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Worry Journal


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Anyone care to post some ideas on how to get a good worry journal going - and has it worked?


Hi tigertales-


I do have a suggestion for a worry journal:


1- have a set time, approx. a 1/2 hour each day where you write all your worries down

2- usually the better time w/b evening, 8pm or 9pm, around that time

3- during the day, as your worries come in to mind, set them aside, place them in a space in your mind for later

4- after you do this for a while, you will notice that the worries you had during the day, you cannot remember later in the day, your mind moves on....so your worry journal becomes smaller

5- which makes the worries that you have journaled the ones that need the attention and the others were just passing distraction thoughts


When we worry, we are usually thinking in the future.....once you get this habit of using a journal, you will find that you live more in the present....which is a good thing :thumbsup:


Just Breathe

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I didn't call mine a worry journal TT.  Somewhere along the line I learned of a method of hand writing three pages every morning.  Basically it was anything that came into my head, sometimes the same thing over and over several times - just ranting really.  Then after I was done I would destory the pages - didn't read them over.  Did this every day for quite a period - seemed to release some tension in the mornings.  Sometimes I still do it if I have any stresses in my life.


I guess the idea behind hand writing the pages was to distract the mind from morning anxiety - it helped me.

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