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What is your favorite Oldie but Goodie Song ?


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Christmas time is a really hard time for me, as I know for others, it seems that most of my loved ones passed away during that time, near to XMAS or thereafter, it is rough, but the thing that keeps me going through the upcoming season, not to fall in the pitfall of despair is this song that has been a favorite, and to always hold near and dear to my Heart of the Christmas's long ago when we did not have much, but we had our Tree and lights and a big meal, bowls of fruit and candy and some gifts, but we had so much more, we had Love and the real meaning of Christmas was never far from our hearts, we had each other and I miss that so much, but I can go back and relive the good times at Christmas and not give way to sorrow. I have a Story to Tell also about the Christmas Orange, but I am not sure I will place it here at BB, I have given it to my Nieces and Nephews and I think that is where it belongs, but this Christmas Season I will remember it and know that not only was it Christ's Birth, but the true meaning of Christmas is to Give to Others. Best to All believers or not. :)


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