still thirsty. Skin burns. Skins flakes. I put lip balm on every hour still dry face feels chapped. If I just walk to the mail box my skin feels like pins and needles if I rub or scratch out comes the red bumps and hives. Can’t handle anything heat related. Took a hot bath 3 weeks ago and was on fire all-night
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