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NEED HELP - Is this DP/DR?


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Hi buddies,


I'm home alone right now and having a terrifying time...beyond words.


It started with severe anxiety this morning, but now there's other stuff: my fingertips have gone completely pruney, like they've been immersed in water for hours... But the mental side is the worst. I don't recognize my body or my hands at all, and I'm too terrified to look at my hands. My body looks 'wrong', shriveled... I feel like running and screaming. Constant panic. I've had anxiety throughout this nightmare, but this is on another level. I cannot bear it. Terror beyond words.


Is this DP?

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Yes, you are experiencing dp/dr. In my opinion, that's actually one of the worse w/d symptoms like ever it is number one on my list. It absolutely terrified me that I did not recognize who I was and everything around me felt unfamiliar. I cannot explain it, but all I can tell you is you have to distract yourself because if you don't it's going to make you go mad. I read my bible a lot and prayed to God help me get through this. As the days go by its getting better for me with this whole feeling of being disconnected from myself and my surroundings. Sometimes I would just sit outside and just take everything in then tell myself everything is going to be okay you are real there's nothing to worry about. I would suggest you get yourself a journal and write down everything you are experiencing maybe even doodle in it as well. You can write down 5 things you are grateful for each day and you can write down affirmations beginning with "I am", "I can", and "I will." I hope this helps and remember please do not obsess over this because it's going to make you feel worse. Peace and blessings!
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Yes, it is an anxiety/fear driven dissasociative state of mind. It's basically a much more extreme version of what someone who is not in bzd wd would experience while under very traumatic circumstances.


I have dealt with this myself, and I seem to be very prone to these states through this, and then the natural anxiety about life can sort of wrap around it and make it worse.


The best way to deal with would be to call someone (a friend, helpline), do a quick breathing exercise (if possible), meditate (if possible), listen to music, read, put the TV on whether watching or not. Sometimes, hearing people's voices on TV or radio or anything of that sort can counter the feeling of aloneness.


Sometimes, I get so anxious that I can't even fall asleep without hearing someone's voice for a few minutes. I've called helplines where I'd tell them that I am not in danger but feel so much fear and anxiety that I need to talk to someone for 3-4 minutes so that I can fall asleep. It's rough. It really is. 

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Pray & LF:


Thank you so much for replying. I'm too sick to write much right now; just wanted to let you know your words and support mean a lot...


Wishing you both full healing.



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