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Thank you.  I reached out to a trainer at my gym and booked extra days.  I saw him today and I'll see him Tuesday, so that's two days I know I'll get a quality workout in, with the bonus of some kind and encouraging support.  I'm not going to give up, but gotta confess that seeing a confirmation of weight gain (muscle loss and extra fat) is discouraging.
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Hi Buddies,


I'm back at the gym. I just wanted to know if it's normal to have sleeping difficulties and an increase in anxiety after a heavy weight session?

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Hi Buddies,


I'm back at the gym. I just wanted to know if it's normal to have sleeping difficulties and an increase in anxiety after a heavy weight session?


Absolutely! Happened to me a lot when I was just about right where you are, about 6 weeks out. Try working out earlier if you can. Vitamin c helps flush cortisol. Although if know exactly what it feels like when your awake and can't sleep, if tots maddening. I will say that even on the days where I've had little or no sleep , I don't feel nearly as bad as I did when couldn't sleep on Valium. Next day you sleep like a baby. Peace

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Vitamin C flushes out cortisol?  I take 1,000 mg a day, but I am pretty sure I've got plenty of cortisol coursing through my body.  The need to eat chocolate and the stubborn fat around my middle, which is mostly made of chocolate, seem to confirm this. 
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Of course your body has changed. Your confidence in lifting has been comprimised. Believe me when I say I know exactly what you're going through. I weighed 185 and I lifted 3 to 4 times a week, hard. Once off,it took some time to get back the confidence to even try to lift. I can't lift anywhere what I used to, exempt bench and squats. But I'm older now, I'm over 40, I quit smoking, I'm on 2 medicines who's side effects are weight gain, so there are plenty of factors that go into that. Vitamin c seems to help me while in the middle of extreme anxiety. Could be psychosomatic but it does help. Peace
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Went to my dr after several months of what felt like an on and off groin pull along w inner thigh pain.  Doc feels pretty sure it's a hernia. Scan tomorrow.  I'm fine w it if that's what it is as it's really affecting my mobility. 

On the plus side, my brand new gym level elliptical arrived yesterday.  Starting slow.

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Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. I went to the gym this morning and my husband was such a buzzkill. He hates working out but came along for me. That's very sweet but he is so miserable and not in a fun or funny way. I found out that when I'm angry or distressed in a certain way. I get stronger. I was so angry and feeling let down but his glumness and lack of communication.  I didn't want to stop even though he stopped. I was able to lift more and also found myself pounding out more push-ups at once than I've been able to in the last year.
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I'm new in this thread and have a question.


I have been exercising about 5 days a week.


Typically 20-25 min on treadmill Alternating between walking and jogging

And maybe 10 min of weights.


During this ordeal I have lost from 144 to 114.  I don't want to lose anymore.  I want to gain but I feel the exercising is keeping me gaining.


My appetite still isn't the best.



Any suggestions


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Cut out the cardio.  Walk, sure, but lifting weights is probably better for you.  Eating calorie-rich nutritious food should help.  Nut and seed butters are good for calories as is whole-milk yogurt without a lot of sugar, sweet potato, whole grains and pseudo-grains.

I also dropped a ton of weight, prior to and during taper, and was really skinny.  Eventually I started eating more, but still didn't put on weight.  Not a problem two years later.  If I don't eat well or exercise too little, I gain weight like everyone else and you will too, eventually. 

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I like all of the above suggestions except To eat more sugar. That is not good advice. Sugar causes inflammation and so many other healt problems. Slow the cardio add complex carbs, healthy fats and lean meat.
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I like all of the above suggestions except To eat more sugar. That is not good advice. Sugar causes inflammation and so many other healt problems. Slow the cardio add complex carbs, healthy fats and lean meat.


I'm looking to see who advised someone to eat more sugar....benzo brain here.

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I started exercising again tonight after almost two months off.  When I quit exercising I had very bad insomnia but right now I don't have much insomnia at all...however my brain is so very foggy and my memory is so very bad and I'm making a lot of mistakes at work.  I hope this can help my brain heal faster.
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I just started back at the gym today and I'm having second thoughts ONLY after reading someones comment in a facebook group. I had a wave that lasted the whole month 7 but I blamed it on Kombucha that I drank for 2 weeks. I had brand new intense symptoms that weren't there before this. But that morning I did a pretty intense workout in the sun and heat. She said the same thing kind of happened to her but it just brought back some old symptoms and wasn't as intense as I had described. I had worsening vision symptoms, afraid of bridges and the sky after that and it lasted quite a while. Month 7 felt like month 3 for me. She thinks maybe the intense workout caused this and not the kombucha. What do you guys think?>


Can intense crossfit style workouts cause intense waves that feel like acute? Even at a year off?


I've been doing crossfit for 3 years and even did it in acute and all the way up to month 7. Since then I've taken 5 months off. I want to go back but want to be prepared for any consequences.

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intense exercise can definitely kick up the symptoms.  I am still only able to do very light exercises.  Exercise intolerance is very common and it sucks.  Some people have no issues and it helps them recover while others it doesn't.  Maybe just try doing something less intense than crossfit?  My exercise issues only showed up after about six months off.
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I have many ups and downs with exercise. Sometimes I can go like gangbusters and work out intensely and feel amazing. There are then periods where I feel shakey and weak. Presently, I'm feeling weaker, less able to lift heavyweight, and my endurance is weak.

I'm hoping that I can get back in track because I know it helps much more than hurts.

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Sunday, I find in wd I have to be far more flexible with exercise than I used to. Sometimes I can push through things and keep lifting weights, power walking and going to exercise class. Other times, when the weakness, fatigue and pain hit, I need to dial back on both intensity and duration for a while. Then when I'm back to my albeit lousy baseline, I can get back to what I was doing before the wave or whatever.
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I just finished my first zumba class yesterday  sat only for 1 song. I even participated on the high intensity ones.  I had breathing issues but I have them weather I dance or not and I feel it s even better after my workout. I m so proud as I managed my way through from one song in one class in September 2016 to almost a whole class now in January and going up now to 2 classes a week. My body and feelgood really needs this.
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Hi guys. Been completely exercise intolerant my whole 18 months off . Even the slightest bit of exertion would throw me into a wave for weeks but its over!!!! I can finally exercise and it has a positive effect on my mood and fatigue.


In the last 2 weeks i have been kitesurfing 3 times and out on the jetski once. ( its summer in australia ). It feels good to use my core muscles that havnt been used in 2 years again although im sore the next 2 days its exercise sore not benzo sore.


This is really positive. I feel like crap when i get there but good when i leave. I finally have some stable ground to start rebuilding my body  :thumbsup:

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Locke that's incredible!  I hope to see that soon as I've been waiting a bit longer.  I get short bouts where I can do a bit more then back to just light walking. 
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