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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Thank you so much. This is toughest spot in the taper. I’ve never been this low. I would like to do a batch but never understood it. I’m functioning in the negative due to no sleep. I will pm you with questions later. Thank The heavens for this group of buddies

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Thank you so much. This is toughest spot in the taper. I’ve never been this low. I would like to do a batch but never understood it. I’m functioning in the negative due to no sleep. I will pm you with questions later. Thank The heavens for this group of buddies


Mag, would you please post to Valley here? BenzoBuddies does not allow PMs to be used for tapering advice. We want that on the boards where everyone can benefit. That said, we have no way to read the PMs unless someone forwards a copy to admin. So it's an honor system.

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I am having deep feelings of sadness and darkness today. Any words of comfort would be so appreciated.


Begood you are an inspiration!

Sorry Magnolis, just reading this today!!! I hope today was a better day for you!  I'm glad other Buddies have been able to answer some of your questions bc I have no clue!  I am sending you virtual hugs and supportive thoughts right now!❤

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Mag- idk abt liquid tapers but I do know you’re going to pull thru this one way or another. It seems dark now, but the light will shine again. Hugs!
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I haven’t slept in 2 nights. This hasn’t happened before.I’ve taken 7 up-doses. I started taking .75 during the day but have not been consistent with the times. Some of the other symptoms have improved. But this new one is my most dreaded. Why would an updose cause insomnia? I am sticking with a consistent time for day dose,
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Mag- it’s possible that it’s not the updose causing insomnia but rather, maybe it’s in part from your anxiety around this decision of what to do with your dose. Just a thought.
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I've only written in this group once before, and now I am back again. I have very bad OCD which sometimes does not allow me on the computer for days(yes I know it's weird, but it's part of my mental prison). So now I am back. I am currently down to 1,5 mg of Valium and will soon taper down another 0.25 mg. The weird thing is, it has not gotten worse at this stage. It's bad, but it's been bad for three years now, so I am kind of used to it. We all know that tapering is a rollercoaster(and somehow you get "used" to being in constant fear, anxiety, and having trouble sleeping, not to mention all the physical symptoms). But it's still at the same level as before if you know what I mean. I just wanted to spread some hope to anybody out there that might need it. Maybe it will become harder soon, as I continue this taper(I have no idea).. But as of up until now, it is just as unbearable as tapering down from 6,5 mg to 6,25 mg and so on. And when I am finished with Valium, I only have three more nightmares to go through(consisting of three different antidepressants to taper off). Anyway, I would never have come this far without benzobuddies. I wouldn't even know WHY I was getting sicker and sicker despite(or because of) doctors putting more meds in body..


Best of luck to everyone struggling out there!

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And thank you all for being here :)

I would never wish this situation for anyone, not even my worst enemy. Still, it is so comforting to know that there are people out there who knows how it feel to go through this nightmare.


Oh, and on a completely different subject.. Tonight I will try the supplement Reishi(which is dried ground mushroom), and is supposed to be good for sleep. Don't know if it works, but I'll let you know if it does! So far, no supplement has helped me except for dried ground nettles, which makes me a little bit alert and helped with the constant fatigue.

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Well i guess I should join the party here :).


Have been at 0.9mg Valium for the past 6 days, and 9 days before that at 1.0mg. Since my Updose the 27th of October at the hospital and then a resumed taper a few days after that, I feel better than I have in a long time. Kind of confused, my tolerance must be really low, which is kind of ridiculous that I crashed so bad. Very confusing times. But hellooooo people!


I still feel like I get quite a bit of sedating and anti anxiety effect from my super low dose, is this normal? 🤔

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Well i guess I should join the party here :).


Have been at 0.9mg Valium for the past 6 days, and 9 days before that at 1.0mg. Since my Updose the 27th of October at the hospital and then a resumed taper a few days after that, I feel better than I have in a long time. Kind of confused, my tolerance must be really low, which is kind of ridiculous that I crashed so bad. Very confusing times. But hellooooo people!


I still feel like I get quite a bit of sedating and anti anxiety effect from my super low dose, is this normal? 🤔


Yes, normal to feel it. I felt sedating and anti-anxiety effects til the very end.  Even at 0.01 mg. I felt better as I got lower but still felt effects when I dosed which surprised me too. I recommend you taper all the way to zero.  After I stepped off , I had a calm lag period of 9 days and then got hit w/ more intense sxs. Didn’t last long but was crazy intense for a couple days. And new sxs too. I was taken by surprise!  But it cleared up. Now at 3 mo off, I feel better than when tapering- not drugged. Windows are truer, fresher, real. Healing is happening!

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And thank you all for being here :)

I would never wish this situation for anyone, not even my worst enemy. Still, it is so comforting to know that there are people out there who knows how it feel to go through this nightmare.


Oh, and on a completely different subject.. Tonight I will try the supplement Reishi(which is dried ground mushroom), and is supposed to be good for sleep. Don't know if it works, but I'll let you know if it does! So far, no supplement has helped me except for dried ground nettles, which makes me a little bit alert and helped with the constant fatigue.

Curious to know how your sleep was...❤ Hope  the Reishi helped!

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Well i guess I should join the party here :).


Have been at 0.9mg Valium for the past 6 days, and 9 days before that at 1.0mg. Since my Updose the 27th of October at the hospital and then a resumed taper a few days after that, I feel better than I have in a long time. Kind of confused, my tolerance must be really low, which is kind of ridiculous that I crashed so bad. Very confusing times. But hellooooo people!


I still feel like I get quite a bit of sedating and anti anxiety effect from my super low dose, is this normal? 🤔

Hey Burger!!! Welcome! And I love the pic of your pooch!❤ It is great that you are feeling better than you have been. I think you and I must be lightweights and sensitive to the medication as I still feel the sedating effects and am at .24mg today.  My anxiety has been getting better but I am also on Prozac so it is hard to know if that is what is helping.  I think it is normal as some of us are so sensitive to medication.  I know from surgeries in my past that I am way more sensitive that other family members who have also been given similar drugs.  Anyhow, just a few more months for you!! You most likely will hit some roadblocks on the way, but I do believe in the power of positive thinking which has helped me tremendously!  Keep up your efforts, you are doing it! 

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Well i guess I should join the party here :).


Have been at 0.9mg Valium for the past 6 days, and 9 days before that at 1.0mg. Since my Updose the 27th of October at the hospital and then a resumed taper a few days after that, I feel better than I have in a long time. Kind of confused, my tolerance must be really low, which is kind of ridiculous that I crashed so bad. Very confusing times. But hellooooo people!


I still feel like I get quite a bit of sedating and anti anxiety effect from my super low dose, is this normal? 🤔


Yes, normal to feel it. I felt sedating and anti-anxiety effects til the very end.  Even at 0.01 mg. I felt better as I got lower but still felt effects when I dosed which surprised me too. I recommend you taper all the way to zero.  After I stepped off , I had a calm lag period of 9 days and then got hit w/ more intense sxs. Didn’t last long but was crazy intense for a couple days. And new sxs too. I was taken by surprise!  But it cleared up. Now at 3 mo off, I feel better than when tapering- not drugged. Windows are truer, fresher, real. Healing is happening!


So crazy that even at these low doses we can feel the effects like this!


Definitely going to go all the way to 0, how was your taper on the way down? Tolerable?

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Well i guess I should join the party here :).


Have been at 0.9mg Valium for the past 6 days, and 9 days before that at 1.0mg. Since my Updose the 27th of October at the hospital and then a resumed taper a few days after that, I feel better than I have in a long time. Kind of confused, my tolerance must be really low, which is kind of ridiculous that I crashed so bad. Very confusing times. But hellooooo people!


I still feel like I get quite a bit of sedating and anti anxiety effect from my super low dose, is this normal? 🤔

Hey Burger!!! Welcome! And I live the pic of your pooch!❤ It is great that you are feeling better than you have been. I think you and I must be lightweights and sensitive to the medication as I still feel the sedating effects and am at .24mg today.  My anxiety has been getting better but I am also on Prozac so it is hard to know if that is what is helping.  I think it is normal as some of us are so sensitive to medication.  I know from surgeries in my past that I am way more sensitive that other family members who have also been given similar drugs.  Anyhow, just a few more months for you!! You most likely will hit some roadblocks on the way, but I do believe in the power of positive thinking which has helped me tremendously!  Keep up your efforts, you are doing it!


Definitely agree about being sensitive to meds, if I take anything I feel the effects from it. Are you taking off 0.01mg a day as you go down? How has it been for you? It looks like you've been able to keep to your schedule pretty good!


Also thanks about the pic, that's Mack he keeps an eye on me, he's pretty bored though lol.

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And thank you all for being here :)

I would never wish this situation for anyone, not even my worst enemy. Still, it is so comforting to know that there are people out there who knows how it feel to go through this nightmare.


Oh, and on a completely different subject.. Tonight I will try the supplement Reishi(which is dried ground mushroom), and is supposed to be good for sleep. Don't know if it works, but I'll let you know if it does! So far, no supplement has helped me except for dried ground nettles, which makes me a little bit alert and helped with the constant fatigue.

Curious to know how your sleep was...❤ Hope  the Reishi helped!


I have taken it for two nights now, and I think that it helps me fall asleep a little bit faster, which is good :) Also, this night I slept from 12 to 7 AM the next morning(which I never do nowadays, normally I wake up at 4 and then fall asleep again). Don't know if this is because of the Reishi, but it might be.


Also I have been taking 1 tsp of Chaga and Hericium(two other dried mushrooms in powder form) and although my anxiety normally is spiking 4-5 days after tapering(which is today) I am feeling pretty good. Maybe it is the mushrooms? They are said to be very nutritious and good for the central nervous system. At least I am not feeling worse, which is the case with almost every other supplement(vitamins and minerals) that I have tried.

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Well i guess I should join the party here :).


Have been at 0.9mg Valium for the past 6 days, and 9 days before that at 1.0mg. Since my Updose the 27th of October at the hospital and then a resumed taper a few days after that, I feel better than I have in a long time. Kind of confused, my tolerance must be really low, which is kind of ridiculous that I crashed so bad. Very confusing times. But hellooooo people!


I still feel like I get quite a bit of sedating and anti anxiety effect from my super low dose, is this normal? 🤔


Hamburger time hi. Why did you go to the hospital and did they oblige you to updose all the way to 2 mgs?

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And thank you all for being here :)

I would never wish this situation for anyone, not even my worst enemy. Still, it is so comforting to know that there are people out there who knows how it feel to go through this nightmare.


Oh, and on a completely different subject.. Tonight I will try the supplement Reishi(which is dried ground mushroom), and is supposed to be good for sleep. Don't know if it works, but I'll let you know if it does! So far, no supplement has helped me except for dried ground nettles, which makes me a little bit alert and helped with the constant fatigue.

Curious to know how your sleep was...❤ Hope  the Reishi helped!


I have taken it for two nights now, and I think that it helps me fall asleep a little bit faster, which is good :) Also, this night I slept from 12 to 7 AM the next morning(which I never do nowadays, normally I wake up at 4 and then fall asleep again). Don't know if this is because of the Reishi, but it might be.


Also I have been taking 1 tsp of Chaga and Hericium(two other dried mushrooms in powder form) and although my anxiety normally is spiking 4-5 days after tapering(which is today) I am feeling pretty good. Maybe it is the mushrooms? They are said to be very nutritious and good for the central nervous system. At least I am not feeling worse, which is the case with almost every other supplement(vitamins and minerals) that I have tried.

👍🏻 That's great news!  The sleep and the anxiety so far! Hope it all continues for you!

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Well i guess I should join the party here :).


Have been at 0.9mg Valium for the past 6 days, and 9 days before that at 1.0mg. Since my Updose the 27th of October at the hospital and then a resumed taper a few days after that, I feel better than I have in a long time. Kind of confused, my tolerance must be really low, which is kind of ridiculous that I crashed so bad. Very confusing times. But hellooooo people!


I still feel like I get quite a bit of sedating and anti anxiety effect from my super low dose, is this normal? 🤔


Hey Burger!!! Welcome! And I love the pic of your pooch!❤ It is great that you are feeling better than you have been. I think you and I must be lightweights and sensitive to the medication as I still feel the sedating effects and am at .24mg today.  My anxiety has been getting better but I am also on Prozac so it is hard to know if that is what is helping.  I think it is normal as some of us are so sensitive to medication.  I know from surgeries in my past that I am way more sensitive that other family members who have also been given similar drugs.  Anyhow, just a few more months for you!! You most likely will hit some roadblocks on the way, but I do believe in the power of positive thinking which has helped me tremendously!  Keep up your efforts, you are doing it!


Definitely agree about being sensitive to meds, if I take anything I feel the effects from it. Are you taking off 0.01mg a day as you go down? How has it been for you? It looks like you've been able to keep to your schedule pretty good!


Also thanks about the pic, that's Mack he keeps an eye on me, he's pretty bored though lol.



Hey Burger, yes I do .01 reduction a day with a liquid titration.  It has been an unpredictable go!  Some days I feel ok moments, but then I get my butt kicked.  My symptoms never go away entirely.  They just get extreme at times and I have no choice but to lie down,  and just ride it out.  But I have been consistent with my taper and will continue to be unless it is absolutely unbearable. But at this point I think I'm just going to keep going as I am so close.  It has been a rollercoaster ride for me.  I'm not out of the woods yet and I am pretty sure once I am off I will continue to have SX's but hopefully in time they will subside.  Once off, if things continue to go as planned, it will have been 150 days, bc I was on 1.50 mg.  22 more as of tomorrow.  Just keep taking it one day at a time.  Hang in there! You got this!❤ P.S. Mack sounds like nurse Kylie.  She makes everything seem better, just knowing she is here with me through all of this.

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Well i guess I should join the party here :).


Have been at 0.9mg Valium for the past 6 days, and 9 days before that at 1.0mg. Since my Updose the 27th of October at the hospital and then a resumed taper a few days after that, I feel better than I have in a long time. Kind of confused, my tolerance must be really low, which is kind of ridiculous that I crashed so bad. Very confusing times. But hellooooo people!


I still feel like I get quite a bit of sedating and anti anxiety effect from my super low dose, is this normal? 🤔


Hamburger time hi. Why did you go to the hospital and did they oblige you to updose all the way to 2 mgs?


I was having tons of pvcs then a panic attack on top of it I guess caused by adrenaline. Glad I updosed but not looking forward to pvcs if they come back this time tapering down again. I am making sure to exercise a lot each day and get my heart rate up. Trying to burn off extra cortisol and adrenaline before surges can happen. Exercise has always been good for me and even though it's hard to do in withdrawal I have to try.


The hospital didn't really encourage me they moreso said my symptoms weren't real because I was at such a low dose. Even an addiction specialist who came to see me said that. Luckily the second one that came around was familiar with a Ashton and said go slow 5 to 10 percent!



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Well i guess I should join the party here :).


Have been at 0.9mg Valium for the past 6 days, and 9 days before that at 1.0mg. Since my Updose the 27th of October at the hospital and then a resumed taper a few days after that, I feel better than I have in a long time. Kind of confused, my tolerance must be really low, which is kind of ridiculous that I crashed so bad. Very confusing times. But hellooooo people!


I still feel like I get quite a bit of sedating and anti anxiety effect from my super low dose, is this normal? 🤔


Hey Burger!!! Welcome! And I love the pic of your pooch!❤ It is great that you are feeling better than you have been. I think you and I must be lightweights and sensitive to the medication as I still feel the sedating effects and am at .24mg today.  My anxiety has been getting better but I am also on Prozac so it is hard to know if that is what is helping.  I think it is normal as some of us are so sensitive to medication.  I know from surgeries in my past that I am way more sensitive that other family members who have also been given similar drugs.  Anyhow, just a few more months for you!! You most likely will hit some roadblocks on the way, but I do believe in the power of positive thinking which has helped me tremendously!  Keep up your efforts, you are doing it!


Definitely agree about being sensitive to meds, if I take anything I feel the effects from it. Are you taking off 0.01mg a day as you go down? How has it been for you? It looks like you've been able to keep to your schedule pretty good!


Also thanks about the pic, that's Mack he keeps an eye on me, he's pretty bored though lol.



Hey Burger, yes I do .01 reduction a day with a liquid titration.  It has been an unpredictable go!  Some days I feel ok moments, but then I get my butt kicked.  My symptoms never go away entirely.  They just get extreme at times and I have no choice but to lie down,  and just ride it out.  But I have been consistent with my taper and will continue to be unless it is absolutely unbearable. But at this point I think I'm just going to keep going as I am so close.  It has been a rollercoaster ride for me.  I'm not out of the woods yet and I am pretty sure once I am off I will continue to have SX's but hopefully in time they will subside.  Once off, if things continue to go as planned, it will have been 150 days, bc I was on 1.50 mg.  22 more as of tomorrow.  Just keep taking it one day at a time.  Hang in there! You got this!❤ P.S. Mack sounds like nurse Kylie.  She makes everything seem better, just knowing she is here with me through all of this.

I hope once you're off you feel better quick! Nurse Kylie! Cute! Mack is more of a supervisor haha but definitely helps knowing he is close by ☺️

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Hamburger time, they are clueless. I crashed at 1mg and I thought I was dying. For a kindled brain 1mg is a lot. You're tapering slowly again from 2mgs then?
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