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Final healing, I too worry about what this is doing to my brain.  As many say on here, keep exercising and eat healthy. All we can do is try.

I believe we will heal. I just do. They say our brains are incredible pieces of machinery. We must trust in that knowledge and believe in it.


When I was tapering, I read so many times to go slowly. I was so ready to be done with these drugs, but I would do a hold on my taper when I needed to and listened to my body and brain as best as I could. I held cutting my doses many times, until I stabilized. It was a nice feeling to have that control. Our bodies become pretty good indicators as to what works and what doesn't.  Reading success posts on this site helped, but it could also frustrate me, so I was careful what I let myself look at. Some success stories were/are very helpful.

Hang in there and believe in yourself.



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Final, about this:


It's been a rough time for me lately and I fear that my brain won't heal after my taper. 


Hang in there. I believe all our brains will heal. Why not, given enough time? I don't think age has much to do with it. My brain is 99.5% healed ( had to leave a little wiggle room). I had to give up my writing career because of benzos and benzo w/d but I am back writing again, in many ways better than ever. My first book was published in 2018 to great reviews, my second is about to come out, and I am 5 chapters into my third. Oh, and I am 71.


So, have faith. It's tough to believe when we are in the midst of all that torment, but it does end . . . and we do get better.







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Nightengale,  agree with you about HS and college.  Good days.


Did you simply taper or take anything else?

Actualy I could go back look at your sig... forgot to!

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Thank you Katz and Nitengale.


Between my iffy Lyme diagnosis, previous pollydrugging, I have great fear and grief. 


It's good to hear there is a way through.



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BarbaraAve, I took Gabapentin the first week of my taper, but quickly tapered back off of that within a few days of beginning that med. After that I discovered that trying to help my taper along with supplements made things worse, so stopped. For some people supplements help, but for me it just made things worse.


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Greetings, Over 60s Buddies.


Do you take any Rx or OTC medications that have anticholinergic properties? Examples include:



antidepressants such as imipramine (brand name Trofanil)

antihistamines such as hydroxyzine (Vistaril and Atarax)

antipsychotics such as clozapine (Clozaril and FazaClo)

antispasmodics such as dicyclomine (Bentyl)

drugs for urinary incontinence such as tolterodine (Detrol)



antihistamines such as Benadryl and Chlor-Trimeton

sleep aids such as Tylenol PM, Aleve PM and Nytol


If so you might want to read the July 18, 2019 article from Kaiser Health News cited below.  It was an eye opener for me.  As an aside, I was encouraged by the author’s recognition of the importance of slow tapering as well as the research underway at Indiana University (U.S.) on how best to taper older adults off anticholinergics. Let’s hope they seek funding for research on how best to taper older adults off benzos!


Common Medications Can Masquerade As Dementia In Seniors


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Greetings, Over 60s Buddies.


Do you take any Rx or OTC medications that have anticholinergic properties? Examples include:



antidepressants such as imipramine (brand name Trofanil)

antihistamines such as hydroxyzine (Vistaril and Atarax)

antipsychotics such as clozapine (Clozaril and FazaClo)

antispasmodics such as dicyclomine (Bentyl)

drugs for urinary incontinence such as tolterodine (Detrol)





antihistamines such as Benadryl and Chlor-Trimeton

sleep aids such as Tylenol PM, Aleve PM and Nytol


If so you might want to read the July 18, 2019 article from Kaiser Health News cited below.  It was an eye opener for me.  As an aside, I was encouraged by the author’s recognition of the importance of slow tapering as well as the research underway at Indiana University (U.S.) on how best to taper older adults off anticholinergics. Let’s hope they seek funding for research on how best to taper older adults off benzos!




Common Medications Can Masquerade As Dementia In Seniors





I have been reading article about these drugs. I have not been able to take any anti-cholinergic drug since my C/T withdrawal many years ago. I tried Benadryl and it put me through the roof with anxiety.

I list that I am allergic to all anti-cholinergic drugs. Very informative.

Thanks for posting this! :)

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Dear Dana: I’m so glad you found the article informative!  It certainly was a wake-up call to me about Rx and OTC meds with anticholinergic properties.  Your experience with Benadryl sounds awful - increased anxiety is that last thing any of us need.  Smart move to flag yourself as allergic to such drugs (I’ve read that some folks have done the same for fluoroquinolones). 



PS I appreciate your levelheaded posts to the “Teva clonazepam discontinued” group. 

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Dear Dana: I’m so glad you found the article informative!  It certainly was a wake-up call to me about Rx and OTC meds with anticholinergic properties.  Your experience with Benadryl sounds awful - increased anxiety is that last thing any of us need.  Smart move to flag yourself as allergic to such drugs (I’ve read that some folks have done the same for fluoroquinolones). 



PS I appreciate your levelheaded posts to the “Teva clonazepam discontinued” group.


Hi Libertas,


The last thing we need is anxiety! It is the worst of my symptoms right now. I also have a card that states NO Fluroquinolones!  I am going to get a medic alert bracelet, so God Forbid, I go to the hospital, they will know. I also have Seizure Precautions on my card and how much Klonopin I'm on and not stop it.

You're welcome. I Hope and Pray that Teva will bring it back. I am trying to be realistic, but optimistic.

I am staying in touch with my pharmacist and I gave him an email that I got from Teva. I want them to notify me once they get, if they do.

God Bless,




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Greetings, Over 60s Buddies.


Do you take any Rx or OTC medications that have anticholinergic properties? Examples include:



antidepressants such as imipramine (brand name Trofanil)

antihistamines such as hydroxyzine (Vistaril and Atarax)

antipsychotics such as clozapine (Clozaril and FazaClo)

antispasmodics such as dicyclomine (Bentyl)

drugs for urinary incontinence such as tolterodine (Detrol)



antihistamines such as Benadryl and Chlor-Trimeton

sleep aids such as Tylenol PM, Aleve PM and Nytol


If so you might want to read the July 18, 2019 article from Kaiser Health News cited below.  It was an eye opener for me.  As an aside, I was encouraged by the author’s recognition of the importance of slow tapering as well as the research underway at Indiana University (U.S.) on how best to taper older adults off anticholinergics. Let’s hope they seek funding for research on how best to taper older adults off benzos!


Common Medications Can Masquerade As Dementia In Seniors



Lib, I've never been able to take much of meds that dry you out (anticholengerics) as I have Sjogrens... already dried out.    That being said,  since could not take those, since I could not sleep, it made sense to take benzos.  i cant fault the dr. on that.

Of course was neer told what they could do to you.


BUT if I cannot sleep, I dont have the alternataives others have, even if they are not good alternatives. 


have been debating taking a pill. Hetlioz.  It is based on melatonin receptor.  But then again melatonin makes me feel awful.

Hetlioz costs like $12,000 month, tho mine are free, but afraid to try em..  They are FDA approved, approved for non-24 sleep disorder yet never tested on anyone who is not blind.



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What about l-tryptophan? It's an amino acid. Dirt cheap. Order from Amazon. It helped me.


A good strong cup of camomille tea helps also. Nature's sedative. You could Google it. Also Google l-tryptophan. I took 1 gram.





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Hetlioz costs like $12,000 month

BA: Yowza!  That’s a lot of $$.  New-to-market drugs always raise a caution flag for me ... especially if the proposed use is off-label. L

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good morning over60.  Is anyone left or have you all finished tapering?  This thread has not Been active.


Lil where are you?

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I'm still here and painfully tapering.  Lots more to go but have to hold right now.


Not really functional at this time but trying my best. 



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Wow Final you are getting so close. Is it true that the lower you drop (under 1) the worse it gets?


I thought 2 was tough and I am going slow.......

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Wow Final you are getting so close. Is it true that the lower you drop (under 1) the worse it gets?


I thought 2 was tough and I am going slow.......


Thanks for that perspective because I feel very far from my goal. I have only come down a small amount and have to go so slowly.


Yes, for many it is harder as you go lower and I have made some mistakes.  But I have also been told from others that they feel better mentally. I'm hoping to be one of those people. 


You are making progress too. 

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My progress seems so minimal but pdoc is happy with it.


I guess I have at least another year of tapering and wonder what’s in store at the end

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My progress seems so minimal but pdoc is happy with it.


I guess I have at least another year of tapering and wonder what’s in store at the end


I too have another year and that is overwhelming  to think about.

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My progress seems so minimal but pdoc is happy with it.


I guess I have at least another year of tapering and wonder what’s in store at the end


I too have another year and that is overwhelming  to think about.


I know it's hard FH, it all sucks, but try not to read anything that scares you, just move on if you run across one of those posts and don't project into the future, just think about today if possible.  You might be one of those people that slide off with few symptoms.  I sure hope so.  Mary 💜💜💜💜

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My progress seems so minimal but pdoc is happy with it.


I guess I have at least another year of tapering and wonder what’s in store at the end


I too have another year and that is overwhelming  to think about.


I know it's hard FH, it all sucks, but try not to read anything that scares you, just move on if you run across one of those posts and don't project into the future, just think about today if possible.  You might be one of those people that slide off with few symptoms.  I sure hope so.  Mary 💜💜💜💜


Mary, thanks so much for your support on this and the LHSGroup.  I've been very lonely in my journey even though I have a very loving husband.  Being homebound most of this year has really isolated me and its shocking how many people drop away. 

I will try to keep focused on the day.

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My progress seems so minimal but pdoc is happy with it.


I guess I have at least another year of tapering and wonder what’s in store at the end


I too have another year and that is overwhelming  to think about.


I know it's hard FH, it all sucks, but try not to read anything that scares you, just move on if you run across one of those posts and don't project into the future, just think about today if possible.  You might be one of those people that slide off with few symptoms.  I sure hope so.  Mary 💜💜💜💜


Mary, thanks so much for your support on this and the LHSGroup.  I've been very lonely in my journey even though I have a very loving husband.  Being homebound most of this year has really isolated me and its shocking how many people drop away. 

I will try to keep focused on the day.


You can visit us everyday if you want, to talk about benzo's or just chat, wishing you the best FH :D

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My progress seems so minimal but pdoc is happy with it.


I guess I have at least another year of tapering and wonder what’s in store at the end


I too have another year and that is overwhelming  to think about.


I know it's hard FH, it all sucks, but try not to read anything that scares you, just move on if you run across one of those posts and don't project into the future, just think about today if possible.  You might be one of those people that slide off with few symptoms.  I sure hope so.  Mary 💜💜💜💜


Mary, thanks so much for your support on this and the LHSGroup.  I've been very lonely in my journey even though I have a very loving husband.  Being homebound most of this year has really isolated me and its shocking how many people drop away. 

I will try to keep focused on the day.


You can visit us everyday if you want, to talk about benzo's or just chat, wishing you the best FH :D


I will be visiting every day. I need  the support.  I used to belong to another web group but there was cruelty that ran their site ar times.  Stopped feeling safe.

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I totally get the housebound and loneliness.  You are not alone. LHSG is a good hangout.  I was just looking for more over 60 support as we are almost always polydrugged.  I want to get off most meds before I turn 65 and Medicare gets ahold of me.  Yikes
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My progress seems so minimal but pdoc is happy with it.


I guess I have at least another year of tapering and wonder what’s in store at the end


I too have another year and that is overwhelming  to think about.


I know it's hard FH, it all sucks, but try not to read anything that scares you, just move on if you run across one of those posts and don't project into the future, just think about today if possible.  You might be one of those people that slide off with few symptoms.  I sure hope so.  Mary 💜💜💜💜


Mary, thanks so much for your support on this and the LHSGroup.  I've been very lonely in my journey even though I have a very loving husband.  Being homebound most of this year has really isolated me and its shocking how many people drop away. 

I will try to keep focused on the day.


You can visit us everyday if you want, to talk about benzo's or just chat, wishing you the best FH :D


I will be visiting every day. I need  the support.  I used to belong to another web group but there was cruelty that ran their site ar times.  Stopped feeling safe.


I am so sorry FH, no one will be cruel to you here.  Everyone has gone through too much to be that thoughtless.  I promise.    :smitten: :smitten:

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I totally get the housebound and loneliness.  You are not alone. LHSG is a good hangout.  I was just looking for more over 60 support as we are almost always polydrugged.  I want to get off most meds before I turn 65 and Medicare gets ahold of me.  Yikes


Yes, I too want off meds before I'm 62.  I like this group as well and it's good to connect with peers of the same age.  I will post here as well.  Not going anywhere.

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