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Unfortunately the Las Vegas tragedy will create new benzo buddies


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Finally, they "said" on CNN "Prescribed Valium for anxiousness".  I had the volume turned down, but it was printed on the screen.  It's has bothered me very much that this tid-bit has been omitted by mainstream news as far as I've seen thus far, aside from Fox news as I understand.


edit: I just rewound and watched again and in a big banner, in all capitalized letters, across the bottom, later in broadcast: "VEGAS KILLER SAID HE TOOK VALIUM, GAMBLED $1M A NIGHT."

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Oct. 9/17, Las Vegas (CNN) online, account of 2013 deposition:




He took Valium at times for anxiousness, and had the doctor who prescribed it to him on retainer...


He said he was prescribed Valium "for anxiousness" by Nevada internist Steven P. Winkler. It was unclear how often he took the drug, but he estimated that he had 10 or 15 pills remaining in a bottle of 60 that were prescribed a year and a half earlier.


Rage, aggressiveness and irritability are among the possible side effects of taking diazepam -- better known as Valium, according to a manufacturer of the drug. It is not known when Paddock last took the drug.


Paddock was asked whether he had a good relationship with the doctor who prescribed him the pills.


"He's like on retainer, I call it, I guess," Paddock said of Winkler. "It means I pay a fee yearly ... I have good access to him."


Winkler did not respond to an email or phone call seeking comment for this story. Reporters were turned away by a security guard after seeking access to the gated community where he lives.

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A script for 60 Valium in a year and a half does not a mass killer make.


The more comprehensive discussion, in which the Valium detail is included, describes known features of Paddock’s personality that indicate psychopathy.


There are so many minor details about this guy that could each launch a new theory, including his having been a former postal worker, a huge favorite commonality handy for labeling shooters.


The topic at hand is that this mass shooting by a crazy guy, who had such easy access to multiple assault rifles, is likely to create many new benzo users, which is probably true. How can anyone feel safe?



Oct. 9/17, Las Vegas (CNN) online, account of 2013 deposition:




He took Valium at times for anxiousness, and had the doctor who prescribed it to him on retainer...


He said he was prescribed Valium "for anxiousness" by Nevada internist Steven P. Winkler. It was unclear how often he took the drug, but he estimated that he had 10 or 15 pills remaining in a bottle of 60 that were prescribed a year and a half earlier.


Rage, aggressiveness and irritability are among the possible side effects of taking diazepam -- better known as Valium, according to a manufacturer of the drug. It is not known when Paddock last took the drug.


Paddock was asked whether he had a good relationship with the doctor who prescribed him the pills.


"He's like on retainer, I call it, I guess," Paddock said of Winkler. "It means I pay a fee yearly ... I have good access to him."


Winkler did not respond to an email or phone call seeking comment for this story. Reporters were turned away by a security guard after seeking access to the gated community where he lives.

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A script for 60 Valium in a year and a half does not a mass killer make.


The more comprehensive discussion, in which the Valium detail is included, describes known features of Paddock’s personality that indicate psychopathy.


There are so many minor details about this guy that could each launch a new theory, including his having been a former postal worker, a huge favorite commonality handy for labeling shooters.


The topic at hand is that this mass shooting by a crazy guy, who had such easy access to multiple assault rifles, is likely to create many new benzo users, which is probably true. How can anyone feel safe?



Oct. 9/17, Las Vegas (CNN) online, account of 2013 deposition:




He took Valium at times for anxiousness, and had the doctor who prescribed it to him on retainer...


He said he was prescribed Valium "for anxiousness" by Nevada internist Steven P. Winkler. It was unclear how often he took the drug, but he estimated that he had 10 or 15 pills remaining in a bottle of 60 that were prescribed a year and a half earlier.


Rage, aggressiveness and irritability are among the possible side effects of taking diazepam -- better known as Valium, according to a manufacturer of the drug. It is not known when Paddock last took the drug.


Paddock was asked whether he had a good relationship with the doctor who prescribed him the pills.


"He's like on retainer, I call it, I guess," Paddock said of Winkler. "It means I pay a fee yearly ... I have good access to him."


Winkler did not respond to an email or phone call seeking comment for this story. Reporters were turned away by a security guard after seeking access to the gated community where he lives.


I agree with LeslieAsh. He was much more into booze than Valium. He went to the hairdresser’s in the morning and he smelled of alcohol. He used to sit and gamble all nights. He was euphoric. A depressed person on Valium will not sit and gamble all nights. And will not make lots of cash. My suspicion is he got this Valium prescribed when he went on some kind of costly SSRI/SNRI. The side effect is of course anxiety. He may have had anxiety from abusing booze.


Big Pharma will pay a fortune to a pdoc who prescribed this SSRI/SNRI, cause it’s a “cash cow”. Big Pharma is getting billions of $ out of this AD. Valium is advertised here to divert ppl’s attention from another drug, probably a bestselling SNRI. Valium is a “dog”. Doesn’t generate much income. Contrary to Klonopin or Xanax.


Don’t get fooled by the social media manipulation, benzohno. Valium makes one depressed, anxious and scared of their own shadow. This guy wasn’t scared of anything. He was extremely enterpreneurial, aggressive and had lots of energy. He invested in real estate. Made a fortune on it. Won $ 1000,000 by gambling per year.


He had an extremely sharp, analytical mind. Former accountant and auditor. And was very hostile. Probably as an effect of being a sociopath, his genes, the SSRI/SNRI (my guess), and the severe mental illness. I suppose it may have been BP. I don’t know if he could be that intelligent with a schizophrenia. Takes a pdoc to say. I rather suspect some sort of psychosis.


I think his gf knows a lot. But he paid her $100,000 for her silence. What about the previous two wives? One lived with the man for 2 yrs, the other for almost 5. Well, was supposed not to post in this thread. Sorry. Cannot stop thinking WHAT MADE HIM DO IT. It would be a relief to know. The victims and their families deserve the truth. But this world is ruled by money. Not by truth and justice. Will of course delete my post if against the rules. This topic is haunting me. And I suppose it’s haunting many other ppl. I keep reading and reading... Ruminating...

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Are we still allowed to post in this thread? I mean, only stuff related to the killer’s psyche. I don’t want to talk about Big Pharma or gun laws. These topics are just too disgusting to be delt with. And none of us is a part of pharmaceutical or gun lobby to have any influence on both issues.


All we can do is to speculate why he did it. Based on what the news provide us with. And they may give us lots of lies, too. For me, writing here is cathartic. Cause I’ve got both resentment and anger against this man. There’s no other way I can express it. I feel deeply hurt by what he did. I still can see the victims’ faces. I read their stories. I cannot JUST FORGET.


And I want to understand why he did it. Maybe it’s my OCD. I’ll do everything to understand why he did it. Although I’m aware how helpless I am. I don’t work for the FBI or Big Pharma. My only fallible source of knowledge is the news. Quite absurd. He was a human being, after all.


Nazis were human beings as well. But we know why they did it. I read enough about the Nazi leaders to understand their psyche. Time revealed everything about them. It will be the same with those serial killers. But it will take decades, unfortunately. Whenever there’s huge money involved, truth remains hidden and human life doesn’t count.

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I heard on CNN that the killer was on valium , this come from a deposition when he tried to sue one of the hotels in Vegas.



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I heard on CNN that the killer was on valium , this come from a deposition when he tried to sue one of the hotels in Vegas.




I guess his Valium was an addition to booze. If you don’t want to go somewhere drunk, you pop a Valium. He may have had become more aggressive on a mixture of booze and Valium. But his cognitive functioning was perfect. He was a very energetic person. Where did that energy come from?


Difficult to say whether he was addicted to alcohol. Maybe he only abused it. I don’t think he was addicted to Valium. His mind was too sharp for a Valium addict. I think he was in a manic state, enhanced by an SSRI/SNRI. I heard a pdoc saying in the news Valium doesn’t make a person that violent. Valium makes one a wimp. Barely able to read a short text. I know from experience.


If he were addicted, he would have a stash of Valium in his house. Not a few pills left. What puzzles me is they say he didn’t want to commit suicide. How come, with the SWAT team two floors above, then behind his door. I think he wanted to commit suicide and kill as many ppl as he could in the process. Cause he hated humans. He had no empathy. He was a sociopath. Why are they telling he did not want to kill himself? They serve us so much BS in the news, it’s unbearable. Do they think we’re that moronic? New “opium for the masses”? The news?

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Maybe it’s my OCD. I’ll do everything to understand why he did it.



i think it's only human and natural to want to do everything to understand why a murderer murders. i was obsessed about OJ Simpson and watched all those shows and would go over and over in my mind as to what could have wanted him to rage so much to kill. i also think we obsess about it and want to know because it gives us the illusion of safety and the illusion of control if we know why these killers go on these sprees.


if this man was on a cocktail of drugs and booze -- that could change the brain chemistry enough for him to go psycho.

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This particular mass murderer will lead to endless speculation about HIS motive(s).  I recall posting something similar to this years ago: http://www.newsweek.com/white-men-have-committed-more-mass-shootings-any-other-group-675602. -- white guys perpetrate this -- they will also have to resolve this, IMHO.  WBB


What do you mean by white guys will have to resolve this?


I would take this to mean that our predominately white male republican congress members need to finally get out from under the thumb of the NRA and pass some stricter gun control legislation. As a white male, I take no offense to this statement.

Yeah - there is no reason, as a white male, to take any of these statistics personally.  They're just facts.  Just like being a perpetrator of domestic violence does not necessarily make you a mass murderer.  But domestic violence is highly correlated for those white males committing gun violence.  From 2009 to 2015  - in 57 percent of mass shootings the shooters killed intimate partners or other family members.  Google it.  I don't need to feel right about any of this.  I don't want to be.  It is what it is.  Just like I can go to Nevada right now and buy a machine gun and open carry it around Vegas legally.  That's a fact.  I leave it to the reader to formulate their own opinions.  Get active when you feel better.


I will say, I feel very sad that docs are going to be whipping out the RX pad probably more and more for people connected to violence or victims of it in some way.  If benzos contributed to this Vegas shooter's state of mind - well talk about sad irony.  WBB



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Yeah - there is no reason, as a white male, to take any of these statistics personally.  They're just facts.  Just like being a perpetrator of domestic violence does not necessarily make you a mass murderer.  But domestic violence is highly correlated for those white males committing gun violence.  From 2009 to 2015  - in 57 percent of mass shootings the shooters killed intimate partners or other family members.  Google it.  I don't need to feel right about any of this.  I don't want to be.  It is what it is.  Just like I can go to Nevada right now and buy a machine gun and open carry it around Vegas legally.  That's a fact.  I leave it to the reader to formulate their own opinions.  Get active when you feel better.


I will say, I feel very sad that docs are going to be whipping out the RX pad probably more and more for people connected to violence or victims of it in some way.  If benzos contributed to this Vegas shooter's state of mind - well talk about sad irony.  WBB


WBB, I read he was rude to his gf and aggressive towards ppl. It’s curious he divorced twice. Where are these wives? They must know sth. He used to carry a cigar, though he didn’t smoke. When someone lighted a cig next to him. He lit the cigar and blew the smoke in the person’s face. He always wanted to be served first at restaurants. This was definitely not a benzo addict, IMO. Rather a high-functioning alcoholic.

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i think it's only human and natural to want to do everything to understand why a murderer murders. i was obsessed about OJ Simpson and watched all those shows and would go over and over in my mind as to what could have wanted him to rage so much to kill. i also think we obsess about it and want to know because it gives us the illusion of safety and the illusion of control if we know why these killers go on these sprees.


if this man was on a cocktail of drugs and booze -- that could change the brain chemistry enough for him to go psycho.


Yeah, I guess we need to know why. Even if it’s impossible. It’s all we can do. Posted a song for the victims on abcd’s thread. Is it gonna bring them back to life? When I look at those faces, I want to howl.


I remember there was this Adam Lanza case yrs ago. To this day, very little is known about the psych meds he was on. Public opinion insisted on getting his medical records revealed. In vain. I read somewhere about Celexa. Was he taking Celexa or withdrawing from Celexa? I guess Celexa is quite cheap in the US. There’s a cheap generic in my country. Did he have OCD or what? Killed his mother, 20 kids at his school and himself.


Then there was this French pilot, Andreas Lubitz, who killed 150 ppl in a plane crash. Another mystery. Spent several mos in a psych ward. And they want to fool ppl into believing Ativan made him do it? Oh yeah? I guess Ativan is also quite cheap. And of course, they kept him solely on Ativan in that psych ward. He got addicted to Ativan and still could fly. Plus all the energy he had. Wonderful. Benzos act like an energy drink! So sick of all the lies.


I don’t remember which case it was, but they said sth like: “We’re not gonna tell public opinion what he was on, cause ppl would stop taking their drugs.” No, they’re not gonna tell, because of the money a particular AD generates for the Big Pharma. Ppl can always be switched to another AD. But some Big Pharma CEOs will lose huge money. Five houses less. It’s nauseating.

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Maybe it’s my OCD. I’ll do everything to understand why he did it.



i think it's only human and natural to want to do everything to understand why a murderer murders. i was obsessed about OJ Simpson and watched all those shows and would go over and over in my mind as to what could have wanted him to rage so much to kill. i also think we obsess about it and want to know because it gives us the illusion of safety and the illusion of control if we know why these killers go on these sprees.


if this man was on a cocktail of drugs and booze -- that could change the brain chemistry enough for him to go psycho.




I am glad CNN finally mentioned the Valium.  Medications that a perpetrator is taking is not an insignificant part of the story that should  be omitted.  The public has a right to know.  Not everyone reads online news.  Not everyone has a computer.  And we also do not know that he only ever took 50 pills.  The deposition was from 2013 and at that point in time he said he had 10-15 pills left from a bottle of 60.  We do not know what he was prescribed before or after that time and we do not know if he was prescribed other drugs.  All we know is that he took Valium and it is important that this information not be withheld from public knowledge.  Though I do believe it is possible,  I don't know if this is why he did what he did, nor did CNN make this conclusion.  I just believe in full disclosure of the facts as they become available, so was relieved it was finally reported on mainstream TV news and I wanted to share that.  People can  better formulate their own opinions when they have all the facts.  It's impossible to do this without all the information.  Furthermore, this is the first time I've ever heard mainstream news even say what medications the perpetrator was taking.  I was pleasantly surprised.


And for the first time, it seems to me, they are asking "Why?" and maybe this is why Valium is mentioned.  They are grasping at straws, looking for a motive, looking beyond the how (guns) and to me that is refreshing. 

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I still don’t believe a person on a cocktail of Valium and booze is capable of such an act. Why was his mind so clear? An analytical, sharp mind. Why?
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i think it's only human and natural to want to do everything to understand why a murderer murders. i was obsessed about OJ Simpson and watched all those shows and would go over and over in my mind as to what could have wanted him to rage so much to kill. i also think we obsess about it and want to know because it gives us the illusion of safety and the illusion of control if we know why these killers go on these sprees.


if this man was on a cocktail of drugs and booze -- that could change the brain chemistry enough for him to go psycho.


Yeah, I guess we need to know why. Even if it’s impossible. It’s all we can do. Posted a song for the victims on abcd’s thread. Is it gonna bring them back to life? When I look at those faces, I want to howl.


I remember there was this Adam Lanza case yrs ago. To this day, very little is known about the psych meds he was on. Public opinion insisted on getting his medical records revealed. In vain. I read somewhere about Celexa. Was he taking Celexa or withdrawing from Celexa? I guess Celexa is quite cheap in the US. There’s a cheap generic in my country. Did he have OCD or what? Killed his mother, 20 kids at his school and himself.


Then there was this French pilot, Andreas Lubitz, who killed 150 ppl in a plane crash. Another mystery. Spent several mos in a psych ward. And they want to fool ppl into believing Ativan made him do it? Oh yeah? I guess Ativan is also quite cheap. And of course, they kept him solely on Ativan in that psych ward. He got addicted to Ativan and still could fly. Plus all the energy he had. Wonderful. Benzos act like an energy drink! So sick of all the lies.


I don’t remember which case it was, but they said sth like: “We’re not gonna tell public opinion what he was on, cause ppl would stop taking their drugs.” No, they’re not gonna tell, because of the money a particular AD generates for the Big Pharma. Ppl can always be switched to another AD. But some Big Pharma CEOs will lose huge money. Five houses less. It’s nauseating.


Hi Estee,


I read about the Lanza case.


They were a strange family, he and the mother lived alone in that huge house.

It's since been torn down


The mother had a real arsonal in house and would take him to shooting ranges.


It was said he was autistic?  He did not like to be touched, played some pretty violent video games, etc


He looks very very thin in pics? 

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Hi Estee,


I read about the Lanza case.


They were a strange family, he and the mother lived alone in that huge house.

It's since been torn down


The mother had a real arsonal in house and would take him to shooting ranges.


It was said he was autistic?  He did not like to be touched, played some pretty violent video games, etc


He looks very very thin in pics?


I dug into the cases of Adam Lanza and Andreas Lubitz recently. I remembered almost nothing. And read very little. After I went back on benzos in May 2014, my mind ceased to be sharp. My memory worsened to a great extent. I just wanted to make sure the Big Pharma are still making fools of ppl. And no substantial information about their cash cows leaked to the news. Sadly, I was right.


Adam Lanza looked strange. I don’t know what mental illness he got. Just read he had anxiety, OCD and anorexia. And allegedly “didn’t want to take SSRIs”. They’re talking about a short course of Lexapro, then Celexa. For me, it’s one big nonsense. Person with OCD who goes on a shooting rampage? He changed his socks like 20 times a day. Obsessively washed his hands. Didn’t he feel a compulsion to wash his hands or change socks between shootings? What they serve the public opinion is a bunch of outrageous lies. I don’t even know if there’s a point reading those news.


I think he may have been misdiagnosed and given wrong drugs. He either had BP or schizophrenia, IMO. I cannot imagine a neurotic going on a shooting spree. Maybe some ppl with BP/schizophrenia also have OCD symptoms.


He could have had restarted his Lexapro treatment a few days earlier. If he were psychotic, that would explain things largely. He had a very rich father, who took care of him and his mother financially. He also had quite a normal brother, as far as I remember. I know neurotic ppl only too well from various psych wards and therapeutical groups. To know they’re incapable of committing such atrocities. This young man killed 26 ppl. He wasn’t neurotic, IMO. A neurotic is usually paralyzed with fear. He may become disinhibited on SSRIs. But not to this extent.


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Yeah - there is no reason, as a white male, to take any of these statistics personally.  They're just facts.  Just like being a perpetrator of domestic violence does not necessarily make you a mass murderer.  But domestic violence is highly correlated for those white males committing gun violence.  From 2009 to 2015  - in 57 percent of mass shootings the shooters killed intimate partners or other family members.  Google it.  I don't need to feel right about any of this.  I don't want to be.  It is what it is.  Just like I can go to Nevada right now and buy a machine gun and open carry it around Vegas legally.  That's a fact.  I leave it to the reader to formulate their own opinions.  Get active when you feel better.


It's one thing to quote a statistical fact, it is quite another thing to interject racist or sexist commentary.  Saying "white men need to fix this" makes the intent of the statement clear and it is crossing the line.


I am glad CNN finally mentioned the Valium.  Medications that a perpetrator is taking is not an insignificant part of the story that should  be omitted.  The public has a right to know.  Not everyone reads online news.  Not everyone has a computer.  And we also do not know that he only ever took 50 pills.  The deposition was from 2013 and at that point in time he said he had 10-15 pills left from a bottle of 60.  We do not know what he was prescribed before or after that time and we do not know if he was prescribed other drugs.  All we know is that he took Valium and it is important that this information not be withheld from public knowledge.  Though I do believe it is possible,  I don't know if this is why he did what he did, nor did CNN make this conclusion.  I just believe in full disclosure of the facts as they become available, so was relieved it was finally reported on mainstream TV news and I wanted to share that.  People can  better formulate their own opinions when they have all the facts.  It's impossible to do this without all the information.  Furthermore, this is the first time I've ever heard mainstream news even say what medications the perpetrator was taking.  I was pleasantly surprised.


And for the first time, it seems to me, they are asking "Why?" and maybe this is why Valium is mentioned.  They are grasping at straws, looking for a motive, looking beyond the how (guns) and to me that is refreshing. 


I agree that may be a significant detail but the thing is, we may never know this guys medical history. I don't think there is any way to get that information unless someone who knows him discloses it.

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His gf was paid $100,000 not to disclose it. Who’s gonna tell us? Pdocs? He probably had several pdocs. Just like he had several houses. All those who may have prescribed cash cows have already been paid a fortune for their silence. He was too freaking intelligent to have left any traces.
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He was too freaking intelligent to have left any traces.


Why would he care if he left any traces? He either did it for some real (as yet unknown) reason, he was off his rocker, or he was under the influence of something. If he was that smart he had to understand that there was absolutely no way he would get away with this. I can't think of any reason why he would have wanted or needed to cover his tracks.

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I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out the killer was on psych drugs. Probably not benzos, but SSRI's. Most of them are. [nobbc]http://www.***.org[/nobbc]


Scientology link removed:

“Because many of our members rely upon the professional help of psychiatrists and therapists, information regarding psychiatry or psychiatric practice originating from Scientology or the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (or any other Scientology front group) is expressly disallowed at this forum.”  Anti-psychiatry/Scientology


Yeah probably, although A small percentage of the population is predisposed to evil for evils sake. My definition of evil here being "committing atrocities for the satisfaction of the act itself". people like this do occur in clinical psychology

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Lines or no lines. -- Mostly white men will have to fix the gun problem. The number of women In Congress is 104, or 19 percent. That’s far less than the overall American population, which is 50 percent female.  Also, Ninety-one percent of Republican gun owners agree that “the right to own guns is essential to their own sense of freedom.” White men are much more likely to own guns than non-whites, and the “super-owners” amassing arsenals of weapons are particularly likely to be white, male and conservative. Republicans, mostly white males, are in control of Congress and they make gun laws.  Good, bad or indifferent.  It is what it is.


However, I will say that I used to live in a state that had strict gun laws and had less gun-related crime.  I am close to criminal justice system there so I know.  There may come a time when we will have "gun" states and "safe" states -- unless you feel safer with more guns and so you can inverse the labels.


Women live longer than men, too, but it doesn't make me sexist just by saying so.


I'm kind of done with this. That Vegas gunman can go to the devil.  The gun culture is one of the saddest, scariest dimension of American life and doesn't seem to be getting better. (IMHO)  WBB

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He was too freaking intelligent to have left any traces.


Why would he care if he left any traces? He either did it for some real (as yet unknown) reason, he was off his rocker, or he was under the influence of something. If he was that smart he had to understand that there was absolutely no way he would get away with this. I can't think of any reason why he would have wanted or needed to cover his tracks.


Hahaha, he knew ppl would get sick over the whole business and keep asking “WHY DID HE DO IT?” WHY? WHY? WHY? Endlessly and in vain. Ppl would suffer even more, ruminate. That’s exactly what he wanted. To make more ppl miserable. Even after his death. I just want to know why they say he didn’t want to commit suicide. How the hell could he escape?


Why was he so introvert? He hated ppl. Hated and despised. I guess he considered himself God. I saw some of this behavior in his brother. Who probably has less of the father’s genes. And is far more normal. Doesn’t look like a nutter, anyway. When he spoke about Stephen Paddock being a multimillionaire, he seemed almost proud.

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Lines or no lines. -- Mostly white men will have to fix the gun problem. The number of women In Congress is 104, or 19 percent. That’s far less than the overall American population, which is 50 percent female.  Also, Ninety-one percent of Republican gun owners agree that “the right to own guns is essential to their own sense of freedom.” White men are much more likely to own guns than non-whites, and the “super-owners” amassing arsenals of weapons are particularly likely to be white, male and conservative. Republicans, mostly white males, are in control of Congress and they make gun laws.  Good, bad or indifferent.  It is what it is.


However, I will say that I used to live in a state that had strict gun laws and had less gun-related crime.  I am close to criminal justice system there so I know.  There may come a time when we will have "gun" states and "safe" states -- unless you feel safer with more guns and so you can inverse the labels.


Women live longer than men, too, but it doesn't make me sexist just by saying so.


I'm kind of done with this. That Vegas gunman can go to the devil.  The gun culture is one of the saddest, scariest dimension of American life and doesn't seem to be getting better. (IMHO) WBB


Totally agree. Owning a gun is prohibited in my country. Almost no mass murders here before I was born and as long as I have lived. Except a few terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists. Not that bloody, for sure.

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Lines or no lines. -- Mostly white men will have to fix the gun problem. The number of women In Congress is 104, or 19 percent. That’s far less than the overall American population, which is 50 percent female.  Also, Ninety-one percent of Republican gun owners agree that “the right to own guns is essential to their own sense of freedom.” White men are much more likely to own guns than non-whites, and the “super-owners” amassing arsenals of weapons are particularly likely to be white, male and conservative. Republicans, mostly white males, are in control of Congress and they make gun laws.  Good, bad or indifferent.  It is what it is.


However, I will say that I used to live in a state that had strict gun laws and had less gun-related crime.  I am close to criminal justice system there so I know.  There may come a time when we will have "gun" states and "safe" states -- unless you feel safer with more guns and so you can inverse the labels.


Women live longer than men, too, but it doesn't make me sexist just by saying so.


I'm kind of done with this. That Vegas gunman can go to the devil.  The gun culture is one of the saddest, scariest dimension of American life and doesn't seem to be getting better. (IMHO) WBB


Totally agree. Owning a gun is prohibited in my country. Almost no mass murders here before I was born and as long as I have lived. Except a few terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists. Not that bloody, for sure.


Yes, it is pretty hard for an old skinny introvert to kill and injury hundreds of people without the aid of an arsenal of powerful assault rifles. Some say that guns don't kill, people do, but take away the guns and see how many mass murders occur. People want their guns to defend themselves, but just how many innocents compared to threatening law-breakers are killed by guns each year. Americans want their guns because we can't handle having someone else tell us what to do or what we can't have. Time to accept the fact that our frontier days are over.

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Lines or no lines. -- Mostly white men will have to fix the gun problem. The number of women In Congress is 104, or 19 percent. That’s far less than the overall American population, which is 50 percent female.  Also, Ninety-one percent of Republican gun owners agree that “the right to own guns is essential to their own sense of freedom.” White men are much more likely to own guns than non-whites, and the “super-owners” amassing arsenals of weapons are particularly likely to be white, male and conservative. Republicans, mostly white males, are in control of Congress and they make gun laws.  Good, bad or indifferent.  It is what it is.


However, I will say that I used to live in a state that had strict gun laws and had less gun-related crime.  I am close to criminal justice system there so I know.  There may come a time when we will have "gun" states and "safe" states -- unless you feel safer with more guns and so you can inverse the labels.


Women live longer than men, too, but it doesn't make me sexist just by saying so.


I'm kind of done with this. That Vegas gunman can go to the devil.  The gun culture is one of the saddest, scariest dimension of American life and doesn't seem to be getting better. (IMHO) WBB


Totally agree. Owning a gun is prohibited in my country. Almost no mass murders here before I was born and as long as I have lived. Except a few terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists. Not that bloody, for sure.


Yes, it is pretty hard for an old skinny introvert to kill and injury hundreds of people without the aid of an arsenal of powerful assault rifles. Some say that guns don't kill, people do, but take away the guns and see how many mass murders occur. People want their guns to defend themselves, but just how many innocents compared to threatening law-breakers are killed by guns each year. Americans want their guns because we can't handle having someone else tell us what to do or what we can't have. Time to accept the fact that our frontier days are over.


Yeah, freedom to carry guns. What about freedom and the right to live of those 59 killed and more than 500 injured? How many of them are gonna survive? What about the freedom of their loved ones not to suffer loss and anger? How are they supposed to overcome their grief? It will last a lifetime. Gun laws in the US should be 100% stricter, IMO.


But the sale of guns generates huge income. Just as the sale of SSRIs/SNRIs. What is happening to HUMANITY? The power of money seems to be the strongest power in the Western world. Ppl are so obsessed with it like Islamists with their religion. Something is terribly wrong.


Any spiritual factors mean less and less. Social bonds disintegrate. It’s painful to see it happen. Money and power rule the modern world. Maybe it’s always been so. First, there were wars. Now, mass murders. History keeps repeating itself. “Eternal return”. What can do about this feeling of hopelessness and anger? Nothing... Just trying to change ourselves for the better. Before some lunatic guns us down.

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