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akathisia panic anxiety psychosis?


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Im just  wondering  if its akathisia  or panic attack or if they are related. im not sure what a panic attack  is anymore? Do they  twist your mind up and make you feel  insane? Is akathisia  caused by adrenaline  and glutamate or is it something  else?

its unbearable  it doesnt  stop unless im sleeping and all my symptoms  get jumbled  together  idk what is what anymore  but im paranoid  and have  mental torment  i get the overwhelming  urge like i have to  go to the er right now but ive done it a million  times.


I cant taper or stabilize  im so kindled  more benzos  make me sick

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Im just  wondering  if its akathisia  or panic attack or if they are related. im not sure what a panic attack  is anymore? Do they  twist your mind up and make you feel  insane? Is akathisia  caused by adrenaline  and glutamate or is it something  else?

its unbearable  it doesnt  stop unless im sleeping and all my symptoms  get jumbled  together  idk what is what anymore  but im paranoid  and have  mental torment  i get the overwhelming  urge like i have to  go to the er right now but ive done it a million  times.


I cant taper or stabilize  im so kindled  more benzos  make me sick


Hipho - I am so sorry you're feeling so bad.  I don't know much, really, about all this - I'm still figuring it out myself, but I *do* get a lot of panic attacks and I experience surges of adrenaline during - or right before, actually causing - my attacks.  I think the akathisia is different.  It's that restless and agitated feeling of just not being able to sit still sort of thing.  I believe that both can be symptoms of withdrawal, for sure.


I understand the feeling of wanting to the ER like RIGHT NOW.  Been there, done that.  It passes.  Can you do something physical to help with the restlessness, like go for a walk or a run or maybe do some stretching or yoga.  Give the adrenaline a "purpose" and help burn it off?


Hopefully some of the more knowledgeable buddies will chime in.  It gets awfully quite on here late at night.  My worst symptom is night time panic, so that's when I get on the boards and read success stories and stuff like that.


Hang in there!

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I do deep breathing but my attacks and adrenaline  or whatever akathisia  and twisted mind is  so severe i cant do anything but  pace and pull my hair out  i dont know  if my twisted terror  is anxiety  or something  else. Its unbearable
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I know the feeling - the terror - I feel that during a panic attack.  It is just awful.  Go run.  Seriously. If you can get out the door in the fresh air and sunshine and just run I think it will help.  I ran again today and I feel less edgy. It's amazingly difficult to motivate to do it but I'm realizing I don't really have a choice.  If I want to feel better I must exercise.


I hope you feel better. I really do.  :)

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Hip, I hope you can calm down.  I think it's high glutamate and adrenaline and all that stuff that make us feel crazy and hyper from the damage from drugs on our cells.  I pray for you.
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I wish i could run im too dizzy and nauseous and  shaky wobbly legs to run. This is all the time not just sometimes.  If i even  walk it makes my symptoms  worse but i do walk every day.  Im getting  hit hard my doc tried to put me on valium  and it made me so so sick and now that its wearing  off im getting  slammed with acute like symptoms  again this hhappens  every wave but my waves dont end anymore im lost in my torment
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I wish i could run im too dizzy and nauseous and  shaky wobbly legs to run. This is all the time not just sometimes.  If i even  walk it makes my symptoms  worse but i do walk every day.  Im getting  hit hard my doc tried to put me on valium  and it made me so so sick and now that its wearing  off im getting  slammed with acute like symptoms  again this hhappens  every wave but my waves dont end anymore im lost in my torment


Oh, Hip!  I'm so very sorry!  This just sucks.  OK, no running.  Can you turn on some music and dance?  Or soothing music and stretch?  Or just go outside and face the sun and breath?  Good on you for walking every day!  I know this isn't easy! I wish I could help.  :'(

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God help you, Chris.  I understand how you're feeling somewhat.  Being trapped inside your own tormented body and brain.  I wish I could help.  There are other ppl. on this forum who are feeling the way you are as well from the drug damage.  It's hell on earth.  I'm praying for you.
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I need medical and mental  intervention  now its too unbearable  and im on high doses of benzos  is this from kindlingand  reinstateing? I went to er and the told me theres no help for me
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What exactly are you experiencing? Does it feel like ur soul wants to escape your body?  Like demons possessed you? Like u need to run diwn the street screaming and begging for help? No peace in yoir body or mind?
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I need medical and mental  intervention  now its too unbearable  and im on high doses of benzos  is this from kindlingand  reinstateing? I went to er and the told me theres no help for me




I am so sorry you are suffering so much.  I mean I just ache for you.  I am humbled when I read your posts because I feel like I am in Hell but I realize it's a much kinder, gentler Hell than you are experiencing.


Can you just hold where you are with your medication and not change anything?  In a weird sort of way - maybe just my backwards logic - it seems that by holding and coping with the tolerance you will actually be starting to taper.  (I don't know if that makes sense.)  I think what I'm trying to say is that if you took more, you'd just have to taper back down.  Right now by developing tolerance, your body is sort of tapering for you.  So, can you hold and just be patient?  I know the symptoms are horrific but are you seeing even tiny improvements?  If you are - hang on to those.  Then maybe try to address the worst symptoms (exercise if you can, herbal tea, hot baths, music, meditation, yoga, whatever), but don't take anything else.


I see from your signature, too, that you are on, I think, three different medications?  I was, too.  And I researched to discover that there was DEFINITELY a specific order in which I wanted to taper: SSRI first, then benzo, then the Wellbutrin.  The benzo buffered the withdrawal from the SSRI and the Wellbutrin (sort of) buffered the benzo.  I'm sure there are people here who have much better information.  But something to think about.


Yeah, the ER can't really help.  They are good for trauma, like a heart attack or when you've just cut off a finger, but not this kind of thing.  Unfortunately.


Did I read somewhere you had Hep C, too?  I have a very dear friend with Hep C and he took that new medication, Harvoni, and aside from feeling tired, he felt just fine.  Also, he is on a very sodium-restricted diet.  I don't know if you're already looking at dietary remedies, but you definitely need to be kind to your liver because it still has to process are the medications - and I know that's why you want to get off them as soon as possible, but you have to weigh all the consequences and Quality of Life matters.  Hydration, too, is VERY important - but stay away from those electrolyte drinks.  Go with water and herbal tea.


I wish there was something else I could do or say to help you.  You know you're not alone.  Be kind to yourself and remember, it really isn't hopeless.  It's just not easy.  Nothing worth having is easy - this I have learned.


You're in my thoughts, lad. 



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My situation  and symptoms are  too severe to taper im go i  to have to  detox again  ive held for six months and  it keeps  getting worse and worse  theres no option for me i will probably  die or cause permanent damage  but i have absolutely  no quality  of life right now the akathisia its  too severe and if youve never had true mental akathisia  then you wont ever understand  but i tried  everything  everything  makes it worse even  more benzos  make it worse but it helps with the akathisia  till i can get medcal detox  then its in gods hands.....too bad i cant find a medical  detox
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My situation  and symptoms are  too severe to taper im go i  to have to  detox again  ive held for six months and  it keeps  getting worse and worse  theres no option for me i will probably  die or cause permanent damage  but i have absolutely  no quality  of life right now the akathisia its  too severe and if youve never had true mental akathisia  then you wont ever understand  but i tried  everything  everything  makes it worse even  more benzos  make it worse but it helps with the akathisia  till i can get medcal detox  then its in gods hands.....too bad i cant find a medical  detox


Hip, I am so sorry you are suffering so badly.  I admit I certainly haven't experienced symptoms as cruel or to the extent that you have.  I have only support and sympathy, but I pray for you for healing.

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I am sorry I cannot provide any advice on your situation but I too am suffering HORRIFICALLY at the moment. You're not alone. Praying for both of us.


How does your akathisia manifest?

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My akathisia  manifests in two different  ways physically  i get atacks where i cant stop  pacing and pulling my hair and  feels like im drowning  and cant  breathe and mentally it feels  like i need to rop my skin off and run down the street screaming for help like my soul needs to escape  my body and like its being torment  in hell it is the most severe symptom. Ive had it in minor situations and i have  had it before all this as a reaction  to phenothiazine and also compazine. Thinking ganna die cant sit down and then stand up and feel like  need to lay down. Now i had this and 6months  off benzos it just got really really bad so bad i ended up in the hospital  where i ended up on 6mg ativan  and ive been  stuck on that much ever since. My benzo doctor  who im starting to feel  is a quack  for other reasons tried to  cross me over to valium and i cant tolerate  the valium  it made me so so weak tired sick depressed but at first it made me feel  better.. but when i couldnt  handle it i switched back to all ativan and it never leveled back out ive never been  stable but the last couple months ive tried to go back on valium  several  times to balance back out and i think i been  making things worse for myself cuz i stop the valium  and my withdrawal  gets worse and worse i also have  this fear that the gabapentin is causing  the akathisia it says on the botle may cause suicidal  thoughts and terror  which is basically what true psychich akathisia  is. I teied the valium  again  been  on 10mg for 2 weeks  and itsmaking me so sick i hhaven't  been  able to open my eyes  for a week and  so i decided i had to stop but all the up and down has made everything  worse the tolerance  so severe i think i was having  seizures last night  and my terror  is getting worse and worse my mind is changing  perceptions its like i have different mods or modes of thinking and they keep switching  back and forth im getting  adrenaline  attacks and so dizzy and nothing is real the akathisia  was so so bad after stopping the valium  it was worse than the reason i reinstated  before. Im so scared that its a reaction  to the gabapentin  though and ive been  on it for a year. Nothing is working properly  i already was in and out of the hospital for 6 months  a year ago to get off the pills and finally made it in hell and now my hep c and liver are really bad and i cant handle the symptoms and  fear i need medical help i go to er and they wont help me i have to get off these meds and  i cant taper i have no  support  im too sick to make it anywhere  without help and my family  doesnt understand how severe this  reallyvis they feel  its something  i justvhave to push through  ang my doctor  is making bad choice  he goes by Ashton  manual but disagrees  with things i tell hem from the manual. But since the valium  i now have no Windows or good moments. I cant take it anymore  but thats as good as ct after being up and down  on it i need very serious help i need recomendations  where to go i have  county insurance  and they wont help me they say there is no help for me i know  there is no cure for benzo withdrawal  but im so kindled and sick i cant take care ofmmyself my parents  kicked me out into an apartment and im alone now  they refuse to listen to me about whats going on.  Because  some doctors  told them its in my head i am at a loss because they wont  see that i really  am dyingand say there is nothing they can do to help me  but there is they need to take me in and let me go through this  even  if it takes years ive hurt them in the past and im not tidy and im a burden to be around
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I used to ask her what her docs found out and then she explained what they found with all her tests.  It's all on her blog.  I won't speak for her which is why I posted the link to her blog.
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