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Hi thread! Hi Jeff! I'm so glad you're OK, Jeff, and that your house is in one piece.


Circumstances required I go get a job, but it's not a good turn of events. Not at all. I think that's all I'd like to say about that. >:(


I think what I need now is a Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet and free me of this new unpleasantness.  So, I've got my dating site profile all written out:


One over-the-hill female with multiple health problems, no savings, and limited income whose emotions are a rollercoaster who may laugh, cry, or throw something at you at any given moment, seeking reliable, even-keeled man with an unlimited supply of graduated cylinders and oral syringes. Should be extremely tolerant of turtles/snails/sloths and similar slow-moving creatures who seem like they will never reach their destination. Having a 20-something son willing to take my daughter off my hands is also a plus. If you would like to meet, just look for me at the Book Nook at noon on Sunday. I will be the female in the gardening section with a purse containing pills and jars of mysterious liquids. -Gard


Wow, I can hardly wait to see the dozens of men lining up in the book store on Sunday! ;D


Now, that's just flat-out cool and bad to the bone!!! I imagine that correlates to more people out there than we realize. I would probably read that ad and say, "my soul mate!!!!". Two peas in a pod. Hey, you should be a writer for Conan or someone. Maybe write a book too! You're doing great. Keep it up :)


Another hurricane on the way  :( :(


Hugs to you,



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Well, it's been awhile since I've checked in on this thread. I've been over with the Long Hold people but it looks like a lot of them have moved over here, lol. We miss you Gard!! All those comments about cookie and the funny comments in general. I'm glad that you are doing well though.  :smitten:


I've decided to start trying to micro-taper again which is why I'm here. I'm going to do a symptoms based taper this time. I've held at my current dose for seven months now and after reaching stability had a hiccup due to a change in generic brands. I know others have had experiences with that too. It really was no fun at all. I'm hoping I'm not getting ahead of myself starting to taper but if I am I know I can take a break until things calm down a bit. No one said this was going to be easy even doing the micro taper. Ah well, sigh. We can dream and hope and I know some people even luck out. I'm so happy for them :)


Well, I did my first "cut" last night, all of .0019mg. I'm planning on cutting every other day for awhile and we'll see how it goes. Trial and error. Should be a fun time  :crazy:


I am looking forward to reconnect with others on this board.


Hugs and healing,  :smitten::hug:


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I've been doing MT for a little over a month now at a very slow rate and trying to ramp the rate up. I have had to hold here and there.


1. How long does it take for your body to get into a rhythm and get used to MT?

2. I find that I am extremely sensitive to external stressors- sends me into a bad wave. It's impossible to avoid all these external things. Does your sensitivity to these external  things go down as you continue with your MT and your body is in "healing mode"? I sure hope so!

3. Has anyone found that a little faster rate (but still a slow rate) was better - maybe it ramps up the healing process more??


Thank you!

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Hi thread! Hi Jeff! I'm so glad you're OK, Jeff, and that your house is in one piece.


Circumstances required I go get a job, but it's not a good turn of events. Not at all. I think that's all I'd like to say about that. >:(


I think what I need now is a Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet and free me of this new unpleasantness.  So, I've got my dating site profile all written out:


One over-the-hill female with multiple health problems, no savings, and limited income whose emotions are a rollercoaster who may laugh, cry, or throw something at you at any given moment, seeking reliable, even-keeled man with an unlimited supply of graduated cylinders and oral syringes. Should be extremely tolerant of turtles/snails/sloths and similar slow-moving creatures who seem like they will never reach their destination. Having a 20-something son willing to take my daughter off my hands is also a plus. If you would like to meet, just look for me at the Book Nook at noon on Sunday. I will be the female in the gardening section with a purse containing pills and jars of mysterious liquids. -Gard


Wow, I can hardly wait to see the dozens of men lining up in the book store on Sunday! ;D


Now, that's just flat-out cool and bad to the bone!!! I imagine that correlates to more people out there than we realize. I would probably read that ad and say, "my soul mate!!!!". Two peas in a pod. Hey, you should be a writer for Conan or someone. Maybe write a book too! You're doing great. Keep it up :)


Another hurricane on the way  :( :(


Hugs to you,




So sorry about all those hurricane, Jeff!

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FYI, I've asked the team to remove me from being a moderator so that pesky word should disappear from under my name soon. I will check back in here occasionally to see how you are doing, but I'm not able to be on BB much any more.




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FYI, I've asked the team to remove me from being a moderator so that pesky word should disappear from under my name soon. I will check back in here occasionally to see how you are doing, but I'm not able to be on BB much any more.



You were a great moderator gard and you'll always be famous to me!  :)--V

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FYI, I've asked the team to remove me from being a moderator so that pesky word should disappear from under my name soon. I will check back in here occasionally to see how you are doing, but I'm not able to be on BB much any more.




We'll miss seeing you around all the time Gard but things do change. I hope that you continue to do well and enjoy your new job. We'll look forward to hearing from you when you have time.


Big Hugs  :smitten::hug: :hug:


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FYI, I've asked the team to remove me from being a moderator so that pesky word should disappear from under my name soon. I will check back in here occasionally to see how you are doing, but I'm not able to be on BB much any more.




We love ya, Gard!!! We all lift you up for healing too. I hope you settle in to your job soon and turn things around. Bless ya, my child :)



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I've been doing MT for a little over a month now at a very slow rate and trying to ramp the rate up. I have had to hold here and there.


1. How long does it take for your body to get into a rhythm and get used to MT?

2. I find that I am extremely sensitive to external stressors- sends me into a bad wave. It's impossible to avoid all these external things. Does your sensitivity to these external  things go down as you continue with your MT and your body is in "healing mode"? I sure hope so!

3. Has anyone found that a little faster rate (but still a slow rate) was better - maybe it ramps up the healing process more??


Thank you!

Hi libr.  I can give you my experience with MT. External stresses have had less of an impact on me as I've gotten lower.  In fact, additional stress doesn't seem to really have much of an effect at all anymore. I am one who actually increased the reduction rate a little and have found that sxs are a little more pronounced but I have still been functional.  I am starting to feel it now though so I will most likely slow down some.  I think it just comes down to listening to your own body and adjusting your taper to what it is telling you. It seems like there is always adjusting as we get lower and lower. Hope that helps a little.  :)--V

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Hi. I had been micro tapering for two weeks whilst in a window. Now I am in a wave again. I have cut down from 5.8mg to 5.6mg while in the window. Now I feel bad again and I don't know if I should wait for another window before I cut again. Is it normal to still have waves when you are micro tapering? I thought I could avoid the windows by cutting like this.  Thanks. Gx

Hi Gilly. From my own personal experience, I would suggest waiting for a bit if sxs are too distressing.  I typically have a low level of sxs on a DLMT but hold when I feel the sxs ramping up beyond what is comfortable in order to remain functional if that makes sense. :)--V

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Thanks y'all. :smitten: Will be popping in to keep track of you , so be good!


Looking at clock. Tapping fingers. Why is that pesky word still there?  >:(


Good luck Gard!  Take care of your self, I'm sure you will do great  :smitten:


Stay strong!


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I've been doing MT for a little over a month now at a very slow rate and trying to ramp the rate up. I have had to hold here and there.


1. How long does it take for your body to get into a rhythm and get used to MT?

2. I find that I am extremely sensitive to external stressors- sends me into a bad wave. It's impossible to avoid all these external things. Does your sensitivity to these external  things go down as you continue with your MT and your body is in "healing mode"? I sure hope so!

3. Has anyone found that a little faster rate (but still a slow rate) was better - maybe it ramps up the healing process more??


Thank you!

Hi libr.  I can give you my experience with MT. External stresses have had less of an impact on me as I've gotten lower.  In fact, additional stress doesn't seem to really have much of an effect at all anymore. I am one who actually increased the reduction rate a little and have found that sxs are a little more pronounced but I have still been functional.  I am starting to feel it now though so I will most likely slow down some.  I think it just comes down to listening to your own body and adjusting your taper to what it is telling you. It seems like there is always adjusting as we get lower and lower. Hope that helps a little.  :)--V




This is similar to my experience as well.


Stay strong!


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Hey all!


I don't check the forum too often but I get email notifications about PMs.  So if you ever have a question or need help with anything, just pm me!


Stay strong!


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I've been doing MT for a little over a month now at a very slow rate and trying to ramp the rate up. I have had to hold here and there.


1. How long does it take for your body to get into a rhythm and get used to MT?

2. I find that I am extremely sensitive to external stressors- sends me into a bad wave. It's impossible to avoid all these external things. Does your sensitivity to these external  things go down as you continue with your MT and your body is in "healing mode"? I sure hope so!

3. Has anyone found that a little faster rate (but still a slow rate) was better - maybe it ramps up the healing process more??


Thank you!

Hi libr.  I can give you my experience with MT. External stresses have had less of an impact on me as I've gotten lower.  In fact, additional stress doesn't seem to really have much of an effect at all anymore. I am one who actually increased the reduction rate a little and have found that sxs are a little more pronounced but I have still been functional.  I am starting to feel it now though so I will most likely slow down some.  I think it just comes down to listening to your own body and adjusting your taper to what it is telling you. It seems like there is always adjusting as we get lower and lower. Hope that helps a little.  :)--V

Yes I look forward to being less "fragile".

When I say speed up, I mean going from ridiculously slow to a more regular slow. Like I've been doing the Valium equivalent of 0.0065 mg/day and wonder if it's almost too slow. I think I want to go up to 0.008 and then 0.01. So all rates that are still slower than you Valley Um. I'm at 5.24 mg V equiv. I was able to c/h faster than my current MT rate even at this same dose.  So I wonder if this rate is almost like holding and not giving enough oomph to the healing genes. Not sure if that makes sense. Thoughts?


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I've been doing MT for a little over a month now at a very slow rate and trying to ramp the rate up. I have had to hold here and there.


1. How long does it take for your body to get into a rhythm and get used to MT?

2. I find that I am extremely sensitive to external stressors- sends me into a bad wave. It's impossible to avoid all these external things. Does your sensitivity to these external  things go down as you continue with your MT and your body is in "healing mode"? I sure hope so!

3. Has anyone found that a little faster rate (but still a slow rate) was better - maybe it ramps up the healing process more??


Thank you!

Hi libr.  I can give you my experience with MT. External stresses have had less of an impact on me as I've gotten lower.  In fact, additional stress doesn't seem to really have much of an effect at all anymore. I am one who actually increased the reduction rate a little and have found that sxs are a little more pronounced but I have still been functional.  I am starting to feel it now though so I will most likely slow down some.  I think it just comes down to listening to your own body and adjusting your taper to what it is telling you. It seems like there is always adjusting as we get lower and lower. Hope that helps a little.  :)--V

Yes I look forward to being less "fragile".

When I say speed up, I mean going from ridiculously slow to a more regular slow. Like I've been doing the Valium equivalent of 0.0065 mg/day and wonder if it's almost too slow. I think I want to go up to 0.008 and then 0.01. So all rates that are still slower than you Valley Um. I'm at 5.24 mg V equiv. I was able to c/h faster than my current MT rate even at this same dose.  So I wonder if this rate is almost like holding and not giving enough oomph to the healing genes. Not sure if that makes sense. Thoughts?

It could be.  You never know in benzo land lol.  When I restarted after holding, I was cutting .5mg a month but would cut for 10 days and the hold for 5-10 days. I then started DMLT which added up to .5 a month and did ok so I bumped it to .02mg a day for a total of .6 per month.  I've stayed at that rate for several months now but do feel it starting to creep up on me. I will most likely drop to .01.  I have found that I go through mini waves with DMLT where sxs will come on such as trembling and freezing but then dissappear suddenly.  I know when to slow down when I start to get the dizzyness and feel off balance which is what is creeping up now.  Understanding your individual symptom pattern really helps. Always remember that holding is an option if you run into trouble. :)--V

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Thanks Sharkey and V those answers helped me with some similar questions I was having.


I tapered .0019mg on Sunday and then again on Tuesday and today I feel awful. I know you guys don't experience it but I really think that it may be due to my cycle. I'm hoping, but I'm going back to my hold mode for a few days at least. I'll see how I feel next week and decide if I want to try to taper again. It's really frustrating not knowing how far changing the generics has set me back. I was hoping to get some tapering in before the holidays because I want to hold over the holidays. I'm trying to stay functional all of the time though and today I really wasn't. I really hope I'll be able to taper more quickly over time. I just have to listen to my body and not my brain that is telling me that I really need to taper so I'm not on these meds forever.


You guys are great. Thanks for all your wonderful answers.


Hugs and healing  :smitten::hug:


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Thanks Sharkey and V those answers helped me with some similar questions I was having.


I tapered .0019mg on Sunday and then again on Tuesday and today I feel awful. I know you guys don't experience it but I really think that it may be due to my cycle. I'm hoping, but I'm going back to my hold mode for a few days at least. I'll see how I feel next week and decide if I want to try to taper again. It's really frustrating not knowing how far changing the generics has set me back. I was hoping to get some tapering in before the holidays because I want to hold over the holidays. I'm trying to stay functional all of the time though and today I really wasn't. I really hope I'll be able to taper more quickly over time. I just have to listen to my body and not my brain that is telling me that I really need to taper so I'm not on these meds forever.


You guys are great. Thanks for all your wonderful answers.


Hugs and healing  :smitten::hug:



That is the great thing about micro tapering.  You can start and stop when you need to based on how you feel.  You can also try cutting every other day and see how it goes.


Stay strong!


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1)  The generally accepted ratio between diazepam and clonazepam is 1:20.  1mg K=20mg V.  Your current dose of .8mg V would only be .04mg K.  2mg K would be 40mg V.  Why in the world would you want to updose to the equivalent of 40mgs of diazepam???


2)  The logical thing to do is continue to taper with the liquid diazepam.  Why quit what's already working.  And tapering with Rx liquid V is almost certainly the easiest way to taper.

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Thanks y'all. :smitten: Will be popping in to keep track of you , so be good!


Looking at clock. Tapping fingers. Why is that pesky word still there?  >:(


Good luck Gard!  Take care of your self, I'm sure you will do great  :smitten:


Stay strong!



You need to do something about our Tigers, Shark-Meister :) :)




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