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There is no hope for me.  I started out brain damaged.  :laugh: :laugh:

I'm not reading the article.  I'm either (more) brain damaged or I'm not and I can't do a damn thing about it either way, except to proceed with my taper and healing.  ;)

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Well all the more reason to taper. But no one has told me that I seem any different than I was say 4 years ago before all this started. So I am not going to sit around and worry about brain damage. Don't we have enough on our plates folks? Do we need to add another helping?
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I don't think I have brain damage and if I do I bet it's not permanent and if it is I am completing my taper and moving on with my brain-damaged self!
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I don't think I have brain damage and if I do I bet it's not permanent and if it is I am completing my taper and moving on with my brain-damaged self!


Benzene, there is no Brain Damage due to Benzo's, at the very beginning of this thread I kinda got frustrated and typed what I did. I wouldn't sit around and worry of Brain Damage as we have enough stress already. I had a friend in Massachusetts, who got a limb stuck in his head, while out on a snowmobile, he was in the Hospital 2 years, and he had Brain Damage, he made it. I'm not saying I find comfort in knowing what my friend went through, but it goes to show... the difference.

I do think Benzo's mess with our minds, but as far as permanent brain damage and so on.. I don't believe it because-

#1 too many success stories to begin.


I don't buy into Brain Damage from Benzo's, but AntiPsych's has a possibility of it.



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Here is a link to the hand written documents with the brain damage reports. If you go to the end, they have enclosed two pages of random people that were scanned. Some are normal and some have shrinkage or atrophy or widening of certain areas of the brain on the people. Men and woman of different ages, it shows how long they were on the drug, if they were currently on it while the scans were done, and how long they'd been off of the drug if they were off while tested.


This doesn't scare me, I am glad it's out in the open. I have read all of the handwritten documents, and the misunderstanding the doctors have today, comes from this. If you read it you will be shocked at some of their questions as to why people are addicted. They seem to always go to personality as a reason it is hard to quit instead of withdrawal. Like today. One group can't figure out why people still become addicted taking it at night instead of the day. Can you believe that? The naivety and lack of understanding has been passed down for 30 years. At one point, they even say the pills were designed in so many different ways to keep people on long term and they could just switch them out to a different benzo if need be. Xanax not working for you after a year, lets put you on klonopin, it's a better benzo. Sound familiar? (Of course klonopin wasn't around 30 years ago but you get my drift.)



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