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How to find JOY (getting frustrated)


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Do any BBs have words of wisdom or websites to share about finding JOY in life?  While I've been on antidepressants for too many years, and benzos too, but now jumped, I "realized" about 2 years ago that I am "flat" and "uninvolved" emotionally and continue to be.


A few months ago I actually experienced joy for a fleeting moment and was sooo surprised and ecstatic!  I am open to any suggestions with help in this conquest.  It seems the harder I try to find joy the more elusive it becomes............  Thanks!

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Maybe watch some comedy romance ('chick flick') movies.  Stuff that brings tears of joy.


Some disney/pixar type movies (e.g. Finding Nemo)


Watching or playing with puppies/kittens.

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Thanks badsocref!  We have two cats age 7.  However, they are such loving "kitten" personalities that I need to start cuddling them more - not that they aren't spoiled already!  The DVD movies should be pulled out of the cabinet...That was a great suggestion.


Yesterday evening I resolved to be more positive and grateful.  I relished the time at my grandson's baseball game and going out for a burger with him thereafter!  Slept 7 hours last night and gave thanks to the heavens this morning.  I also am heavily working on dropping the "regrets and what ifs" and making the most of the present.  Forgiving myself and sending out loving thoughts to the universe too.


Be well. 

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Being grateful is a terrific way to let more joy into your life. For a while I would come up with 3 things I was grateful for every morning while I was in the shower. Right now I'm grateful that it's spring and the flowers are blooming.


Often I'd be grateful about my kids. I would think of specific things about my kids that I was grateful for, like how one of them was making little sculptures and the other tells good jokes. By thinking of those specific things it helped bring pleasant memories and made the thoughts that much stronger. Plus I could think of a new thing about my daughter that I was grateful for every day.


This is a really good way to start the day!

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Being grateful is a terrific way to let more joy into your life. For a while I would come up with 3 things I was grateful for every morning while I was in the shower. Right now I'm grateful that it's spring and the flowers are blooming.


Often I'd be grateful about my kids. I would think of specific things about my kids that I was grateful for, like how one of them was making little sculptures and the other tells good jokes. By thinking of those specific things it helped bring pleasant memories and made the thoughts that much stronger. Plus I could think of a new thing about my daughter that I was grateful for every day.


This is a really good way to start the day!


This is a great suggestion Travis. Thanks for sharing!

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  • 2 months later...
It's really hard to feel joy or anything else outside this suffering. I'm enjoying people's comments on this thread. I'm grateful for all of you.
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It's certainly understandable that you would feel flat or unable to feel emotionally. I've gone through that for so long, I'd forgotten who I was. I had found a few bright spots recently when watching British comedies - really funny stuff. I could direct you to a site wherein you might find something meaningful, but I sort of hesitate because it can be quite troubling for some. But joy is central to what it is all about. Just something to consider, perhaps at some point.
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Thanks all for input.  I am working on finding more JOY and I actually have come to grips that I must find joy all by myself!!!!  Yes, others can contribute, but I need to make significant emotional changes.  I know I am stuck right now but I am trying.  Best wishes.
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My experience is: When you try to find it, you get nothing.


DO is what matters


do exercice, do things, even you dont feel joy in the moment, get distractions


joy comes naturally

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Thanks Healthfirst.  That's probably my problem in that I  AM  LOOKING for joy!  I know my hubby is really "waiting" for me to be better even though he is also getting wrapped up in the family situation we have.  I am also going to find a volunteer job after Labor Day.  Hopefully that will life my spirits and distract me as I am a natural worrier.  I do try to be grateful but just can't right now.  :(


My hubby wants to join a gym and I think that would be a wonderful option for the two of us.  I appreciate your suggestion Healthfirst as even praying seems numb to me. 


I will ask those BBs who believe in prayer to send a few prayers into the Universe and I will also consciously do the same for my struggling buddies.

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Thanks Healthfirst.  That's probably my problem in that I  AM  LOOKING for joy!  I know my hubby is really "waiting" for me to be better even though he is also getting wrapped up in the family situation we have.  I am also going to find a volunteer job after Labor Day.  Hopefully that will life my spirits and distract me as I am a natural worrier.  I do try to be grateful but just can't right now.  :(


My hubby wants to join a gym and I think that would be a wonderful option for the two of us.  I appreciate your suggestion Healthfirst as even praying seems numb to me. 


I will ask those BBs who believe in prayer to send a few prayers into the Universe and I will also consciously do the same for my struggling buddies.


I was also. But lets think: what do u want to happen to find joy?-have a tought? Have a feeling? We dnt cntrol joy. Joy is a gift of the universe. I think that was the problem of my life.

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