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Get Back in Shape - Without Leaving the House


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This whole long exhausting benzo withdrawal process can take its toll on our

bodies, including our appearance and physical fitness. Some of us have gotten

so out of shape that we can't face the ordeal of working out. On top of that,

we may still be a bit too anxious to deal with those crowds at the club or the

gym. Some of us are actually housebound and can't even go out for a walk.


So I thought I'd start a string about how to begin getting back in shape, slowly

and gradually, without even  leaving the house. Not only will this make you look

better, which will make you feel happier, but I think exercise also helps speed

the benzo recovery process. At the very least, it will help you sleep better,

which in itself will help with every other aspect of recovery.


I'll lead off with a few vids showing some easy exercises

we can do right in the kitchen.










Some of what you see in these vids may be too much for you at first. Just do

the ones you can do easily, without risking falls, strains, sprains, or other injuries.


For the counter-top exercises, I think it's easiest and safest to do these right at the

kitchen sink, where you can grab hold and get a grip to steady yourself and catch

yourself if you begin to fall.


You may want to start with 5 of each exercise for several days. Then increase to two

repetitions of 5 each. Then 3 reps. Then increase to 3 reps of 6 each. And so forth.

Slow and gradual is the key, to avoid falls, injury, and burn-out.


I think I should also point out that, for the push-ups, the farther your feet are

from the sink or counter, the harder the push-up. So start with your feet close

to the sink or counter, and move your feet farther away over a period of

weeks and months, as you get stronger.


If you have other ideas, please feel free to post them here.

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Thanks Redevan, this is a great idea – I’m eager to look at these vids.


When I was still stuck using a cane, and could barely even walk to the bathroom, I began to do sit-ups, right there in my bed. When I began I could only do five before I flattened back on the bed with exhaustion, but got up to 100 in couple of weeks.


I could barely stand at the kitchen sink long enough to wash a fork, but now I can work in the kitchen for an hour or more at a time. While standing at the sink, I began to flex my feet up and down (flat to tiptoe), to stretch out my rigid muscles.


At first I literally had to sit in a chair to clean anything up, but then I began cleaning the floor by standing, and bending all the way down to reach the floor while keeping my knees straight. This has helped stretch and loosen my rigid back.


It’s amazing how quickly the body responds to these small challenges. :o


Thanks again for starting this thread. :thumbsup:



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Thought I'd drop this one off, all the movements are done lying down (in case anyone's bedridden).  At one time, I was doing it daily for many months, it's wonderful, very calming/relaxing, and a good stretch for the muscles and joints.


Guided Mindfulness Yoga Movements (Lying Down) - Jon Kabat Zinn




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Nice post.  The body needs movement no matter where we're at, even bedridden.  Even if it's just getting up and walking in circles around the house.  I remember when I couldn't even sit at the kitchen table or wash dishes too Leslie.  Now, just being able to do a little housework here and there is good for the attitude and at least gets the body moving.  Was thinking of buying one of those stair steppers.  Even five minutes a day would be a good start.  The videos are a good reminder to add a little push where you can.  It's cold up north here and I have this cold intolerance thing going on, but I'm beginning to feel that if the weather were better, I could handle at least walking around the block.



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Yes, great idea.  I've been doing that too and even some push ups (ladies push ups) and also lifting 10lb weights ...arm curls 15x each set.  Some times I do one set, sometimes 2 but that's it.  I go by how I feel.
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Great Post! As a former competitive bodybuilder / trainer the best piece of fitness equipment one can invest is arguably a set of "Rings". I purchased mine on Amazon for around $35.00 :thumbsup:
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