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Need help with milk titration schedule please.


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Hi all,


I am taking 0.75 mg Clonazepam before bed and would like to begin milk titration asap.  I've watched the videos and it looks straightforward.  Some of my questions are:


How do I decide the best reduction rate per day? Is 1ml the standard?

How long before taking the solution can I prepare it?

How long will it stay "good' in the fridge?


Help please, I'd like to start tonight if possible.


Thank you!


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As a starting point I"d recommend removing .001mg per day.  You can likely go faster than this, but it is best to start low and work up.  Try that for a few weeks and see how it goes.


The pill needs time to break up and dissolve.  It also needs to be mixed from time to time.  What many do is prepare tomorrow's dose the night before.  It will last as long as the milk.  Be sure to use full fat whole homogenized milk.  Also, when switching to liquid people often feel this as a cut so it pays to hold for a while when the switch is made.

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Thank you!  Forgive my math ignorance but when you say to remove .001 mg per day does that mean 1 ml of liquid per day?


I took 99 ml last night after mixing the solution as per the video.  I mixed it about 9 pm, removed 1 ml, and put it in fridge until midnight. I shook it well and then drank it before I went to bed. Tonight I will do the same except take 98...and so on.  Correct? Or, would it be better to make the solution in the afternoon for the nighttime does? 


When you say people think of this as a cut, what do you mean?  Isn't that what we are doing when we are reducing the dosage?


Sorry for all the questions, but I've through a difficult w/d before and want to make sure I'm doing this exactly right. I appreciate your responding to me.







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How much K did you put in the 100ml milk?  Why did you remove the cut right away?  I think you are rushing into this.  It pays to take time and learn how to do it correctly.


When we switch from pill delivery to a pill dissolved in liquid we often feel it even though it seems we should not.  The difference in delivery method seems to change the amount of the dose that gets into our body.  I'm not sure how.  So holding and not cutting for a week or so is a good idea.

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I put my whole dose in - 0.75 mg.  I see now what you mean about the cut.  Maybe that removal I did last night has affected my thinking today. 


I don't remember seeing anything in the video about waiting until the body got used to a switch-over from pill form to liquid form before making the decrease.


I've also been trying to decrease my dosage over the last few months and have been going up and down between 0.75 mg and slightly less by breaking a tiny bit off, depending on how much difficulty I'm having with sleep.


I do NOT want to rush so thanks for your advice.  I'm just so sick of being on medication for so many years and want to get on with things.

So...go back to 0.75 mg in the solution for two weeks and then start reducing by 1 ml per day, generally? 



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Waiting for a few weeks during the switch is just my observation (and many others).  I think it is a good idea.


When you put .75mg into 100ml that makes a .0075mg/ml concentration.  That mean each ml contains .0075mg K.  So if you cut 1ml per day that is too much and you will likely get sick.


You want to cut in a way that keeps you well, and you can.  Our brains can keep up with a certain amount each day and we can find this, but we have to do it in a smart, purposeful way.

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Hello SG57 and thank you for helping me with this.


I'm on third day of switchover from dry pills to a K milk solution (same dosage) and feel pretty strong w/d symptoms.  Extreme muscle aches, fatigue, & fogginess in particular. 


You mentioned this was normal & expected.  Thank you for that.  However, will it subside any time soon before I start to taper which I plan to do in  2 weeks?? I feel like I did when I went too fast coming off ADs 2 years ago and I haven't even reduced the K dosage yet.








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I'd be guessing.  But since you have the K in liquid form now you are free to dose anyway you need so no jumping up in big steps is not required if you don't want.


Maybe some small percentage less than 5% would do it?

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Thank you for the suggestion to increase a bit , I am feeling better today. I'll definitely hold on this for a while before beginning the taper.


Another question:  I have some overnight travel upcoming.  I'd like to avoid questions from people I am visiting. Could I safely use dry pills at the same dosage at those times?







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Well, when you switched from pills to milk it felt like a cut, so I'd expect going back to pills will feel like an increase.  So I think that it should work fine, but then you will need to go through the switch to liquid again in the future and I would think feel the same effect.
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Right.  Makes sense.


Feeling a lot worse this evening. I don't know what's going on, it's manageable but really unexpected. I thought the small increase last night had done the trick this morning, but now I feel worse than I have since i started the switchover!




I've seen 2 videos today where the pills are just popped into the jars of milk and left for 1/2 hr to dissolve, rather than all the crushing to a fine powder and then mixing and transferring to other containers, etc. that is suggested on this site.  What do you think about that? 




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Give things time to adjust.  I think you will feel good in time.  How much did you increase?


On the pill crushing, some pills break up quickly and thoroughly when they hit liquid, others need to be crushed.  But if yours is the kind that break up well then I think you are better off not crushing as there is less chance of losing drug in the mortar and pestle, etc. and it is also a lot less fuss.  Give it plenty of time to dissolve.

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I don't know how much in mg I increased - just split 1/2 of pill in half and then halved again...but last night I did not do that, went back to regular dose and today was ok. 


Yes, my pills seem to dissolve almost immediately when put in milk. Lucky that way.


I wondered if you could tell me - why is the 100ml of liquid a standard volume for titration? The guy in the video I watched from this site was using 120ml (his does was .5mg/day). What's the difference and why does it vary?


Do you need more milk the higher your dose and if so, why? 


Could you not use 50ml and just use the syringe to take out what you need to discard (in my case, I might start with 0.5ml/day)?


Thanks. I appreciate you...no one else has jumped in to help me on this board, so if you get sick of my questions I could start a new thread and see what happens:)

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You can use any amount  of milk, if you can do the basic math to convert mg to ml.


The reason many users use 100 ml is because the math/conversion is so easy...just move the decimal point.

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I don't know how much in mg I increased - just split 1/2 of pill in half and then halved again...but last night I did not do that, went back to regular dose and today was ok. 


Yes, my pills seem to dissolve almost immediately when put in milk. Lucky that way.


I wondered if you could tell me - why is the 100ml of liquid a standard volume for titration? The guy in the video I watched from this site was using 120ml (his does was .5mg/day). What's the difference and why does it vary?


Do you need more milk the higher your dose and if so, why? 


Could you not use 50ml and just use the syringe to take out what you need to discard (in my case, I might start with 0.5ml/day)?


Thanks. I appreciate you...no one else has jumped in to help me on this board, so if you get sick of my questions I could start a new thread and see what happens:)


As Builder says, there is no standard and any amount can be used as long as, 1) there is enough to dissolve the drug, and 2) it is dilute enough to measure for cuts.  From there you can pick whatever.  Some like to use 100ml because they find it an easy number to work with.  Others might want to make a concentration with only the number 1 in it so that the ml numbers and the mg numbers are the same.

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