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Constant Racing thoughts/Thinking and worrying


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Hi Everyone,


When did you notice the racing thoughts about withdrawal start to subside.  I am a little over 2 months off a fast taper of clonazepam.  I suffered from generalized anxiety before this and every waking second is focused on withdrawal for the past month or so.  A few symptoms have gone away which I am grateful for.  The anxiety I am feeling is all mental without a physical response (no heart palpitations).  My thoughts feel "loud" in my head and not smooth like they once were.  I'm worried I am stuck like this but I'm sure it's just the withdrawal brain telling me that. 


When my mind catches me not obsessively thinking it brings me right back.


Is there anything I can start doing to help me through this or do I just need to stick it out.  Anxiety and racing thoughts are my only two symptoms right now.  I don't know if I am still in acute or not at this point.

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Seems like acute has passed for you.  I still have racing thoughts about w/d.  The thoughts start to "smooth" out I would say and you'll start to realize there's a bigger world going on around you.  At least that is what's happening with me.  It also helps if you're out interacting with said world.  My racing thoughts are becoming less as I get involved in other areas of my life.  Do you notice a windows/waves pattern happening?  My waves are really discernible right now at almost 7 months off but getting better.
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Thanks, Seltzerer


It's hard to say whether or not I'm still in acute because I haven't felt a second of relief yet.  I have noticed a lot of my mental symptoms changing in the past few months.  When I fast tapered for 45 days I was having crazy ruminations and weird stuff going on but I didn't have much anxiety attached to it. Two weeks after I jumped I got hit hard with blank brain and unexplainable mental symptoms, 2 weeks after that it felt like there were no thoughts coming to my head but now that I think about it was probably just normal thought process with the anxiety.  Then about 3 weeks ago my old anxiety came back full force along with the monkey mind.  Also, I was forgetting a lot of things and my brain wouldn't let go of it.  Also, it was trying to attach to every thought in my brain. 


I've always had generalized anxiety or background anxiety that I was always aware of but lived with it.  I feel like If my mind would settle down and not replay everything I read and hear I would say I could deal with it.


As of right now, I can't say I have had any sort of window.  I can barely leave my house and I am running around frantically.  When I do something I don't get distracted from my thoughts or anxiety. 


Hopefully, things will get better soon. 



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