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Daily Micro-Tapering Support Group


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I have yet to start a DLMT - still researching at this point as I'm still trying to stabilize more after coming off the Protonix.


Does the DLMT change the way the drug is metabolized?  Does it hit the bloodstream quicker?  I know dosing more frequently is advised with it to keep a steady flow. 


One of my concerns too is that I'm sleeping ok right now (not great but ok) as I take .25 of my K before bed and have been breaking up the other .25 between morning and afternoon.  Insomnia is one of my biggest enemies, though all these other symptoms (including severe restlessness, anxiety, agitation, burning pain, etc are no picknic) - however, if I don't continue to sleep enough, I'm fearful of going downhill quickly.  I guess I could still save a bigger dose at bed, which is something I read on the Ashton Method website.  Just not sure how that would work with the liquid tapering.


Going to post on the micro-taper thread also - hope that's ok.


Hi. I know some people do not dose evenly. I didn't for awhile, took most at bedtime, but felt much better when I switched to even dosing. My sleep did not change. In fact, I felt better and slept better. I am on Seroquel for sleep also.


That said, some people sleep better dosing more at bedtime. What you need to do is decide which way you feel better. And once you do, stick with it. Too many changes too close together can be hard on the brain. So once you decide, do it consistently so your brain knows what to expect.


I did not notice any change at all switching to liquid. Most people don't.


As far as tapering, I'm sure builder or another math person can figure out how much to take off each dose if you just tell them how fast you want to taper.


Gardie :)

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I have yet to start a DLMT - still researching at this point as I'm still trying to stabilize more after coming off the Protonix.


Does the DLMT change the way the drug is metabolized?  Does it hit the bloodstream quicker?  I know dosing more frequently is advised with it to keep a steady flow. 


One of my concerns too is that I'm sleeping ok right now (not great but ok) as I take .25 of my K before bed and have been breaking up the other .25 between morning and afternoon.  Insomnia is one of my biggest enemies, though all these other symptoms (including severe restlessness, anxiety, agitation, burning pain, etc are no picknic) - however, if I don't continue to sleep enough, I'm fearful of going downhill quickly.  I guess I could still save a bigger dose at bed, which is something I read on the Ashton Method website.  Just not sure how that would work with the liquid tapering.


Going to post on the micro-taper thread also - hope that's ok.


Hi. I know some people do not dose evenly. I didn't for awhile, took most at bedtime, but felt much better when I switched to even dosing. My sleep did not change. In fact, I felt better and slept better. I am on Seroquel for sleep also.


That said, some people sleep better dosing more at bedtime. What you need to do is decide which way you feel better. And once you do, stick with it. Too many changes too close together can be hard on the brain. So once you decide, do it consistently so your brain knows what to expect.


I did not notice any change at all switching to liquid. Most people don't.


As far as tapering, I'm sure builder or another math person can figure out how much to take off each dose if you just tell them how fast you want to taper.


Gardie :)

Hello, Gardie.  I am in a similar place with similar concerns to those expressed by Momof7.  Like her, I take clonazepam.  Might I ask ... when you changed to even dosing, what benzo were you taking?  Xanax?  Or had you crossed over to Valium?  Thank you for sharing your experience with switching to liquid ... very encouraging ... did you use an Rx liquid or did you make your own? Libertas

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I have yet to start a DLMT - still researching at this point as I'm still trying to stabilize more after coming off the Protonix.


Does the DLMT change the way the drug is metabolized?  Does it hit the bloodstream quicker?  I know dosing more frequently is advised with it to keep a steady flow. 


One of my concerns too is that I'm sleeping ok right now (not great but ok) as I take .25 of my K before bed and have been breaking up the other .25 between morning and afternoon.  Insomnia is one of my biggest enemies, though all these other symptoms (including severe restlessness, anxiety, agitation, burning pain, etc are no picknic) - however, if I don't continue to sleep enough, I'm fearful of going downhill quickly.  I guess I could still save a bigger dose at bed, which is something I read on the Ashton Method website.  Just not sure how that would work with the liquid tapering.


Going to post on the micro-taper thread also - hope that's ok.

One of the best things I did to help me was to take all my benzo at bedtime to help me sleep. If I could get enough rest I could handle the other symptoms during the day. But if I didn’t get enough rest it was horible.

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I have yet to start a DLMT - still researching at this point as I'm still trying to stabilize more after coming off the Protonix.


Does the DLMT change the way the drug is metabolized?  Does it hit the bloodstream quicker?  I know dosing more frequently is advised with it to keep a steady flow. 


One of my concerns too is that I'm sleeping ok right now (not great but ok) as I take .25 of my K before bed and have been breaking up the other .25 between morning and afternoon.  Insomnia is one of my biggest enemies, though all these other symptoms (including severe restlessness, anxiety, agitation, burning pain, etc are no picknic) - however, if I don't continue to sleep enough, I'm fearful of going downhill quickly.  I guess I could still save a bigger dose at bed, which is something I read on the Ashton Method website.  Just not sure how that would work with the liquid tapering.


Going to post on the micro-taper thread also - hope that's ok.


Hi. I know some people do not dose evenly. I didn't for awhile, took most at bedtime, but felt much better when I switched to even dosing. My sleep did not change. In fact, I felt better and slept better. I am on Seroquel for sleep also.


That said, some people sleep better dosing more at bedtime. What you need to do is decide which way you feel better. And once you do, stick with it. Too many changes too close together can be hard on the brain. So once you decide, do it consistently so your brain knows what to expect.


I did not notice any change at all switching to liquid. Most people don't.


As far as tapering, I'm sure builder or another math person can figure out how much to take off each dose if you just tell them how fast you want to taper.


Gardie :)

Hello, Gardie.  I am in a similar place with similar concerns to those expressed by Momof7.  Like her, I take clonazepam.  Might I ask ... when you changed to even dosing, what benzo were you taking?  Xanax?  Or had you crossed over to Valium?  Thank you for sharing your experience with switching to liquid ... very encouraging ... did you use an Rx liquid or did you make your own? Libertas


It was the Xanax. My prescriber was having me take a small dose in the afternoon and a large dose at bedtime. It worked fine for a month and then I became dependent and began to wake up in withdrawal. I didn't know why I was so jittery in the daytime because I knew nothing about benzos at the time.  I switched to a psychiatrist who said to divide the Xanax into 4 equal doses. I felt better immediately.


Xanax and Klonopin are relatively short-acting dugs. Librium is so long-acting I could probably dose once/day but I started at twice and decided to just continue my taper to the end that way rather than rock the boat.


When I was on Xanax, I used the pharmacy liquid. It was very concentrated so I diluted it. Librium does not come as a liquid, so I make my own. It's not hard. I was super nervous at first, but I got the hang of it. I've been doing it so long I could do it in my sleep now!


BTW, Valium does come as a liquid.

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During all this sleep talk, I want to make sure people understand my situation.


Xanax was prescribed for me as sleeping pill. I was sleeping almost nothing when it was prescribed. It made me feel awful and stopped working within a month.


A psychiatrist added Seroquel. That is what I use for sleep now. My benzo is no longer a sleep med. I am completely tolerant to its effects. It does nothing for me except keep me from having withdrawal symptoms.


If your benzo is actually helping you sleep, then my experience might not apply to you.

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Many thanks, G and B, for sharing your experiences! (My apologies, G, for not reading your signature more carefully re: the med you are tapering.)
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Thanks all for input.  Paul, did you ever try to do a liquid you made on your own or did you just go straight to making your own capsules?  I was taking K for both sleep and anxiety, daily for the last 15 months to try and "bridge gap" trying to switch AD, which didn't go well.  I was still taking a small dose of Seroquel and still am and it helps, for sure.  Used to help with anxiety too in the day, if needed but no longer since I came off the PPI, which is super strange.  The K effects used to last through a full day for me but of course, now, I'm in tolerance w/d.  I am having a hard time finding a good balance.  I started dividing doses about a month ago.  If I go with .25 in the AM, I'm in a horrible fog.  It's better with the 3 per day (.125, .125, and .25) but I can even feel the interdose w/d symptoms creep up between the doses.  And have been waking up with morning surges and buzzing in my brain/body.  If I didn't break up the dose, I would find my bodily pain sensations much more intense.  I am having some windows about every other day right now but the bad days are pretty bad.  I feel pretty agitated and restless.  Strange how quickly the body adjusts. 


Paul, I'm surprised that a B complex would help you sleep.  B vitamins rev me up big time.  I have a very sensitive nervous system, though, especially right now. 

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Thanks all for input.  Paul, did you ever try to do a liquid you made on your own or did you just go straight to making your own capsules?  I was taking K for both sleep and anxiety, daily for the last 15 months to try and "bridge gap" trying to switch AD, which didn't go well.  I was still taking a small dose of Seroquel and still am and it helps, for sure.  Used to help with anxiety too in the day, if needed but no longer since I came off the PPI, which is super strange.  The K effects used to last through a full day for me but of course, now, I'm in tolerance w/d.  I am having a hard time finding a good balance.  I started dividing doses about a month ago.  If I go with .25 in the AM, I'm in a horrible fog.  It's better with the 3 per day (.125, .125, and .25) but I can even feel the interdose w/d symptoms creep up between the doses.  And have been waking up with morning surges and buzzing in my brain/body.  If I didn't break up the dose, I would find my bodily pain sensations much more intense.  I am having some windows about every other day right now but the bad days are pretty bad.  I feel pretty agitated and restless.  Strange how quickly the body adjusts. 


Paul, I'm surprised that a B complex would help you sleep.  B vitamins rev me up big time.  I have a very sensitive nervous system, though, especially right now.


You're the only other person I've ever "met" that had B vitamins rev them up!! They blast me through the ceiling even if I take half of a regular dose vitamin (ones with low levels of B). I'm still trying Bob's nightly combo of a small amount of B complex and zinc and magnesium to see if it helps with sleep or lessening of the nighttime cortisol blasts (or whatever you want to call it). Bob, I'm open for any tweaks. Anyway, good luck to you, Mom!! Bless you all :)



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Thanks all for input.  Paul, did you ever try to do a liquid you made on your own or did you just go straight to making your own capsules?  I was taking K for both sleep and anxiety, daily for the last 15 months to try and "bridge gap" trying to switch AD, which didn't go well.  I was still taking a small dose of Seroquel and still am and it helps, for sure.  Used to help with anxiety too in the day, if needed but no longer since I came off the PPI, which is super strange.  The K effects used to last through a full day for me but of course, now, I'm in tolerance w/d.  I am having a hard time finding a good balance.  I started dividing doses about a month ago.  If I go with .25 in the AM, I'm in a horrible fog.  It's better with the 3 per day (.125, .125, and .25) but I can even feel the interdose w/d symptoms creep up between the doses.  And have been waking up with morning surges and buzzing in my brain/body.  If I didn't break up the dose, I would find my bodily pain sensations much more intense.  I am having some windows about every other day right now but the bad days are pretty bad.  I feel pretty agitated and restless.  Strange how quickly the body adjusts. 


Paul, I'm surprised that a B complex would help you sleep.  B vitamins rev me up big time.  I have a very sensitive nervous system, though, especially right now.


You're the only other person I've ever "met" that had B vitamins rev them up!! They blast me through the ceiling even if I take half of a regular dose vitamin (ones with low levels of B). I'm still trying Bob's nightly combo of a small amount of B complex and zinc and magnesium to see if it helps with sleep or lessening of the nighttime cortisol blasts (or whatever you want to call it). Bob, I'm open for any tweaks. Anyway, good luck to you, Mom!! Bless you all :)



I can confirm if I take too much vitamin B it keeps me wired all night.

This is such a tricky business to recover.

I think the main thing is we need time.

But while we wait, I have some relief trying various things.  They don't work very long but I stop them and then later they work again.  Things like Tryptophan and Benedryl.  I do think the low lose vit B with low dose zinc and magnesium is a winner.


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bob 7

Could you tell me if 0.1 ml on my dropper is too small of a drop daily ? I am feeling ok sleep is still of but in general i feel ok.

This taper would take me until Dec at this rate. Could I go to 0.2 daily or is that too much towards the end?

Thanks for any thoughts on the matter.


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Thanks all for input.  Paul, did you ever try to do a liquid you made on your own or did you just go straight to making your own capsules?  I was taking K for both sleep and anxiety, daily for the last 15 months to try and "bridge gap" trying to switch AD, which didn't go well.  I was still taking a small dose of Seroquel and still am and it helps, for sure.  Used to help with anxiety too in the day, if needed but no longer since I came off the PPI, which is super strange.  The K effects used to last through a full day for me but of course, now, I'm in tolerance w/d.  I am having a hard time finding a good balance.  I started dividing doses about a month ago.  If I go with .25 in the AM, I'm in a horrible fog.  It's better with the 3 per day (.125, .125, and .25) but I can even feel the interdose w/d symptoms creep up between the doses.  And have been waking up with morning surges and buzzing in my brain/body.  If I didn't break up the dose, I would find my bodily pain sensations much more intense.  I am having some windows about every other day right now but the bad days are pretty bad.  I feel pretty agitated and restless.  Strange how quickly the body adjusts. 


Paul, I'm surprised that a B complex would help you sleep.  B vitamins rev me up big time.  I have a very sensitive nervous system, though, especially right now.


You're the only other person I've ever "met" that had B vitamins rev them up!! They blast me through the ceiling even if I take half of a regular dose vitamin (ones with low levels of B). I'm still trying Bob's nightly combo of a small amount of B complex and zinc and magnesium to see if it helps with sleep or lessening of the nighttime cortisol blasts (or whatever you want to call it). Bob, I'm open for any tweaks. Anyway, good luck to you, Mom!! Bless you all :)



I can confirm if I take too much vitamin B it keeps me wired all night.

This is such a tricky business to recover.

I think the main thing is we need time.

But while we wait, I have some relief trying various things.  They don't work very long but I stop them and then later they work again.  Things like Tryptophan and Benedryl.  I do think the low lose vit B with low dose zinc and magnesium is a winner.


Hi Bob, I just wanted to get some additional thoughts from you. I've been doing the vitamin B, zinc, and magnesium thing for well over a week. I haven't noticed any change in "sleep" as of yet. I've also taken a second "dose" after waking up. I usually don't ever have many peaceful nights. Sleep has been a mess for years since starting the taper. Cortisol blasts get me at about 3am and continue until late in the morning. I was wondering...do you think I should increase the amount I take? I'm wondering if my size has much to do with it. I'm 6' 5" and about 216 lbs and wonder if I require more. Maybe a whole capsule of the zinc along with a whole tablet of the magnesium but keep the B vitamin the same (half of a gummie...a whole gummie just effects me too much).


Any thoughts or suggestions?


Many thanks for all you do!!



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Thanks all for input.  Paul, did you ever try to do a liquid you made on your own or did you just go straight to making your own capsules?  I was taking K for both sleep and anxiety, daily for the last 15 months to try and "bridge gap" trying to switch AD, which didn't go well.  I was still taking a small dose of Seroquel and still am and it helps, for sure.  Used to help with anxiety too in the day, if needed but no longer since I came off the PPI, which is super strange.  The K effects used to last through a full day for me but of course, now, I'm in tolerance w/d.  I am having a hard time finding a good balance.  I started dividing doses about a month ago.  If I go with .25 in the AM, I'm in a horrible fog.  It's better with the 3 per day (.125, .125, and .25) but I can even feel the interdose w/d symptoms creep up between the doses.  And have been waking up with morning surges and buzzing in my brain/body.  If I didn't break up the dose, I would find my bodily pain sensations much more intense.  I am having some windows about every other day right now but the bad days are pretty bad.  I feel pretty agitated and restless.  Strange how quickly the body adjusts. 


Paul, I'm surprised that a B complex would help you sleep.  B vitamins rev me up big time.  I have a very sensitive nervous system, though, especially right now.


You're the only other person I've ever "met" that had B vitamins rev them up!! They blast me through the ceiling even if I take half of a regular dose vitamin (ones with low levels of B). I'm still trying Bob's nightly combo of a small amount of B complex and zinc and magnesium to see if it helps with sleep or lessening of the nighttime cortisol blasts (or whatever you want to call it). Bob, I'm open for any tweaks. Anyway, good luck to you, Mom!! Bless you all :)



I can confirm if I take too much vitamin B it keeps me wired all night.

This is such a tricky business to recover.

I think the main thing is we need time.

But while we wait, I have some relief trying various things.  They don't work very long but I stop them and then later they work again.  Things like Tryptophan and Benedryl.  I do think the low lose vit B with low dose zinc and magnesium is a winner.


Hi Bob, I just wanted to get some additional thoughts from you. I've been doing the vitamin B, zinc, and magnesium thing for well over a week. I haven't noticed any change in "sleep" as of yet. I've also taken a second "dose" after waking up. I usually don't ever have many peaceful nights. Sleep has been a mess for years since starting the taper. Cortisol blasts get me at about 3am and continue until late in the morning. I was wondering...do you think I should increase the amount I take? I'm wondering if my size has much to do with it. I'm 6' 5" and about 216 lbs and wonder if I require more. Maybe a whole capsule of the zinc along with a whole tablet of the magnesium but keep the B vitamin the same (half of a gummie...a whole gummie just effects me too much).


Any thoughts or suggestions?


Many thanks for all you do!!



Here is a way to prove you need more or less of the Vit-B/Zinc experiment.

How well do you remember your dreams?

According to research and it also worked for me, when I had the right levels of vitamin B, my dreams were much more easy to remember.  In fact, I would say I didn't often recall my dreams until I started doing this low dose vit-B complex.


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Hi builder,


I have started the DMT of oxazepam ( Jim Hawk’s Direct Taper plan) at 11,5 mg.

Until now , lowering every two days a very small amount ( more or less accurate , clearly less heavy symptoms than before)

No need for holds.

I started tapering the last doze of 10 mg ( 0,120 mg pill weight).

At this moment at 0,016 mg.

The plan suggests from 10 mg on 2 -2-3 taper days ( 0,015x2, 0,014x2, 0,013x3)

Is it ok to try to stay only on 2-2-2...as I did until now?

I know it should be my own decision but the opinion of someone experienced helps.



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Hi Bob,


The same question for you...

I have started the DMT of oxazepam ( Jim Hawk’s Direct Taper plan) at 11,5 mg.

Until now , lowering every two days a very small amount ( more or less accurate , clearly less heavy symptoms than before)

No need for holds.

I started tapering the last doze of 10 mg ( 0,120 mg pill weight).

At this moment at 0,016 mg.

The plan suggests from 10 mg on 2 -2-3 taper days ( 0,015x2, 0,014x2, 0,013x3)

Is it ok to try to stay only on 2-2-2...as I did until now?

I know it should be my own decision but the opinion of someone experienced helps.



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Hi builder,


I have started the DMT of oxazepam ( Jim Hawk’s Direct Taper plan) at 11,5 mg.

Until now , lowering every two days a very small amount ( more or less accurate , clearly less heavy symptoms than before)

No need for holds.

I started tapering the last doze of 10 mg ( 0,120 mg pill weight).

At this moment at 0,016 mg.

The plan suggests from 10 mg on 2 -2-3 taper days ( 0,015x2, 0,014x2, 0,013x3)

Is it ok to try to stay only on 2-2-2...as I did until now?

I know it should be my own decision but the opinion of someone experienced helps.




2 things to keep in mind...


A microtaper is about making more gradual reductions in dosage.  It is NOT about precise reductions, and there is nothing magic about the time frame of 1 day, 2 days, etc.


The only real measure of a procedure is how do you respond to it.  Every taper should be a symptom-based taper, regardless of the initial plan.  If 2-2-2 has always worked, I would expect it to continue to work.


("If it ain't broke, don't fix it!")

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Hi builder,


I have started the DMT of oxazepam ( Jim Hawk’s Direct Taper plan) at 11,5 mg.

Until now , lowering every two days a very small amount ( more or less accurate , clearly less heavy symptoms than before)

No need for holds.

I started tapering the last doze of 10 mg ( 0,120 mg pill weight).

At this moment at 0,016 mg.

The plan suggests from 10 mg on 2 -2-3 taper days ( 0,015x2, 0,014x2, 0,013x3)

Is it ok to try to stay only on 2-2-2...as I did until now?

I know it should be my own decision but the opinion of someone experienced helps.




2 things to keep in mind...


A microtaper is about making more gradual reductions in dosage.  It is NOT about precise reductions, and there is nothing magic about the time frame of 1 day, 2 days, etc.


The only real measure of a procedure is how do you respond to it.  Every taper should be a symptom-based taper, regardless of the initial plan.  If 2-2-2 has always worked, I would expect it to continue to work.


("If it ain't broke, don't fix it!")



Thank you very much builder

The 1 st thing I understood

The 2nd , time will tell.

Probably reading about people getting more symptoms at lower doses is influencing.


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Hi builder,


I have started the DMT of oxazepam ( Jim Hawk’s Direct Taper plan) at 11,5 mg.

Until now , lowering every two days a very small amount ( more or less accurate , clearly less heavy symptoms than before)

No need for holds.

I started tapering the last doze of 10 mg ( 0,120 mg pill weight).

At this moment at 0,016 mg.

The plan suggests from 10 mg on 2 -2-3 taper days ( 0,015x2, 0,014x2, 0,013x3)

Is it ok to try to stay only on 2-2-2...as I did until now?

I know it should be my own decision but the opinion of someone experienced helps.




2 things to keep in mind...


A microtaper is about making more gradual reductions in dosage.  It is NOT about precise reductions, and there is nothing magic about the time frame of 1 day, 2 days, etc.


The only real measure of a procedure is how do you respond to it.  Every taper should be a symptom-based taper, regardless of the initial plan.  If 2-2-2 has always worked, I would expect it to continue to work.


("If it ain't broke, don't fix it!")



Thank you very much builder

The 1 st thing I understood

The 2nd , time will tell.

Probably reading about people getting more symptoms at lower doses is influencing.


I have had fewer symptoms at lower doses. Still waves and windows, but waves are not as bad and are shorter.  :)

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Hi builder,


I have started the DMT of oxazepam ( Jim Hawk’s Direct Taper plan) at 11,5 mg.

Until now , lowering every two days a very small amount ( more or less accurate , clearly less heavy symptoms than before)

No need for holds.

I started tapering the last doze of 10 mg ( 0,120 mg pill weight).

At this moment at 0,016 mg.

The plan suggests from 10 mg on 2 -2-3 taper days ( 0,015x2, 0,014x2, 0,013x3)

Is it ok to try to stay only on 2-2-2...as I did until now?

I know it should be my own decision but the opinion of someone experienced helps.




2 things to keep in mind...


A microtaper is about making more gradual reductions in dosage.  It is NOT about precise reductions, and there is nothing magic about the time frame of 1 day, 2 days, etc.


The only real measure of a procedure is how do you respond to it.  Every taper should be a symptom-based taper, regardless of the initial plan.  If 2-2-2 has always worked, I would expect it to continue to work.


("If it ain't broke, don't fix it!")



Thank you very much builder

The 1 st thing I understood

The 2nd , time will tell.

Probably reading about people getting more symptoms at lower doses is influencing.


I have had fewer symptoms at lower doses. Still waves and windows, but waves are not as bad and are shorter.  :)



Thank you Gardie!


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Probably reading about people getting more symptoms at lower doses is influencing.


Folks have difficulty at lower doses because they try to maintain the same absolute (mgs) cut rate, instead of adjust in the cut rate so they have a steady percentage cut rate.


If you maintain a fairly stable percentage cut rate, it is extremely unlikely you have any problems at lower doses.  Most folks who keep the percentage manageable find the lower doses easier.

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Probably reading about people getting more symptoms at lower doses is influencing.


Folks have difficulty at lower doses because they try to maintain the same absolute (mgs) cut rate, instead of adjust in the cut rate so they have a steady percentage cut rate.


If you maintain a fairly stable percentage cut rate, it is extremely unlikely you have any problems at lower doses.  Most folks who keep the percentage manageable find the lower doses easier.

Percentages is definitely safer, but I'm doing the same absolute cut rate now and still doing OK. Knock wood!

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Probably reading about people getting more symptoms at lower doses is influencing.


Folks have difficulty at lower doses because they try to maintain the same absolute (mgs) cut rate, instead of adjust in the cut rate so they have a steady percentage cut rate.


If you maintain a fairly stable percentage cut rate, it is extremely unlikely you have any problems at lower doses.  Most folks who keep the percentage manageable find the lower doses easier.

Percentages is definitely safer, but I'm doing the same absolute cut rate now and still doing OK. Knock wood!


Yes, same Gardie. A few days to go!  :)

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Probably reading about people getting more symptoms at lower doses is influencing.


Folks have difficulty at lower doses because they try to maintain the same absolute (mgs) cut rate, instead of adjust in the cut rate so they have a steady percentage cut rate.


If you maintain a fairly stable percentage cut rate, it is extremely unlikely you have any problems at lower doses.  Most folks who keep the percentage manageable find the lower doses easier.

Percentages is definitely safer, but I'm doing the same absolute cut rate now and still doing OK. Knock wood!


Yes, same Gardie. A few days to go!  :)


Oh, wow, so happy for you! :D


I'm reducing about 1 milligram a month, so I see the light at the end of the tunnel now. ;D

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Probably reading about people getting more symptoms at lower doses is influencing.


Folks have difficulty at lower doses because they try to maintain the same absolute (mgs) cut rate, instead of adjust in the cut rate so they have a steady percentage cut rate.


If you maintain a fairly stable percentage cut rate, it is extremely unlikely you have any problems at lower doses.  Most folks who keep the percentage manageable find the lower doses easier.

Percentages is definitely safer, but I'm doing the same absolute cut rate now and still doing OK. Knock wood!


Yes, same Gardie. A few days to go!  :)


Oh, wow, so happy for you! :D


I'm reducing about 1 milligram a month, so I see the light at the end of the tunnel now. ;D


Thanks so much! Congrats to you! Yes can’t believe the day is almost here. Very long road.

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Probably reading about people getting more symptoms at lower doses is influencing.


Folks have difficulty at lower doses because they try to maintain the same absolute (mgs) cut rate, instead of adjust in the cut rate so they have a steady percentage cut rate.


If you maintain a fairly stable percentage cut rate, it is extremely unlikely you have any problems at lower doses.  Most folks who keep the percentage manageable find the lower doses easier.



For me the word percentage is not connected to anything.

Just cannot think in percentages.

How to translate that for the non mathematical mind??

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Probably reading about people getting more symptoms at lower doses is influencing.


Folks have difficulty at lower doses because they try to maintain the same absolute (mgs) cut rate, instead of adjust in the cut rate so they have a steady percentage cut rate.


If you maintain a fairly stable percentage cut rate, it is extremely unlikely you have any problems at lower doses.  Most folks who keep the percentage manageable find the lower doses easier.

Percentages is definitely safer, but I'm doing the same absolute cut rate now and still doing OK. Knock wood!



How do you manage percentages?

That I really don’t understand

Does it mean you stay longer on a cut than the continous lowering ? holding?

Until now it went ok but now either doubt gives uncertainty, thus restlessness or I cut too fast...

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