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Ativan withdrawal.. help


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I've read it.. I understand. But when you are in it it feels like it will last FOREVER.

The manuel is a manuel, not a person comforting and understanding you.

I've read that part of the ashton manuel.

But in the state I am in a manuel is just that, not a person that can be there.

It is really scary. I am not the most emotionally strongest person to begin with.

If I were I wouldn't have taken ativan for anxiety.


I guess,,



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Hello Lisa,


I see you have read part of the Ashton manual. That is great. I understand that the manual is not a person comforting and understanding you. I can offer that. I do understand .........I am going through the process of tapering and have many of the same symptoms you are experiencing.


How can I help? I want to let you know........I was prescribed Klonopin for anxiety too. I really do understand the feelings and thinking this will last forever.


I understand not feeling emotionally strong. These withdrawal symptoms are really intense sometimes. I know my anxiety was never this high before. The anxiety I have right now is much more intense. You are not alone. You have support, compassion and understanding here.


I am thinking of you,


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Hi Lisa,


I read the Ashton Manual over and over and over again during w/d. I know a lot of people who do and it helps. I kept it next to my bed, in the bathroom, sometimes brought it to work. I had to because I'd forget what I read. I swear each time I read it I found something new! LOL!


I also marked mine up a lot. I'd check off the symptoms and put stars next to the worse ones. I don't know why - but it helped. I think it forced me to look at the big picture it in a methodical way, instead of emotionally.


The fear you feel is so difficult I know. I had some other real life issues going on at time of w/d that I wish I could elaborate on, but I can't. All I can say is that I thought I would die of a heart attack becasue it would have been stressful enough for anyone to go through, nevermind someone in w/d. So my point is that I made it - if I can, you can, believe me!


Look at your kids and keep your strength up to go on for them. They have a remarkable way of bringing out the best in us. As mothers, we are stronger than we know!!!

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I just hope it didn't damage my nervous system for good.

I can't live like this forever.

I was already VERY nervous before ativan.



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Were you this nervous and anxious before you started taking Ativan?  Whatever you were before you took the drug, you will return to.  There will be NO permanent damage and you'll be able to look into non drug methods for dealing with your anxiety. 
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If you are a pest, everyone in this pickle is a pest, too, Lisa.  ::)  All your questions are reasonable and your concerns natural and appropriate.  This is a scary business but knowledge is power and there is strength in numbers so you are in a good place here.
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did exercise at the gym.. better than I was. I guess. exercise help the withdrawal anxiety.

Better than pacing all around.

If you can do it,


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I also think that exercise is good for the mind and the spirit , I always find that a good way to put my anxiety to work is by exercising , yesterday I did a lot of yard work and it did require a lot of physical strength , it lifted my mood and it worked wonders for that anxiety .

I am glad that your work out proved to be helpful .

Keep finding ways to channel that anxiety in a positive way that will finally benefit you in the long run .


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yes I am going to the gym every day.

It helps a lot.

Still think I"m withdrawing, but it is getting better.

thank you all.

APPRECIATE your support beyond words,

many blessing to you all!




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Hi Lisa,


You sound good!  I've watched other members turn to exercise to get them through this, with great success!  Me, I paced.  :D


I like what you've written in your signature, NEVER AGAIN!



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I wanted to add that my aunt is a psychiatric nurse. When I told her I am quitting ativan she said " Oh , and you want to go back to your old self, with your horrible anxiety, isn't this helping you ? You will always live with anxiety if you quit ativan," to which I added; " Aunt, it is horrible, I am needing to take more and more every day. I am having withdrawal between doses, and cannot live like this." ( after only a few weeks on the poison) To which she said " take what the doctor ordered, dont; take any more. I"ve known people on ativan for 20 years, it only helps thosse I've known. They don't have to go up in dosage, take it"

TO which I said " yeah, right, thanks and goodbye"

I could not believe that she does not see or know of the horror this drug is.

I need to add that this is NOT a stupid woman, she is 73 and in into nutrition and natural healing FOR HERSELF and the other psychologists and psychologists she works with. I lost a lot of respect for her after that. I had turned to her for wisdom and insight before, but when I saw her complete ignorance and idiocy regarding the drugs she hands out, well I saw her wisdom and intelligence is very short sighted.

Take care all,


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I wanted to add that my aunt is a psychiatric nurse. When I told her I am quitting ativan she said " Oh , and you want to go back to your old self, with your horrible anxiety, isn't this helping you ? You will always live with anxiety if you quit ativan," to which I added; " Aunt, it is horrible, I am needing to take more and more every day. I am having withdrawal between doses, and cannot live like this." ( after only a few weeks on the poison) To which she said " take what the doctor ordered, dont; take any more. I"ve known people on ativan for 20 years, it only helps thosse I've known. They don't have to go up in dosage, take it"

TO which I said " yeah, right, thanks and goodbye"

I could not believe that she does not see or know of the horror this drug is.

I need to add that this is NOT a stupid woman, she is 73 and in into nutrition and natural healing FOR HERSELF and the other psychologists and psychologists she works with. I lost a lot of respect for her after that. I had turned to her for wisdom and insight before, but when I saw her complete ignorance and idiocy regarding the drugs she hands out, well I saw her wisdom and intelligence is very short sighted.

Take care all,



hi seoreh,


i can totally identify with your post.  my doc tapered me too fast (long story)...i was down from 4mgk to 2mgk and couldn't function at all.  So i reinstated to 4mgs and eventually i found a benzo/ahston doc to help get me out of this mess.  it's been no joy ride.


in may i went to the hospital and was admitted...hubby helped to make this decision; we knew doctors well enough and trusted a couple of them..they said 6 day detox would work; i was highly doubtful....At the time, i hadn't been sleeping and was in such misery with dizzyness and fainting.  The doc we knew, after i told him i wasn't sleeping said to me "takes some advian or valium if you have some"  geeezz...now i knew i was in trouble.  Also a good friend is a psychiatric nurse practiioner and she said to me, "take your normal dose and you will be fine'...uhm, no that didn't work.

Then when i got discharged from the hospital (they did nothing for me except call me nuts) my friend that was a psych nurse called me to see how i was and she said "Klonopin isn't addictive"...geez, i still keep wondering WTF?  Are these "professionals" clueless or lying?


Well, that's my rant..hope u don't mind listening to it.


welcome to BB and reach out for support and we will be there anytime you need it.

love, truck

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I don't mind listening at all!

Glad I"m not alone.

What's up with these so called professionals.

THey are clueless


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Hello Lisa,


I see you had a discussion with your aunt who is a psych nurse. I wanted to let you know, I saw a psychiatrist......and he never told me Klonopin was addictive.......Or that I could be in the situation I am in now. Tapering off of a benzo.


I ended up on this drug for 5 years for anxiety. And then it stopped working and I was in worse shape than had I not been on the benzo. I had to leave him to get on this path.


Hey, I wanted to share some things I learned after I stopped seeing my psychiatrist. This information is from 2 different psychiatrists......about how addictive benzos are and how quickly the dependence can happen.


There seems to be a great deal of denial or lack of knowledge regarding the benzodiazepines. I wish these specialists and doctors had a better working knowledge of the benzodiazepines.    I hope you find this helpful. I know I did.


Dr. Ashton makes the point.........."The committee on Safety of Medicines and the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK concluded in various statements (1988 and 1992) that benzodiazepines are unsuitable for long-term use and that they should in general be prescribed for periods of 2-4 weeks only."


Another book is: "Benzo Blues, Overcoming Anxiety WITHOUT Tranquilizers" by Edward H. Drummond, M.D. 1997 (he is a Psychiatrist)


"It is now widely accepted that benzodiazepines can cause a discontinuance syndrome with the usual therapeutic doses after only a few weeks of administration."


  "The severity of the symptoms varies tremendously in different individuals. Factors include the size of the daily dose, the length of time that a person has been on the drug, the speed with which the drug is metabolized in the body, and the rate at which the drug is tapered or stopped."


"Your Drug May Be Your Problem...How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications”, Fully Revised and Updated Edition" by Peter Breggin, M.D. 2007 (a Psychiatrist)


"Tranquilizers can produce withdrawal reactions after only a few weeks of use. Studies of Xanax, for example, have indicated increased anxiety and panic upon withdrawal after only eight weeks."


“The resistance and denial have been documented in years past- notably, with respect to the benzodiazepines, the barbiturates, the stimulants, and even the opiates. Yet these very drugs are today considered “classically addictive.”


I hope this is helpful.

I wish you well,



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I know. If people questioned their professions how could they keep earning a living and have a conscience? That's why I did not become a doctor. I could have. but there are too many things I question!



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Elliptical mostly.. Love that machine can stay on for a long time

I am still not great though. Have very rough days, get depressed and cry a lot.

dont; know if it's still ativan withdrawal? Maybe? haven't taken it for two weeks now.. i am better than I was but still get down. I am lonely. dont; have many good friends.. love talking to people.




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Is great to see that you have found a venue to make yourself feel better . Also is great that after 2 weeks you are improving and moving along.

I know what you mean about being alone , this is a lonely process, but you can make friends perhaps at the Gym , when I used to work out every day I made some good friends there.

Keep healing 


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Thank you for your encouragement and support.

I appreciate it.

I get depressed about tinnitus. I guess. I've had days where I do not notice it at all and days where it really bothers me. Maybe it's just a wholistic whole mind /body /spirit thing. After 8 years of severe anxiety/health anxiety I think tinnitus is just it all coming to a big peak, a messenger and teacher- as was using ativan, also a teacher and messenger about my anxiety.

BUt I still wonder if the feelings I have are my own or still ativan withdrawal. I don't know.

Anyway, thanks for talking, appreciate it!




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Hello Lisa,


Nice to see you! I have tinnitus too. I am still tapering and have found when the tinnitus gets louder my anxiety is higher or my body has not gotten use to my new lower dose. You are early in the Post Benzo Healing Phase. So the symptoms will wax and wane. This is normal.


You asked if the feelings you are having are Ativan withdrawal or your own? I have found........it is difficult to differentiate my anxiety from withdrawal symptom anxiety. One thing I have noticed is........if I can keep my anxiety low.........the symptoms are lower too.


I have the anxiety, tinnitus, and crying spells. All of this is a part of the healing.


I think you are doing great.


Here's to continued healing,


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Yes. that is true.

ANd I feel the same way.

Very bad crying spells.

When my anxiety is lower it all feels not as bad (as it can feel).

Haven't been to gym in a few days.

Maybe I will drag myself out.

I wish I never took that poison.

I did.. and now I have to make the best of what I"m left with.

I hope it gets better. I pray it does. this cannot last forever.

Very, bad day. Very bad anxiety. bad fear, bad obsession. overall BAD.

I love my kids and I am not able to have any fun with them.


talk to me..



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Hello Lisa,


I see you are having a time of it. I understand that. I have really bad times too. This is a really difficult thing to experience.


Hey, I am so sad to see you are having trouble having fun with your kids. This is so difficult on relationships......even with our children.


I too, wish I had never taken a benzodiazepine. I was just upset again last night about it.


This will get better, we will both get better and heal from this. The process is way too slow. And making it through another day is very challenging. I am with you there.


Yea, when I get my anxiety as low as possible. My symptoms go as low as possible. They are still there though.


Hey, I put together some information I thought might be helpful regarding the bad Fear and bad Obsessions you are feeling. I will add it too my next post to you. I hope you find it helpful. I have found information to be comforting. I hope it does the same for you. Let me know.


I am thinking of you and wishing you well,


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Hello Lisa,


Here is some reassuring information regarding obsessive thoughts and fear. I know it is comforting to me. I hope it is to you as well.


Benzo-Wise, A Recovery Companion by V. Baylissa Frederick, 2009


Repetitive/Obsessive thoughts: thoughts persist and interrupt cognition, can’t stop unwanted thoughts going over and over in mind


Obsessive, Unwanted Thoughts


“This can be the most distressing symptom for some, especially in cases where the thoughts are scary or repulsive. …….The thoughts were withdrawal-induced, triggered by temporary neurological imbalances, and faded as recovery progressed.”


“Fighting the thoughts will not cause them to go away; attaching fear to the idea of having the thoughts or their content will intensify them. Accepting them as a symptom and acknowledging they are false is the first step.”


“If you are having obsessive thoughts, try not to give them too much energy. Don’t panic or even be surprised when they surface and don’t dwell on the content or the fact that it is happening. See if you are able to place them into the same category as you would a skin rash or any of the other physical symptoms.”


I hope this is helpful.

I wish you well,







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My heart is out to you. You sound depressed and sad - I had a terrible bout of it myself. A buddy pointed out to me that it was just w/d, but I didn't beleive her, its hard to beleive isn't it?


There is a fire alram in my building right now - I will write more later.



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