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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Here is a quote to help you through withdrawal. I LOVE THIS QUOTE!


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"All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy."

-Scott Alexander


All of us struggling through benzo withdrawal can know that "all GOOD is hard." Going through this is HARD but it will be for the GOOD in the end. Hold on we will one day be free and thankful we struggled harder than we ever thought we could. We will be STRONGER people because of it. YOU'RE NOT ALONE!

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"All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy."

-Scott Alexander


All of us struggling through benzo withdrawal can know that "all GOOD is hard." Going through this is HARD but it will be for the GOOD in the end. Hold on we will one day be free and thankful we struggled harder than we ever thought we could. We will be STRONGER people because of it. YOU'RE NOT ALONE!


Hi Benzo


I think what you say is so true.  I like the quote.


When you struggle through something like this the rewards are sure to be immense.


LF  :thumbsup:

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I am already strong enough :laugh:

Then in that case it's not something you need a daily reminder from.


It doesn't seem you took my comment the right was but I could be wrong as tone is difficult to read into with the written word.  I was saying I've suffered enough thus I'm strong enough already and want this to be over.

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I am already strong enough :laugh:

Then in that case it's not something you need a daily reminder from.


It doesn't seem you took my comment the right was but I could be wrong as tone is difficult to read into with the written word.  I was saying I've suffered enough thus I'm strong enough already and want this to be over.

Drew I can't wait for all this hell to be over too. Sorry I misunderstood you.  Lol. My bad. My cog fog has been out of this world of late.

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