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What started your insomnia


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If anyone got on Benzos for insomnia, what caused it? Did you sleep very well your whole life and then you just stopped or have you always had problems sleeping?
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Almost all causes of "primary" insomnia are unknown other than the obvious things such as stress, anxiety, traumatic life events, etc.  I slept well my entire life and then got hit by a few bad nights of sleep and my GP instantly put me on a Benzo.


Looking back, that "insomnia" was like a gust of wind compared to the HURRICANE withdrawal insomnia I experienced later on after I went cold turkey.  With the first insomnia, I could ALWAYS sleep the next night after a poor night of little or no sleep.  Everyone on this forum knows that is not true during withdrawal insomnia.  I was tired yet "wired" for months and months.


The best thing to do is to ACCEPT that all of your symptoms are WD related.  I had almost every medical test done known to man and they found nothing.  I know the desire and need to look for something else as being the cause of your insomnia other than WD.  Then there might be a definite end or timeline for that cause?  I have seen lots of people do that in the middle of their WD...and I did it too.  It's all WD and it will end when it ends.



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Mines was unfortunately a side effect WD from these drugs. I had all these physical anxiety pains which the doctor prescribed me K. I realized soon after that I could no longer sleep without taking these drugs. I took them on and off for 6 weeks and voila, 18 months out now, getting better sleep and all but still having trouble with sleep from time to time. Never had an issue back then before these meds. So these meds really messed up my sleep cycle.
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Prior to taking benzos my insomnia was always transient and 100% related to trauma and stress. Withdrawal insomnia sucks, but further obsession about it makes it worse. It’s hard as hell but accepting that it’s temporary and that it won’t kill you makes it way more tolerable.
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I didn't get on benzo's for insomnia. But I know exactly what caused my normal insomnia to become freakish don't sleep for days on end insomnia that is now the only insomnia I ever get no matter what causes it.


It was quitting smoking. 


I always had trouble with sleep all my life.  When I was a pack a day smoker, this was the only time in my life I didn't have this problem. (I know, it's weird.)  When I quit smoking, I suddenly had the worst insomnia ever.  Days and days with no sleep and my sleep has never been the same without one drug or another since.  The best I've ever been, was to take only remeron every day and be able to sleep with that. But unfortunately I've been on and off Clonazepam since I was 14 years old, so recently that's the cause of my sleepless nights and after 14 years on remeron, remeron doesn't cause me to sleep anymore, all remeron does is stop me from suffering from remeron withdrawals.

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