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Was on lorazapam ,up to 8 MG daily for 9+ years. 3 week taper ,now 13 moths later is is worse than it was at 6 months---main problems are muscles so contracted upon standing that I have been in a recliner 24/7,and tinititis .can function with severe ear ringing ,but the muscles in my forehead,my shoulders,back,neck,and legs have prevented any going outside ,and limits even getting to another room .10 Dr appointments ,so difficult to get to,have been futile.Anyone have this? How long? Any good days prior to improvements,anything help?Thank for responding !
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Was on lorazapam ,up to 8 MG daily for 9+ years. 3 week taper ,now 13 moths later is is worse than it was at 6 months---main problems are muscles so contracted upon standing that I have been in a recliner 24/7,and tinititis .can function with severe ear ringing ,but the muscles in my forehead,my shoulders,back,neck,and legs have prevented any going outside ,and limits even getting to another room .10 Dr appointments ,so difficult to get to,have been futile.Anyone have this? How long? Any good days prior to improvements,anything help?Thank for responding !


Hi Dippsy

Well...I'm sure you know by now why you are in the shape you are in,but in case not....

A taper of that speed is not a taper.It's pretty close to cold turkey.In an earlier post you said a 4 day detox in hospital....and that after many years of a fairly high dosage of Ativan. No wonder you are in a mess! whatever doctor(s) told you that this would be a good idea should be laid out. It's sad that there are so many medical people out there that have no clue as to what they are doing to their patients.

I took 4 years to get tapered off the equivalent of 5 mg Ativan.And even with all that time, still,after 18 months off,experience a few lingering symptoms.

But I did have a period of terrible symptoms at the 10-12 month time after jumping.Was in such terrible shape at 10 month off,I was pretty convinced I was dying.Seriously. Had one of my kids take me to emerge at one point,and was sure it would be the last time I would see the light of day.

I got through it.We all seem to. But to give you any idea of how or when U will feel better is impossible.The speed of your "taper" is something I have no experience with...and perhaps there are others who will chime in who do.

But...understand this....it will get better at some point. I have talked with many survivors of this thing that mention the same problems at around the one year mark. Dunno why,but it seems to be extremely common.

The only advice I can give is as follows.....

Abandon all supplements.Don't waste your time or money on another bottle of vitamins,minerals,Boost,or any such thing.

Get as much easy to get down protein and vegies into yerself as you can. Protein, protein, protein. Builds brain cells,and that is what needs repair.Eggs,chicken,beef...anything. Don't worry about getting fat, cholesterol levels, or any such "healthy" ideas...all that can come later.

Get moving as much as you can.....little wee bits of activity if you can....really push yourself if you have to. Walk around the room. Stretch a bit. Anything to get the blood moving,if only for a minute at a time. Build on even the smallest bit of motion,then go from there.

I know how you feel.There were weeks I was basically stationary with pain,tightness,huge fatigue,lethargy...all that...but I never felt even remotely that I was improving till I got moving. Baby steps!

The ear ringing still haunts me a bit...belly bloats up,bowels stop,heart races...all of that and much more,in tiny (comparatively) amounts...at 18 months out. But it does go away. Really, the only thing I can't tell you is "when".

I started this journey a little over 5 years ago.

It's only been in the last couple of months that I have felt the return of something close  to "normal".

And even then, I am not yet convinced that another wave may come along. But even the fear of that is going away.

I wish I could offer you more. Let's hope another poster will chime in who has been through this from a cold turkey ( or close to it) viewpoint.

You aren't by any chance in Canada are you?...Canadian doctors are notorious for their ignorance in Benzo W/d.

Cheers...and keep your head up!


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Was on lorazapam ,up to 8 MG daily for 9+ years. 3 week taper ,now 13 moths later is is worse than it was at 6 months---main problems are muscles so contracted upon standing that I have been in a recliner 24/7,and tinititis .can function with severe ear ringing ,but the muscles in my forehead,my shoulders,back,neck,and legs have prevented any going outside ,and limits even getting to another room .10 Dr appointments ,so difficult to get to,have been futile.Anyone have this? How long? Any good days prior to improvements,anything help?Thank for responding !


Hi Dippsy

Well...I'm sure you know by now why you are in the shape you are in,but in case not....

A taper of that speed is not a taper.It's pretty close to cold turkey.In an earlier post you said a 4 day detox in hospital....and that after many years of a fairly high dosage of Ativan. No wonder you are in a mess! whatever doctor(s) told you that this would be a good idea should be laid out. It's sad that there are so many medical people out there that have no clue as to what they are doing to their patients.

I took 4 years to get tapered off the equivalent of 5 mg Ativan.And even with all that time, still,after 18 months off,experience a few lingering symptoms.

But I did have a period of terrible symptoms at the 10-12 month time after jumping.Was in such terrible shape at 10 month off,I was pretty convinced I was dying.Seriously. Had one of my kids take me to emerge at one point,and was sure it would be the last time I would see the light of day.

I got through it.We all seem to. But to give you any idea of how or when U will feel better is impossible.The speed of your "taper" is something I have no experience with...and perhaps there are others who will chime in who do.

But...understand this....it will get better at some point. I have talked with many survivors of this thing that mention the same problems at around the one year mark. Dunno why,but it seems to be extremely common.

The only advice I can give is as follows.....

Abandon all supplements.Don't waste your time or money on another bottle of vitamins,minerals,Boost,or any such thing.

Get as much easy to get down protein and vegies into yerself as you can. Protein, protein, protein. Builds brain cells,and that is what needs repair.Eggs,chicken,beef...anything. Don't worry about getting fat, cholesterol levels, or any such "healthy" ideas...all that can come later.

Get moving as much as you can.....little wee bits of activity if you can....really push yourself if you have to. Walk around the room. Stretch a bit. Anything to get the blood moving,if only for a minute at a time. Build on even the smallest bit of motion,then go from there.

I know how you feel.There were weeks I was basically stationary with pain,tightness,huge fatigue,lethargy...all that...but I never felt even remotely that I was improving till I got moving. Baby steps!

The ear ringing still haunts me a bit...belly bloats up,bowels stop,heart races...all of that and much more,in tiny (comparatively) amounts...at 18 months out. But it does go away. Really, the only thing I can't tell you is "when".

I started this journey a little over 5 years ago.

It's only been in the last couple of months that I have felt the return of something close  to "normal".

And even then, I am not yet convinced that another wave may come along. But even the fear of that is going away.

I wish I could offer you more. Let's hope another poster will chime in who has been through this from a cold turkey ( or close to it) viewpoint.

You aren't by any chance in Canada are you?...Canadian doctors are notorious for their ignorance in Benzo W/d.

Cheers...and keep your head up!



Macone makes a lot of good points about what to do and not do. i am one of the worst cold turkey's ( i think) on here. i am almost at the 2 year mark. well, 19 months since the last rescue dose. horrible condition but i do feel like healing is happening and has been happening.


i've been bed ridden for the last 2 weeks again as i've been in the worst wave ever that lasted about 5 months. i think it's subsided as i had relief for many hours today for the first time and then the wave started again but it was lessened where i am able to do things that i couldn't do before. all i could do for months was lay in my bed all day and sit in my chair at night and come on here for a little while during the evening.


i just wanted to say that i am feeling another shift that i hadn't felt since i was about 12 months out. so the waves can come back with a vengeance but that just means that deeper and intense healing is taking place. and i sure hope that is the reason and what i'm going by right now.


i think it's a good idea to forgo any and all supplements until your body is stronger to take and absorb them and also to research which supplements are of the highest quality because there are so many companies that are just putting in so much crap and other things that will cause us to have revving and waves.


and it's just time and more time until the brain sorts itself out and heal from this horrible assault. leave the brain's terrain alone for awhile and let it do it's thing. not always easy and quite painful at times. but i'm thinking it will be worth it in the end if we persevere.


i'm just amazed that i could feel so horrible and like i am about to die and then the next minute i feel more and more normal so i urge everyone and Dippsy to hang in there and keep moving forward. this neurological injury has to resolve itself at some point.


as long as we're still breathing in and out and still alive -- i don't see any reason why any of us won't have a chance for a full recovery. :)

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Oh Pretty, did you just go through the e year mark wave? It happens, apparently, and rarely lasts less than 4 months. Supposedly, once you get through it, you'll feel a whole lot better than you did before, so congrats on its passing. Hope you feel much much better soon,


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Hi all :)


Pretty I had a bad wave hit after 11 months post taper from valium. It lasted for 2 months, then I improved very well.

I still have periods 4 years post taper where extra stress brings back some of the sxs I experienced but these always feel like a stress reaction, nothing more, nothing less.

Hope you improve soon!


One other update for me is that since going to a regular shift with regular sleep hours, I have been able to cut back on the melatonin drastically.

For 4 years with an oddball work schedule, I had taken 1.5mc melatonin daily. Since going to permanent days, I immediately cut to .75mc. Last week, during vacation, I discovered that I could go without any. Then, I went 5 nights in a row with none and no problems sleeping!


I consider this a major triumph because for so long, I had to switch sleep back and forth between late shift and days and I had no idea how I might fare later on...

Just thought I'd share this :)

Hope everyone here is having a great week and lots of windows

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Just an update, after being healed for years, I am back in the nastiest of wave and benzo symptoms are back. I had a csection surgery where they gave me all kinds of meds and I am thrown back into w/d. It has been 4 months and I am praying this lets up soon! Skin is burning again, insomnia galore, agitation etc. This is just unreal. I had no idea benzo w/d symptoms could come back. :(  I am sure some of you remember me from years ago. I was always so careful not to take meds etc even after healing, but felt so good and my husband and I thought it was time to start a family. Well I guess my body just couldn't handle it. I have to work full time and take care of a baby so this is just rough. : (
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Cantwait,  Could it be the hormones are flying through your body trying to re-adjust again????


I ain't no pro, but when I hear "they gave me all kinds of of meds", I think U pretty much have a source of problem!

For many(most?)...one dose of anything remotely along the same lines as a benzo, and yer basically back to square one.

One glass of wine will do it too...same receptors affected.

Hospitals also have a habit of slipping a benzo into ya, in stressful situations especially, just as a normal procedure ....they love the crap. It's candy to them....they dole out Ativan like it's aspirin.

Little happy pill to make the staff's day go a little easier. Idiots!

Don't ever forget...this stuff was called "Mother's little helper" back in the 70's.Sounds harmless enough eh?

There....had my morning rant!

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Yup they did give me a benzo during the csection even though we told them not to. It is unreal

So I'm just hanging in there and hoping this settles soon. It went away once so it should again i pray.

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Seriously that is so scary I want to have a baby to just thinking about going back into wd after I feel better again scares the crap out of me. I

Was feeling great up until I had a few beers cause I was feeling good and had a severe stressful event happen to me all hell broke look I've been in hell for 3.5 months but things have let up a bit sleep has returned this week but head pains are still here was a wave coming it did I add fuel to the fire who knows thought I would have been feeling better already this sucks. 


Can't wait I bet in a  few months you'll be feeling better I hope I can't picture it lasting long for you with your new precious baby and all I will pray that it passes. I was planning to have a baby also now this nightmare happened to me how can I brings tears to my eyes everyone I think about it.

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Take note of the subject topic above.

I will spell this out again, for those who missed it in other groups.

If you have been addicted to benzos, any benzos, and have for any reason experienced withdrawal symptoms from same,

you should not drink alcohol again.


Same receptors, same effects, same withdrawal.

Now before one of you has a quiet fit,there are exceptions to this,but they are few and far between.

The passage of time has very little to do with it as well.For me it was +20 years.

Always remember that addiction is addiction, and a drug is a drug.

And NEVER forget the way you felt at your worst.

If you want to toy with your brain, and run the risks of feeling like that again, go ahead and drink.

But I will bet you great heaping piles of cash that you will get a very negative reaction to alcohol.

Live your life as if you are an alcoholic.....you will be much better off. Having something else when the drinks are passed around is way easier than what we have all been going through here.


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Take note of the subject topic above.

I will spell this out again, for those who missed it in other groups.

If you have been addicted to benzos, any benzos, and have for any reason experienced withdrawal symptoms from same,

you should not drink alcohol again.


Same receptors, same effects, same withdrawal.

Now before one of you has a quiet fit,there are exceptions to this,but they are few and far between.

The passage of time has very little to do with it as well.For me it was +20 years.

Always remember that addiction is addiction, and a drug is a drug.

And NEVER forget the way you felt at your worst.

If you want to toy with your brain, and run the risks of feeling like that again, go ahead and drink.

But I will bet you great heaping piles of cash that you will get a very negative reaction to alcohol.

Live your life as if you are an alcoholic.....you will be much better off. Having something else when the drinks are passed around is way easier than what we have all been going through here.



Many drink after they are healed and feel fine but as for I Never will I even take a sip and for other that drink and feel fine Good for them but for me I have been sensitized and the only thing that I did before this came back was drink a few beers I couldn't have been feeling great the drinks definitely set it off. And it's like flipping a coin now you might pass or you fail I failed will not be failing again.

Now when I want to have a kid when I feel better what then wd again this is crazy to say the least thinking about adopting from the fear now don't want to feel like how I was feeling 2 months ago I still have head pains but come and go hoping they go and never return when only the Man above knows


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Thanks Stacy Boston. I hope it passes very soon too. Insomnia is so bad right now, its the worst. I barely sleep. If that could improve I know I would feel a lot better! I hope it will get better soon, its been over 4 months. My story is not to scare you at all,  I just needed some support and was in disbelief this happened too.  We want a second child, but I don't know if my poor body can handle it. I just can't have another flare up. Who knows how long this one will take to settle down. : ( Hang in there!
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Hi all post benzo members! :)


I've finally got around to posting an update here. I wasn't sure if this thread was still active, but here goes:


Since October last year, I now have a full time position at work. This after nearly 4 years as part time/on call with alternating shifts and bed times. I now have a permanent days shift and I can count on being in bed by 10:30pm :thumbsup:


My new position is 'Person in Charge' and I am responsible for ongoing communications with plant management, receiving mail, office supplies, written communications and making sure that work activities are done correctly and any disputes are handled professionally.


Quite an accomplishment especially for a post benzo!! I want to express once again to all members here that It can be done!! Just give yourself time, allow healing to happen, be kind to yourself, and work on those goals. Any of you care to check out my history can view my regular blog plus my success story.


Any comments or questions... I'll check back later. For now, may I say I wish healing, happiness and peace of mind to you all :)


Glad you are doing well, pangelingua!  It sounds like you are handling the new job responsibilities well.  My father is not doing well and it looks like I may have to return to CA next week.  I may also have to start going through the garage and cleaning out over one hundred boxes of papers and belongings ::).  I am also worried about jet lag and insomnia which usually happens when I fly cross country! Peace to all.



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Hi V :)

Thank you for responding to my success blog.

I decided to bump it up when I saw another member mention a lack of success stories to read.


I hope you are doing well despite ongoing difficult family issues. I hope your trip goes well and that things remain steady. Any recent excursions or trips planned other than trip to CA?


I finally had a week vacation a couple of weeks ago. I planned it during our Holy week so that I would have time to practice and sing with choir. I had quite a few days to sing and it was nice to finally have time like that off so that I could recharge my batteries.


My melatonin use has dropped. I've gone the last 9 nights now without taking any. This has been a real boost for me. On the alternating schedule I took 1 1/2 tablet nightly to help me adjust to an ever changing sleep/work schedule. I had no idea how I'd fair after doing that 4 years. It looks like I've come through very well!


I wish you the best V and I'm hoping your family situation eases soon :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

I have a problem that is not as common as most ,but is so debilitating,that I am desperate. I have been off my long term lorazapam  since since March 22-2013. I get up and within seconds ny muscles of my shoulders,back,legs and neck tighten up to where moving is next to impossible.when I sit back in my recliner the contracted muscles ,except in my forehead loosen .i have been confined to my recliner for many months ,as this problem has gotten worse each month,to where I can't handle it .my neurologist tried ever muscle relaxer known including Backoflen ,and leva- dopa ,none helped but made it worse. I know it's from the benzo being a muscle relaxer ,now the benzo deprived brain is over exciting my muscles.

Other than going back on Benzo's ,is there anything that can be done ?

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I have a problem that is not as common as most ,but is so debilitating,that I am desperate. I have been off my long term lorazapam  since since March 22-2013. I get up and within seconds ny muscles of my shoulders,back,legs and neck tighten up to where moving is next to impossible.when I sit back in my recliner the contracted muscles ,except in my forehead loosen .i have been confined to my recliner for many months ,as this problem has gotten worse each month,to where I can't handle it .my neurologist tried ever muscle relaxer known including Backoflen ,and leva- dopa ,none helped but made it worse. I know it's from the benzo being a muscle relaxer ,now the benzo deprived brain is over exciting my muscles.

Other than going back on Benzo's ,is there anything that can be done ?


hey Dippsydoodle,


my muscles do the same thing. usually every morning they will full on spasm out and there's nothing i can do about it. i can literally watch my leg calf muscles srunch upward and stay there even if i stand on the leg and it really hurts. i really think it's just time, time and more time with this deal. every where i read and every supplement i start to take, someone else says not to take it and that it's just time. i wish there was something we can do. i guess the brain healing is slow. very difficult when you want to get back to your life.

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Hi Dippsydoodle and pretty,


I am getting the muscle tension for months now, upon awakening also. I am 51 months off. It is painful and hard to walk and stand for me also.




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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone.  I hope some of you remember me.  I am glad to see that vertigo still checks in.  Pendolino hello dear friend.  Excuse the typing I'm using the little microphone on my iPhone.  Can't wait I am so sorry to hear that it went through that.  I bet it will straighten out soon. 

Guys May I ask for some support. I am  three years often still getting hit pretty bad.  There's still hope for me right ?  I know there's been improvement but when it's bad in know how it is. Depression. Lately.  I pray for us all

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Hello everyone.  I hope some of you remember me.  I am glad to see that vertigo still checks in.  Pendolino hello dear friend.  Excuse the typing I'm using the little microphone on my iPhone.  Can't wait I am so sorry to hear that it went through that.  I bet it will straighten out soon. 

Guys May I ask for some support. I am  three years often still getting hit pretty bad.  There's still hope for me right ?  I know there's been improvement but when it's bad in know how it is. Depression. Lately.  I pray for us all




what are some of the symptoms you're having?


yes, there is hope. we are always healing and sometimes it takes some of us longer. i am 23 months out and still reallly bad off. i mean, really bad off. like back to being bed ridden during the day and not able to do anything at all because i am a hot vibrating mess.

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Hello everyone.  I hope some of you remember me.  I am glad to see that vertigo still checks in.  Pendolino hello dear friend.  Excuse the typing I'm using the little microphone on my iPhone.  Can't wait I am so sorry to hear that it went through that.  I bet it will straighten out soon. 

Guys May I ask for some support. I am  three years often still getting hit pretty bad.  There's still hope for me right ?  I know there's been improvement but when it's bad in know how it is. Depression. Lately.  I pray for us all


Hi Pan.  It's been a long time.  Congrats on 3 years.  Sorry you're still having some blues and difficulties.  Yes,  I have checked in occasionally this year, but this time I have decided to end my tour here at BB.  I posted on my success thread about some of the personal challenges I have had this year (no relation to benzos) and stayed off the benzo.  I even had a couple bottles of Ativan that I had to dispose of from my father's home, had no temptation whatsoever to take one, despite having much jet lag and insomnia at the time.  I think I have come full circle and feel it is time for me to finally say my good byes.  Once the staff moved this thread to Support Groups, it has had much less exposure than when there was just a withdrawal and support category on forum.  There was a real need for a  place for post benzo buddies to connect a few years back, particularly for those who were benzo free after a period of months but still symptomatic.  Now there are not only post benzo sections here on forum,  but a dedicated protracted section as well.  BB has come a long way and I think it is ultimately a good decision to make these separate categories of forum.  One result is that this thread has become somewhat obsolete now.  I realize there are still some who find it helpful in some way, so it is ok if it is here in support groups now.  I won't be around to respond any more.  This will be my last post to this thread.  I know I've said that before and come back, but I am confident that this is the time now for me to move on.  I hope you continue to heal and that others who have contributed to this thread will also keep on healing and moving towards a more complete recovery.  I will respond for another week on my success thread and then I will be moving on.  I suppose if I had a friend who became addicted to benzos, I might refer them to this forum and could be possible I might post in the future, but for now, it seems time to focus on other things.


God Bless :smitten:,



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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys


I haven't been checking in as much lately but I wanted to drop by and say "hi"


I posted something on my blog today that Princezz found comforting.  I know it has helped me.


It's from a Dr. Melemis in Canada who specializes in this field-  there is more on his website (link below)


"Post-acute withdrawal usually lasts for 2 years. This is one of the most important things you need to remember. If you're up for the challenge you can get though this. But if you think that post-acute withdrawal will only last for a few months, then you'll get caught off guard. . .


How to Survive Post-Acute Withdrawal


Be patient. Two years can feel like a long time if you're in a rush to get through it. You can't hurry recovery. But you can get through it one day at a time.

If you try to rush your recovery, or resent post-acute withdrawal, or try to bulldoze your way through, you'll become exhausted.



Post-acute withdrawal symptoms are a sign that your brain is recovering. They are the result of your brain chemistry gradually going back to normal. Therefore don't resent them. But remember, even after one year, you are still only half way there.



Go with the flow. Withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable. But the more you resent them the worse they'll seem. You'll have lots of good days over the next two years. Enjoy them. You'll also have lots of bad days. On those days, don't try to do too much. Take care of yourself, focus on your recovery, and you'll get through this.



You'll go for weeks without any withdrawal symptoms, and then one day you'll wake up and your withdrawal will hit you like a ton of bricks. . . if you're not prepared for it, if you think that post-acute withdrawal only lasts for a few months, or if you think that you'll be different and it won't be as bad for you, then you'll get caught off guard. But if you know what to expect you can do this.



Practice self-care. Give yourself lots of little breaks over the next two years. Tell yourself "what I am doing is enough." Be good to yourself. That is what you must learn in recovery.

Sometimes you'll have little energy or enthusiasm for anything. Understand this and don't over book your life. Give yourself permission to focus on your recovery."



If I honestly assess my progress this feels pretty much "right on"  I'm almost at the 14 month mark and feel over half way there.  I expect to be fully recovered by the end of the year.

This is a long, arduous process but as Vertigo and Pamster and Jenny (and countless others)  have proven-  we get through this.



Wishing everyone here amazing healing.









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Hey guys


I haven't been checking in as much lately but I wanted to drop by and say "hi"


I posted something on my blog today that Princezz found comforting.  I know it has helped me.


It's from a Dr. Melemis in Canada who specializes in this field-  there is more on his website (link below)


"Post-acute withdrawal usually lasts for 2 years. This is one of the most important things you need to remember. If you're up for the challenge you can get though this. But if you think that post-acute withdrawal will only last for a few months, then you'll get caught off guard. . .


How to Survive Post-Acute Withdrawal


Be patient. Two years can feel like a long time if you're in a rush to get through it. You can't hurry recovery. But you can get through it one day at a time.

If you try to rush your recovery, or resent post-acute withdrawal, or try to bulldoze your way through, you'll become exhausted.



Post-acute withdrawal symptoms are a sign that your brain is recovering. They are the result of your brain chemistry gradually going back to normal. Therefore don't resent them. But remember, even after one year, you are still only half way there.



Go with the flow. Withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable. But the more you resent them the worse they'll seem. You'll have lots of good days over the next two years. Enjoy them. You'll also have lots of bad days. On those days, don't try to do too much. Take care of yourself, focus on your recovery, and you'll get through this.



You'll go for weeks without any withdrawal symptoms, and then one day you'll wake up and your withdrawal will hit you like a ton of bricks. . . if you're not prepared for it, if you think that post-acute withdrawal only lasts for a few months, or if you think that you'll be different and it won't be as bad for you, then you'll get caught off guard. But if you know what to expect you can do this.



Practice self-care. Give yourself lots of little breaks over the next two years. Tell yourself "what I am doing is enough." Be good to yourself. That is what you must learn in recovery.

Sometimes you'll have little energy or enthusiasm for anything. Understand this and don't over book your life. Give yourself permission to focus on your recovery."



If I honestly assess my progress this feels pretty much "right on"  I'm almost at the 14 month mark and feel over half way there.  I expect to be fully recovered by the end of the year.

This is a long, arduous process but as Vertigo and Pamster and Jenny (and countless others)  have proven-  we get through this.



Wishing everyone here amazing healing.









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Sorry these 2 posts are here I do not know how to copy paste so it is hard to say how I managed to get it here......I guess it was semi successful since I managed to send it somewhere.... It is a good quote from pamster though and worth reading....m
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