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Teva Clonazepam Discontinued Group


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I'm not sure if most people know (I haven't gone back and read this entire thread), but TEVA changed the formulation of their original formula back in Nov 2015.  Their QA department at the time confirmed it. 


Prior to 2016, it always worked perfectly for me.  Just eased anxiety, with no tired/groggy feeling at all.  The later reformulation makes me feel very heavy and tired.  (Note that I I have not stuck with the reformulation long enough to know how my body adapts to it over time.)  Others at the time experienced similar issues, there is a thread phoenixrising.me titled "TEVA clonazepam--changed formula?" from March 2016.




I'm not posting this to make anyone nervous about the new pills.  That's the last thing we need.  I just thought it might help us figure out these new pills.


The tablets from before and after the 2015 reformulation look exactly the same.  But there is a noticeable odor with the reformulated pills.  From what you guys have said you are experiencing, it sounds like these new ones could be the reformulation (?).  I have been wondering exactly which "original" formula TEVA was going to bring out ever since reading that they were coming back.  Personally I was hoping they would go back to the formula that was available for decades since those were always consistent for me.  I just don't know what to make of this whole situation anymore.  (Yes, I am massively OCD).


Out of curiosity, do these new pills have any detectable odor?


That's interesting. I didn't take klonopin before 2015 so I'm not sure. I would assume they are going back to what they recently discontinued since they probably still had the setup for it and when I spoke to their medical specialist, she said it would be exactly the same as the recently discontinued version. I don't smell anything different. As I mentioned, they have the same taste. It's almost minty in a way. I crush them in my mouth. It just seems more heavy handed compared to the pill pieces I've been saving for years. my reaction is much more intense. I'm going on over 3 hours on it now. I don't think anyone here will have a problem with them. They definitely work. If I took any other brand, I would be dead by now, ha....


Thanks Clara!  I'm glad you feel they are working for you, that's a big relief, thanks for your description.


I shouldn't get myself so worked up this late at night, I am my own worst enemy at times.

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Last night was the first night in a long time where it felt like I had a smooth night, no heart poundingn no pins and needles,, no morning withdrawal feelings. I think the new Teva is working so much better in my system so far. Maybe the expired ones were not lasting in my system as long. I'm hope the rest of the day is just as smooth until my next dose!
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Last night was the first night in a long time where it felt like I had a smooth night, no heart poundingn no pins and needles,, no morning withdrawal feelings. I think the new Teva is working so much better in my system so far. Maybe the expired ones were not lasting in my system as long. I'm hope the rest of the day is just as smooth until my next dose!


That's great news!  I'm so glad you found some relief after having such a hard time recently.


I need to ditch my expired pills, I called my CVS yesterday and they said to check back in a week or two.  I may need to take a road trip, but hope not.



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So glad that ALL of you are getting Tevas! It’s my turn next...fingers crossed...ClaraBrahms...does your CVS use Cardinal? I know Walgreens uses AmerisourceBergen but Walgreens won’t help. If any of you guys have info on distributors that are carrying it (eg Cardinal/McKesson) that would be really helpful.


I use CVS and the last pharmacist put ‘manufacturer discontinued’ bc it was able one month ago. Does anyone have advice about how to get it ordered?? I have one nice pharmacist at CVS who is my last hope for now...

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So glad that ALL of you are getting Tevas! It’s my turn next...fingers crossed...ClaraBrahms...does your CVS use Cardinal? I know Walgreens uses AmerisourceBergen but Walgreens won’t help. If any of you guys have info on distributors that are carrying it (eg Cardinal/McKesson) that would be really helpful.


I use CVS and the last pharmacist put ‘manufacturer discontinued’ bc it was able one month ago. Does anyone have advice about how to get it ordered?? I have one nice pharmacist at CVS who is my last hope for now...


Yes my CVS uses Cardinal but not all Cardinal locations are the same. My CVS gets it from a Cardinal location in Boston so it depends on which Cardinal location your CVS uses. Some of them are going the Teva in before the others. I think only a few states have access at the moment. I didn't even order mine. They automatically came in Saturday night to CVS and I had no idea until I called Sunday and talked to the head pharmacist who knew I was waiting for them. When she said they came in overnight without ordering them, I was totally surprised.

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Thanks Clara! I’m happy for you! I’m in a suburb of Sacramento, Ca and I feel like I’m living in an outpost somewhere! TEva used to be available in any CVS...I’ll keep you posted but I’m happy you got them! Thanks for all your info!!
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Sorry to say, but the new Teva is not the same. My body registers it as a totally different substance. On day three, it's getting worse for me. I've never felt so strange. My disappointment is devastating. I know everyone wants to be positive about this, but I have to state the truth: I hate these new pills. There is something way off about them.
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Sorry to say, but the new Teva is not the same. My body registers it as a totally different substance. On day three, it's getting worse for me. I've never felt so strange. My disappointment is devastating. I know everyone wants to be positive about this, but I have to state the truth: I hate these new pills. There is something way off about them.


Well, my heart just sank.  It appears both you and Shisham are having difficulty with these.


Teva really blew it by not going back to the true original formula.  I believe those were formulated by the original maker of quaaludes, and they really knew what they were doing.  Why they screwed with the formula in 2016 I'll never understand.  I wonder if these new ones are yet another reformulation of some kind.  It probably comes down to $$.


I may have to just try to cross over to Roche, but these new Tevas may still be the best option.  I'm at a loss.

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Sorry to say, but the new Teva is not the same. My body registers it as a totally different substance. On day three, it's getting worse for me. I've never felt so strange. My disappointment is devastating. I know everyone wants to be positive about this, but I have to state the truth: I hate these new pills. There is something way off about them.


Well, my heart just sank.  It appears both you and Shisham are having difficulty with these.


Teva really blew it by not going back to the true original formula.  I believe those were formulated by the original maker of quaaludes, and they really knew what they were doing.  Why they screwed with the formula in 2016 I'll never understand.  I wonder if these new ones are yet another reformulation of some kind.  It probably comes down to $$.


I may have to just try to cross over to Roche, but these new Tevas may still be the best option.  I'm at a loss.


I'm really sorry about announcing that but i just had to discuss it. You should try the new one though and see what your personal experience is. It may be different than mine.  Maybe there will be a consensus that it's similar enough for most people not to notice the difference. As I mentioned before, my body cannot adapt to changes any longer. It's as if I've lost that ability physiologically. The second something new touches my nervous system, my body goes into shut down mode literally. Most people are stronger than me. Don't give up yet.

I'm giving up personally. Klonopin already killed me a long time ago. I have nothing more to say about this horrid experience.. I'm just done with it all. I can't talk about it anymore. This is where I sign off from everything.

I hope everyone's journeys are better than mine.

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Sorry to say, but the new Teva is not the same. My body registers it as a totally different substance. On day three, it's getting worse for me. I've never felt so strange. My disappointment is devastating. I know everyone wants to be positive about this, but I have to state the truth: I hate these new pills. There is something way off about them.


Well, my heart just sank.  It appears both you and Shisham are having difficulty with these.


Teva really blew it by not going back to the true original formula.  I believe those were formulated by the original maker of quaaludes, and they really knew what they were doing.  Why they screwed with the formula in 2016 I'll never understand.  I wonder if these new ones are yet another reformulation of some kind.  It probably comes down to $$.


I may have to just try to cross over to Roche, but these new Tevas may still be the best option.  I'm at a loss.


I'm really sorry about announcing that but i just had to discuss it. You should try the new one though and see what your personal experience is. It may be different than mine.  Maybe there will be a consensus that it's similar enough for most people not to notice the difference. As I mentioned before, my body cannot adapt to changes any longer. It's as if I've lost that ability physiologically. The second something new touches my nervous system, my body goes into shut down mode literally. Most people are stronger than me. Don't give up yet.

I'm giving up personally. Klonopin already killed me a long time ago. I have nothing more to say about this horrid experience.. I'm just done with it all. I can't talk about it anymore. This is where I sign off from everything.

I hope everyone's journeys are better than mine.


Hey Clara, don't apologize at all! I think it's important for us to share how the new pills are affecting us.  We're all stuck in a seemingly impossible situation, but I do believe we will make it to other side.


Your last few lines made me cry.  I can relate 100%.  The last 12 years are lost to me.  I just wander from day to day, trying to make it thru.  Klonopin is all I think about now, it is all consuming.


If you are feeling extra depressed, please be aware that a change in pill formula will do that.  When I tried to switch to Accord I cried for 5 days straight, the depression and anhedonia was unreal.  But it was all from the drug change sx.  3 days after switching back to my old pills, the depression was gone (well, back to my baseline anyway).  But your body will adjust to a new formula over time and that feeling will lift.  It's not us, it's these damned evil pills. 


At the same time, I understand if you need to walk away from these forums, and basically give up for now.  I would give everything I own to never have to spend one more minute thinking about this drug.  Just please stay safe.



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Sorry to say, but the new Teva is not the same. My body registers it as a totally different substance. On day three, it's getting worse for me. I've never felt so strange. My disappointment is devastating. I know everyone wants to be positive about this, but I have to state the truth: I hate these new pills. There is something way off about them.


Well, my heart just sank.  It appears both you and Shisham are having difficulty with these.


Teva really blew it by not going back to the true original formula.  I believe those were formulated by the original maker of quaaludes, and they really knew what they were doing.  Why they screwed with the formula in 2016 I'll never understand.  I wonder if these new ones are yet another reformulation of some kind.  It probably comes down to $$.


I may have to just try to cross over to Roche, but these new Tevas may still be the best option.  I'm at a loss.


I'm really sorry about announcing that but i just had to discuss it. You should try the new one though and see what your personal experience is. It may be different than mine.  Maybe there will be a consensus that it's similar enough for most people not to notice the difference. As I mentioned before, my body cannot adapt to changes any longer. It's as if I've lost that ability physiologically. The second something new touches my nervous system, my body goes into shut down mode literally. Most people are stronger than me. Don't give up yet.

I'm giving up personally. Klonopin already killed me a long time ago. I have nothing more to say about this horrid experience.. I'm just done with it all. I can't talk about it anymore. This is where I sign off from everything.

I hope everyone's journeys are better than mine.


Clara, I am so sorry.  I can't just let you sign off....you know like some people can't take the liquid Valium, but they try again and all of a sudden it's okay?  Could you maybe try a version of that, an old pill a day or 2, then a new pill, over and over for a few weeks to see if maybe, just maybe your body might adapt.  It's just a thought, I know you are so tired and disappointed, I know talking to me is not high on your list either, but I have to try.  Mary 💜

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Wow, you all have been so supportive. Clara, I’m feeling upset for you and frankly for us all. I too am obsessed with getting the old TEva back as it makes me feel like the strongest, best, most resilient version of myself.


When I heard the 1mgs were not scored it was unsettling to me because it represented a change. I agree that getting off this ride altogether might be in your best interest.


I’m fighting hard to get the new Tevas but if all could please post their experiences maybe I’ll be less disappointed when I get them. Praying for strength for all of us-what a terrible mess.

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""""I would give everything I own to never have to spend one more minute thinking about this drug.  Just please stay safe.""""


Same here. I always say that. I would take being homeless and living in the woods with nothing to my name just to get off -- not even to be healthy but to just be off the poison once and for all. My husband told me that because this taper is consuming our lives, his brain is turning to mush and he knows nothing else except my Klonopin problems. My mind and body are slave to it second by second too and I feel the end is very near for me, that my body is giving out. Sorry to make you cry. I can't cry anymore because the fear is all i feel. When I'm in fear, I'm paralyzed and panicking but I can't feel anything else except fear. It's not anxiety or depression, just fear.... Like something is terribly wrong. That's all I can utter, something is wrong.

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"""Could you maybe try a version of that, an old pill a day or 2, then a new pill, over and over for a few weeks to see if maybe, just maybe your body might adapt. '''


Mary, I thought about doing that. That is exactly what I think I need to do. Thank you....

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"""Could you maybe try a version of that, an old pill a day or 2, then a new pill, over and over for a few weeks to see if maybe, just maybe your body might adapt. '''


Mary, I thought about doing that. That is exactly what I think I need to do. Thank you....


I just really hope it works Clara.  Fingers crossed !

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"""Could you maybe try a version of that, an old pill a day or 2, then a new pill, over and over for a few weeks to see if maybe, just maybe your body might adapt. '''


Mary, I thought about doing that. That is exactly what I think I need to do. Thank you....


I just really hope it works Clara.  Fingers crossed !


So I took the old Teva tonight and right away, my muscles relaxed, I could swallow food again, my brain felt normal, panic was gone. This is crazy. I have about 10 days left of the old Teva. I almost wish it didn't make me feel instantly better because I don't have much left. I don't understand. This is so confusing. 

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Wow, you all have been so supportive. Clara, I’m feeling upset for you and frankly for us all. I too am obsessed with getting the old TEva back as it makes me feel like the strongest, best, most resilient version of myself.


When I heard the 1mgs were not scored it was unsettling to me because it represented a change. I agree that getting off this ride altogether might be in your best interest.


I’m fighting hard to get the new Tevas but if all could please post their experiences maybe I’ll be less disappointed when I get them. Praying for strength for all of us-what a terrible mess.


You're so right. The people on this thread are so supportive. It's beautiful. When I said I was signing off earlier, it was the effect from the new pills causing me to talk that way. Now that I'm under the influence of the old pill I just took, my brain is operating entirely different. How frightening to think that they have this control over us! I'm going to try and enjoy this bit of relief even if it's only for tonight. My husband and I are going out for some pizza since I can eat again. I think benzo buddies is actually the only place I can talk to people and I should never leave. My problems are all benzo related and I need to stay with people who understand that. There's no one else in the world that I can talk to about this.


I was worried too when I was told they weren't scored. A physical change can result in a chemical change. I hope you get relief from the new tevas. Let's hope I'm an odd exception.

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Wow, you all have been so supportive. Clara, I’m feeling upset for you and frankly for us all. I too am obsessed with getting the old TEva back as it makes me feel like the strongest, best, most resilient version of myself.


When I heard the 1mgs were not scored it was unsettling to me because it represented a change. I agree that getting off this ride altogether might be in your best interest.


I’m fighting hard to get the new Tevas but if all could please post their experiences maybe I’ll be less disappointed when I get them. Praying for strength for all of us-what a terrible mess.


You're so right. The people on this thread are so supportive. It's beautiful. When I said I was signing off earlier, it was the effect from the new pills causing me to talk that way. Now that I'm under the influence of the old pill I just took, my brain is operating entirely different. How frightening to think that they have this control over us! I'm going to try and enjoy this bit of relief even if it's only for tonight. My husband and I are going out for some pizza since I can eat again. I think benzo buddies is actually the only place I can talk to people and I should never leave. My problems are all benzo related and I need to stay with people who understand that. There's no one else in the world that I can talk to about this.


I was worried too when I was told they weren't scored. A physical change can result in a chemical change. I hope you get relief from the new tevas. Let's hope I'm an odd exception.


You are right Clara, we need this place and each other, you never know on here  who you might meet or something you might read that might have an impact on our struggles .  There is just nowhere else like it.  I'm grateful.

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Mary, thank you for not letting me leave. also thanks for the advice about switching back and forth between the old and new Teva. It saved my life for now.
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Clara, I have a tiny supply of old TEva and took a little extra for work today. Made me feel grounded, strong, outgoing—like the best version of myself. I bet the new ones aren’t the same—everything from

clothing, to food, is all being made more cheaply and not as good as it used to be. I miss the days when companies didn’t cut corners for a profit. I agree that having each other as an outlet will ease some of the burdens on family/friends and I’m glad we’re all here to support each other and that you’ll be here too because we all may be going trough the same thing,..

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I agree there's nowhere else to go to talk about this stuff, where people really understand.  I can't explain things to family members who have never taken it without getting a blank stare, or feeling like a burden on them.  I got to the point where I was even getting on my own nerves when I would talk about it, trying to explain it to them.  It felt like trying to teach algebra to a cat. 


Our perception of reality is so badly distorted on these drugs.  And perception IS reality for us while suffering.  Not to mention all the physical symptoms.  But there are days when I have windows, and I feel halfway decent, and I think "Hey life is pretty good!".  Those moments give me something to try to grab onto, during the really bad days.  It usually feels like it was someone else, a million miles away.  But we have to keep going.







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Clara, I have a tiny supply of old TEva and took a little extra for work today. Made me feel grounded, strong, outgoing—like the best version of myself. I bet the new ones aren’t the same—everything from

clothing, to food, is all being made more cheaply and not as good as it used to be. I miss the days when companies didn’t cut corners for a profit. I agree that having each other as an outlet will ease some of the burdens on family/friends and I’m glad we’re all here to support each other and that you’ll be here too because we all may be going trough the same thing,..


That is the way it makes me feel, too. I notice how good the pill is when I haven't taken it for a few days. Now I know for a fact that the old one is completely different than the new. I have no idea what the technical difference is because I compared the ingredients and they are exactly the same. Perhaps the quality of each ingredient is different and who knows where they got the active klonopin ingredient this time. They might have used different suppliers to get their ingredients which could effect the quality. Who knows. Either way, i need to report this to Teva.

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Glad you’re reporting it. I talked to the customer service manager at TEva today and she was really,, really helpful and kind. I left a message for her yesterday and she called back today. They seem willing to help. All other clonazepam I have to take several mgs to equal 1mg of old TEva. We all have to keep helping each other and keep fighting
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Mary, thank you for not letting me leave. also thanks for the advice about switching back and forth between the old and new Teva. It saved my life for now.

You don't need to thank me Clara, I am just glad you are staying and just hoping like hell it works  :)

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The new Teva are made in Czech republic, not Israel as they last were. I wonder if that is why they are so different. It's making me sick to think about. I haven't gone back to taking the new Teva again.
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