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What do BB members do for cortisol surge and the anxiety from it in the morning?


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Yes I am feeling pretty desperate too. It would help to have a definitive answer regarding cortisol. Then the real question would be, how to regulate it? :o
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I m sitting here looking at a bottle I bought a couple of weeks ago. I ve been hesitant to try it. I read a couple of posts here on it being helpful with anxiety but one saying the opposite. If you do a search , you will find the few that I came across.

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Thx for that link GMIT, I think I'll try it.

Mary333, the saliva test is the way to go regarding cortisol levels and depending on  the results there are various natural products which can be very helpful for tired adrenal glands which is where cortisol comes from.

About the inositol apparently 15-18g daily as a therapeutic dose has been successful for some people, to take this amount you need to get it in powder form.

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Thank you nicolaud..it would definitely be worth getting...I think anything we can do to get a grip on what is happening in our brains ,can make us feel a bit more in control. In regard to the Inositol, I was able to find it in tablet form 500mg. Is 500mg equivalent to 15g? Is the powder better absorbed? Also I was warned by the store clerk that this is used as a laxative as well so I guess staying home after taking it ,at least the first time, would be a good idea!
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Definitely, we need to help our brains as much as we can, especially during withdrawal ( we shouldn't expect miracles overnight although apparently it is possible ) but helping our brain means giving it what it needs in terms of hormone balance, neurotransmitter balance etc from natural sources, no more drugs whether legal or illegal and also working on positive thoughts ( ie correcting negative thoughts ), spirituality, exercise ( even minimal ), balanced rest/sleep rhythm, diving into any passions we may be lucky to have and constantly striving to help others in need.

About the inositol 30 * 500mg tablets = 15g, hence why its more practical in powder form, however its recommended to build up slowly the dosage as per link below:






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Hi bros and sis in suffering and recovery. On the Inositol sup questions and sleep and anx.This is now just me and some others I got this suggestion from on use and benefits,here on BB.  Firstly the recommened dosage is 12 to 18 GRAMS not mg . If math brain serves me 1000 mg =1 gram,therefore a 500mg cap is only half a gram.I first tried with caps and had to take too many for the effective dosage,plus it's more expensive.Health food stores cost about twice as much as on line.I use Swonsons here in US.... Along with peppermint caps and L Thianine,has help me go from 2 hrs sleep max to 5.5 to 7.5 hrs. Plus it has added affect in helping with anx issues.FYI....The start low dosage may be good idea but also won't get desired affect through my experience,it may cause upset stomach and the runs.But I found out that probiotics helps until body gets used to it.For me it is worth the slight upset stomach,which clears up fast enuf with the probiotic.Even if this combo doesn't help with sleep the anx sxs lessening,it is worth it ,also I have noticed the peppermint caps have helped a lot with. my leg twinges and cramps.NOT promoting the supplement company,but they also carry all the other sups at very good prices


May The Good Lord grant you all bearable suffering and a swift recovery.


        If this helps anyone pass it on forward

PS. I,m still in acute with many physical pains ,only 6 months from jump,but the extra sleep has helped in feeling less fatigued,and I'm sure it will help in recovery



                                                                              aj  <><

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I break my Klonopin up - I take the vast majority just before bed, and save a little for when I first wake up. It's not early morning, rather 2-4 am, typically. I also tend to wake up around the time the sun comes up, and am anxious, but I believe less so than I would be if I didn't always wake up and take that sliver of Klonopin.


I don't know if that amount even does anything, or if it's just psycho-somatic. But it works for me.

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I have tried to think of something else when these thought that lead to anxiety come on but they seem to persist. I can't relax or get back to sleep after I get these thoughts. I just have to wait it out and eventually they go away


Dark chocolate lowers cortisol. I keep some in the house and it helps :-) not milk chocolate...dark chocolate that has very little sugar in it.


Interesting.  One thing that helps me when I wake up with adrenaline surging is a small amount of caffeine.  It sounds counter intuitive, but it works for me.  I keep it at something between 50-100 mg, which is usually one Excederin, or half of a no-doze.  I do it this way so that I know the exact mg of caffeine.  For some reason, this small amount of caffeine gets rid of that "I'm coming out of my skin" feeling for me.

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