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Needing Advice For Possible Water Titration


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  I have never found an actual solubility ratio for milk, so there is probably no published data about dissolving benzos in milk.  But milk is already "dilute", so there is no need to add water; just dissolve your tablets in the milk and use "full strength. (Diluted milk sounds really gross to me.  :( )


BTW, I was 70 when I started my DLMT.  Getting off of benzos has dramatically changed my life.

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Thanks, builder.  I agree that diluted milk sounds gross, but vodka sounds grosser.  Ha ha!  So, do I increase the milk then to a total of 10 ml per 1 mg of oxazepam?


Wow!  Way to go at 70.  I had a moment of thought that I'd stay at 30 mg (better than the original 45), but I really do want to get off.  They rule my life and I hate it.


Still need advice from anyone on my taper plan regarding my post reply #24.  I don't want to mess this up like I did dropping from 30 which was great to 25 which knocked me for a loop. I just read that if we submit the information, someone will work a schedule out for us.  I just need to know that I'm submitting the right info, but who do I ask for a schedule and to be sure I'm submitting info correctly?  It would be nice to combine the pills with the taper, but I'm lost on that.

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Well, as I said, I have never seen a specific solubility ratio for benzo/milk, but based on the plans others have shared here, 1mg/10ml is probably OK.


And I think 5%/14 days will be fine.  That was about my workable speed, and I seemed to be more sensitive than most  (perhaps because of my age?)


Benzos, after all, are powerful depressants.  Over the several years I continued to take them, there were a number of unfortunate changes in my behavior and personality that a wrote off as normal aging.  It wasn't.


I was unmotivated, sullen, disinterested in things.  I was indifferent about grooming and appearances, neglected my yard, home, cars, etc.  I stayed in my PJs until noon.  All of that was different than how I had ever been.


Without actually making a conscious decision to change those things, they just did change, dramatically.  One morning I just got up and got dressed; it just seemed like a normal thing.  And I began to do my hobbies again (photography, music, cars, etc)  The next spring I replaced all the shrubberyaround my house.  I bought new clothes for the first time in several years.


BTW, those things began to change within about a month of starting my taper.  I really hadn't reduced my dose significantly, but depression obviously began to recede.


You will find getting off benzos is well worth whatever effort and discomfort it requires.

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Thanks for this Builder - so great to read that your life changed while you tapered. I am so ready for positive changes to happen!

Starting my DLMT and very hopeful about it - thanks to your recipe and instructions: a blessing!

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Thank you so much, builder.  A lot of the things you mentioned are very similar to how I've been feeling for quite a while.  I used to be so driven and had to be busy.  Now, it's a chore to get done what I absolutely have to do. Once I get up and going, I feel a lot better about myself because I've always been one who enjoys being productive.  Actually, I don't feel as tired since I've started the taper even if I'm only down 15 mg since December 15 and I seem to laugh more, but then those bad days still creep up.


I'm so glad you're doing so well and were able to free yourself from those horrid meds.  How long were you on them?  As I said, it's 20 years for me, so it may take me a long, long time to get off them.  I'm dreaming when I think about six months.  No way, and realistically, I know that.


Thank you so much for your encouraging words and wisdom.  I'll work on that taper schedule because I'm still really confused about adding the capsules, but it's good for my brain to be challenged.  Lol!

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