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Good work, CP with the exercise. The visual aspect of this can be super disturbing. Last year I kept going back to my eye doc, thinking he was messing up my prescription. It wasn't until I did more reading and got on BB that I realized it was the wd. It doesn't seem to be something they can correct so for now I'm just treating myself as partially visually impaired. Today I've been seeing my visual field vibrate with my rapid heartbeat at times. Distracting stuff.
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Got home from work and was a bit tired but I got out there and did a three mile walk.  Supposed to have a storm tomorrow so wanted to do something outside. Its so ridiculous w the soreness. I was sore in my lower back like I jogged a marathon even though it was a gentle walk.  No anxiety at all today which makes dealing w any physical symptoms much easier. Good job to everyone for whatever they could manage today.
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CP, try not to stress about the vision thing. I see waves.sometimes. When I USE TO run or ride my Mtn. Bike I would see vibrations.


Seems like everyone is doing there workouts :thumbsup:


I have my bike on a trainer and rode 45 min.

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Hey fellow exercisers, I still have the rapid heartbeat thing. I can usually do fine when it's in the 80s or so but on days that it's in the 90s (that's at total rest) and above, I notice I'm wiped out and rarely exercise. Do others of you have this symptom? Do you exercise when you have it? I know it used to be worse; I'd be in the 130s just brushing my teeth, but I find myself wondering now if I should push past this or if I need to listen to my body and chill on these days. I chilled today and I feel some better tonight. Thoughts?
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Hey fellow exercisers, I still have the rapid heartbeat thing. I can usually do fine when it's in the 80s or so but on days that it's in the 90s (that's at total rest) and above, I notice I'm wiped out and rarely exercise. Do others of you have this symptom? Do you exercise when you have it? I know it used to be worse; I'd be in the 130s just brushing my teeth, but I find myself wondering now if I should push past this or if I need to listen to my body and chill on these days. I chilled today and I feel some better tonight. Thoughts?



I have thoughts. I have the same thing. It's the sxs's. Nothing you can do. It happens after I exercise a lot and sometimes for know reason. You fine :). Just don't push it, chill if you feel bad.

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7:40 am

just did my first 2 laps for today...


couldn't go for 3,,,shit

will try this afternoon...


just love this sound of birds in the morning

and of my hair while running......



:idiot: :idiot: :idiot:

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7:40 am

just did my first 2 laps for today...


couldn't go for 3,,,shit

will try this afternoon...


just love this sound of birds in the morning

and of my hair while running......



:idiot: :idiot: :idiot:

you can hear your hair too?
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MTFAN-I believe the rapid heart beat is due to anxiety, that's what my doctor told me. No I have never had that. If you feel you can exercise while experiencing it continue to exercise. If you feel worse after you work out then don't exercise. Perhaps just go for a light walk and listen to some of your favorite music. A great way to get rid of the rapid heart beat is to meditate. Try "Simply Being" by Meditation Oasis (it's on their web site) and it really works!!
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I have severe insomnia and anxiety going through the roof on waking (if I got any sleep at all).  Went to the gym for the first time ever today and did weight training.  Anxiety just disappeared and hasn't returned all day.  Haven't tried to sleep yet, just hoping the weight training will help with that also.  Feel absolutely gobsmacked that the weight training could curb the anxiety.  Will be there again tomorrow. :D
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Thanks for the input. Having another racy heart and fever day :(


Hi MTfan  :hug: Thats normal withdrawal symptoms from the Cortisol and adrenaline, I and all BB I think have that, and I'm going to lay down now as its getting worse  :D :D. I have the ''fever' too AKA ''Benzo Flu'' :sick:. Went for a half hour  slow walk this morning and have been feeling more awful by the hour :sick: But as long as I'm able to will be going for a walk tomorrow. :thumbsup:


Nova xxxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Hey fellow exercisers, I still have the rapid heartbeat thing. I can usually do fine when it's in the 80s or so but on days that it's in the 90s (that's at total rest) and above, I notice I'm wiped out and rarely exercise. Do others of you have this symptom? Do you exercise when you have it? I know it used to be worse; I'd be in the 130s just brushing my teeth, but I find myself wondering now if I should push past this or if I need to listen to my body and chill on these days. I chilled today and I feel some better tonight. Thoughts?



Back when I was like that with a rapid heartbeat, anything that increased my body temp threw me immediately into an anxiety attack. I couldn't exercise for the first two years after my c/t. At 32 month's I'm finally beginning to feel as though I can get out and go, do be, live again. It isn't every day, but I'm grateful for the ones that are inline so I can. Glad you got out for 2 laps and next time might be 3 !

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Akadykie, I'm so happy for you that the weights helped with your symptoms and that you'll go again tomorrow. Keep us posted on how that goes.


Nova, I'm sorry you get the benzo flu to and I'm impressed you're exercising anyway. I told myself frakk it today and went to yoga despite the fever and all. Every time I exercise I hear myself in my head going, "This is how we fight to get better."


Do we all agree withdrawal SUCKS! It's not killing us, it's making us stronger, as Nietzsche said :smitten:

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Walked around the block tonight, cried the whole way in a mini psychosis boaty dpdr hell. Now itching from head to toe and having all kinds of random pain, im not sure im gonna make it
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well. IM SURE I WILL MAKE IT :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


even without any windows :thumbsup:



so i did 2 laps...gonna go to the city I'm working like 4 hours every day...

trying to figure shit out about my future...


I'm having an easier day today...

spring is coming huge at my end :smitten:

its sunny and i wanna live :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:



p.s. there is this stupid therapist of my uncle that

suggest him to heal his depression with talking and embracing trees in the parks and forests :idiot: :idiot: :idiot:


well, he is on 1.5 mg ativan and drinks HUGE since the first min he wakes up...

so no wonder he is depressed...



but lets see this technic , if any good :idiot:

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Hi all...heavy DR and eye problems today but I did 30 min on Elliptical and for the first time in a year of so I did some reps of light curls and ab work.  trying to reintroduce weights slowly.  I am sure I will be super sore from this joke of a workout.  How far I've fallen :crazy::D
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Drew28-Fabulous!! My pdoc told me that lifting weights is SO good for the back of your BRAIN. Today I walked on my treadmill for five miles not holding on, first time ever! Then I did the elliptical for 65 minutes and then I went to my gym and lifted weights for 20 minutes. Hello Gaba I hope that you up regulated today..I'm 100 days off tomorrow and I might just have a party:)
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Hey my exercise BBs!


I am back with a vengeance. Finally more or less done with our x-country move. I ran 3 times in the past 3 days. It's a great way to explore a new neighborhood as well. The weather here in SoCal is beautiful. I am going to try to do a beach run soon. Maybe today even?


Also considering doing some Bootcamp to take advantage of this beautiful outdoor weather  ;D


I hope all of you are getting those endorphins in :)

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Added 30 seconds to my run time today for a total of 4:30....kicked my ass but will continue pushing forward.  :thumbsup:
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Glad to see the good things happening to folks. I'm getting there, as my mornings progress. My wake ups are terror, either cog fog or anxiety or both. It generally levels off by mid morning so I can get a grip and do things. this morning it was pretty bad still at 9:0 but I went to the gym with my head phones. It was not easy, but I went from machine to machine and enjoyed it as much as I could. The important things is, I did it. It was the first time I worked up a sweat such as I did too. Been on that edge all day long. Even when grilling a steak, still up there but at least I'm making sense of it all now. Or at least most of the time. It doesn't seem as crippling as it has been or maybe this is just a mild wave with a tidal wave on it's way. Time will tell, that's for sure.


Am wishing everyone a good evening and a hopefully a great day tomorrow.

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Hey guys. Sorry I've been gone. I had an episode where I didn't sleep for 4 days and ended up in the ER. (I did finally sleep). My EKG was abnormal so now I have a 30 day event monitor. BUT, the good news is I can take it off to surf! I wasn't about to let them put something on me that would stop the surfing.


The psych nurse and cardiologist I saw were actually really helpful and open minded to the whole benzo thing. However, when I explained to the ER Dr. my history with benzos and how I'm in the ER because of them, all she said was "well, I can give you a few ativan pills to get you through." Like I'm some med seeker. Needless to say I wasn't happy and I told flat out I'm never taking another benzo as long as I live. She took the hint.


I'm glad to see you all are still getting out there. I hope to get back to surfing asap.

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Wonder-my ekg became abnormal after my jump as I ended up in the ER too.  I suddenly had an inverted T wave.  Had all the advanced tests and my abnormality is called a nonspecific change. Another words...it's normal.  Scary as hell though.  Glad your fine.
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