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Want to live a better life


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I've been struggling with benzo misuse for about a year. It started with xanax and klonopin for anxiety and insomnia, then some ambien... soon I made the terrible mistake of discovering research chemicals like clonazolam and flubromazepam. I have become a person I no longer like, respect, or even recognize. I overdosed for the last time in February, and have been on a medically supervised taper of 1 mg klonopin nightly since then, and will stop at the end of the month. The insomnia is terrible, the guilt is haunting, reality sober is daunting, but I no longer want to live like this--I want to respect myself again. I'm on this forum because I would like to know about other peoples' experiences and successes, and hopefully--as I recover--contribute in a meaningful way. Thanks for being a resource for people going through this--benzos are unlike any other drug, and it's hard to find people in real life that can relate and empathize with the effects, withdrawls, and struggle to get clean.
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Hello amor-fati :hug: Welcome to Benzobuddies!


We are very glad you joined our community. We can help you with support, encouragement and taper/withdrawal information.  Benzodiazepines should be tapered off slow, In general it’s advised to cut your daily dose by somewhere between 5% and 10% every 10 - 14 days.  It’s okay to go slower, listen to your body, whatever feels comfortable,  the aim is to try to keep symptoms manageable.


You will find some very valuable support and information on the forum.  Our members are happy to share their personal experiences with you and support you.. Please feel free to browse the boards and post questions to any of the dedicated threads.


We have dedicated boards for people dealing with Anxiety and Insomnia. I'll leave you links so you can connect with others who can offer some ideas and tips to help with sleep.


Insomnia    Anxiety     


I would suggest that you familiarise yourself with the Ashton Manual, It is a great resource for understanding the effect benzo’s have on our body.  It provides tapering and withdrawal information and includes a list of common symptoms 


I'll leave you a few links:


The Ashton Manual

Withdrawal Support

General Taper Plans


Please take time to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice.  Go to the top of the page and select PROFILE then choose forum profile then insert drug history into the text box and remember to click change profile


Welcome aboard



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Welcome, Amor!


You will find your self-respect again.  You will earn it during benzo withdrawal.  May your healing commence.


SaraSue  :smitten:



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