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Hi, 2 months lorazepam use big trouble :(


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Hello BattleGaba,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies! I can certainly relate to what you are going through.  I was taking ativan (lorazepam) at a much lower dose for a supposed inner ear issue. When I stopped taking it for a medical test ( my doctor said it would be OK), I went through a horrific cold turkey withdrawal.  How long ago did you stop taking lorazepam?


It doesn't take long for these types of drugs to cause a physical dependency, my usage was about the same length as yours.  Stopping suddenly can bring on some severe withdrawal symptoms. In my case, I ended up reinstating because no one knew I was going through withdrawal.


While the symptoms you feel can be pretty awful, they are temporary and will ease up with time. There is a window for reinstatement, 2-3 weeks maximum, where it is possible to stabilize and then start a slow and sensible taper.  There is no guarantee of stability, it works for some and not for others. 


You'll find other's in the same situation as yourself.  We have a dedicated board for those who have undergone a cold turkey, detox or rapid withdrawal. I'll give you a link to this board and you can communicate with others who share the same circumstances.


I'll also give you a link to the Ashton Manual. Although it discusses tapering in detail, it also discusses withdrawal in general. The manual is an excellent resource, written by Dr. Heather Ashton, an expert in the field of benzo withdrawal.


Hang on, the ride might be bumpy for a while.  We understand what you are going through and will support and encourage you through this process. Please do ask questions, we're here to help.


Cold Turkey, Detox & Rapid Withdrawal


The Ashton Manual


pianogirl  :)

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Thank you for your message!


The first day I had problems was after a CT after 7-8 weeks I had a SEVERE anxiety attack like I have never experienced in my life before this was between the 2-3 week window I think maybe 1 week after the CT and I did not know what was happening to me. I had to take 4 mgs of lorazepam and 10mgs of diazepam to calm me back down. Hindsight I know that wasnt the best idea but I felt I was going insane. And had to do what I had to do to keep sane.


I passed out and the next day I felt a bit better. Next 10 days I was back on 2 mgs lorazepam and felt back to my ''old self'' and stabalized. Before this episode I only used lorazepam sporadically. But I knew then that had to keep taking them until I found a solution but now well informed enough.


One night after the first CT anxiety attack I was out on a date this was maybe 10 days after the first episode had 3 vodkas and 2 days later another shitstorm broke lose EXTREME anxiety again. Again upped my dose to calm me back down I think it was 4mgs of lorazepam and since then Im on 3mgs of lorazepam daily. Now knowing what was happening to me I need to make a plan to get this shit out of my system ASAP. Cold turkey is obviously out of the question but the longer this poison is inside me the longer I feel I am suffering.


Maybe my luck is im only 8 weeks in but still I am suffering greatly. The Anxiety even on the pills is almost unbearable. I lost weight, Isolate myself and am just a plain wreck. Im learning now on this forum everyday and hope to heal ASAP and will never touch another benzo in my life!!!! And Alcohol is out of the question too!


Also the pills hardly work anymore so my guess is tolerance is in effect, those 2 days of double doses and quitting CT before are probably why.


Every word or advice is greatly appreciated and I wish everyone here a the strength to get through this.


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Hello again,


I think you are making the right decision to taper off lorazepam. These drugs work sometimes, until they don't.  It appears you have reached tolerance. In my opinion, they also create more anxiety due to tolerance and withdrawal.  The best thing you can do right now is to stabilize on one steady dose of the drug. Inconsistent dosing can confuse and already confused central nervous system.


Please stay away from alcohol during this process. Alcohol targets the same receptors in the brain as benzos and mixing the two can be potentially dangerous.


3 mg of lorazepam is a pretty large dose.  Tapering too quickly can bring on some strong withdrawal symptoms. As much as you would like to hurry and get off the drug, it's best to allow your body to adjust to each reduction.  Generally, it is suggested to reduce the medication by 5-10% every 10-14 days. I'll give you a link to the General Taper Plans for additional information.


You'll get through this, and your goal to stay away from benzos in the future is a good idea.  These drugs really are designed for very short term use, say 2-3 weeks.  After that the benefits decrease, dependency can develop and withdrawal can be difficult.


General Taper Plans 


PG  :smitten:

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