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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Clonazepam titration schedule advice


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Hey gang!

SO glad i found this site......


Here's the vitals:

Start date: Would like to start Wed, 9/10/14

Dose: I'm currently on 1mg

Tablet dose: .5mg

Number of tablets: 2 tabs at night

Taper rate: Going to assume the 10% typical may be ok? I did have a few nasty withdrawals in the past (tried a 1 month taper-Doc's advice, and a 2.5 month taper- all me)...which led me to the current dose at night.

Cylinder details: 100ml, 1ml increments (10-100ml), will buy a baby syringe- or whatever is needed for the smaller increments towards the end.


Seems simple enough (not enough for me to think it up on my own mind you.....(sigh)) , but since there are SO many who have done this- i want to hear from the experts!


Been on clonazepam for about 3 years, i was able to taper it down to 1mg per day- at bedtime. Not an easy thing.... Psychiatrist still doesn't think I have a "true addiction", but then again he took 2 days to respond to a few emergency calls when i went cold turkey over a year ago. (bad, bad, BAD idea...)


-Memory seems OK- but then again I'm a 41-this-month premedical student....so i all i think i know is science really.

-The quality of sleep just plain sucks. Pretty sure that these need to be gone just for that reason alone. I have been at a course near Miami, matriculating to Medical School in January, and the pace is nuts. Ive been able to lay down and sleep without medications during the day, never could do that before. All i know is the quality of rest seems amazing compared to 6-7 hours a night on benzos.

-Anxiety: Theorized for awhile now that the anxiety is fueled by the pills

-Overall: More "me" than i've been in years....still something missing. Hoping it will reemerge when these are gone for good.


Just wanted to say Thank You in advance  :smitten:- I can't wait to see these pills behind me.....




Edit: forgot, doc Rx'd Atarax (Hydroxyzine) as an add on daily. Cant take it due to the sedation effect. Is this anything i can take while I'm titrating down to help with the withdrawals?

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Hi TXpremed,

My liquid titration method is in my signature and I used it all the way down from 1mg very successfully.  BB Member Diaz-Pam used the method at this link http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=97511.msg1248599#msg1248599 and several other members use this method and swear by it.


There is no right or wrong way just whatever you decide is best for your situation.  Take a read of both methods and see if either is one you may consider.  Good Luck!

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