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Birth control pill might help


They used to get rid of my periods and they so stop the big dips particularly if you keep taking them without a break


They are strong and are fake and mostly proesterone so it may not help

It is up to you whether you are happy giving it a go knowing you may feel worse from them. But that is the risk we all take whenever we try something in benzo w/d


I agree you need some help


Read our links and posts too for more info



Mom DP may feel Wikipedia isn't reliable info for HRT


I take the most ridiculously small amount of estrogen. I cut the smallest patch into eighths and use 1/8. You wouldn't think that would make a difference but it does. My periods are still unpleasant but not as bad. I'm not scared about it cause I know I had more when I was on the pill and a hell of a lot more when I was pregnant


I'm thinking I may time holds for that time and also do one time updoses to get me thru


In a month or so I see a dr that specialises in bio identical hormones so she maybe able to help further


I for one will be trying stuff to not have to do that every month

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Birth control pill might help


They used to get rid of my periods and they so stop the big dips particularly if you keep taking them without a break


They are strong and are fake and mostly proesterone so it may not help

It is up to you whether you are happy giving it a go knowing you may feel worse from them. But that is the risk we all take whenever we try something in benzo w/d


I agree you need some help


Read our links and posts too for more info



Mom DP may feel Wikipedia isn't reliable info for HRT


I take the most ridiculously small amount of estrogen. I cut the smallest patch into eighths and use 1/8. You wouldn't think that would make a difference but it does. My periods are still unpleasant but not as bad. I'm not scared about it cause I know I had more when I was on the pill and a hell of a lot more when I was pregnant


I'm thinking I may time holds for that time and also do one time updoses to get me thru


In a month or so I see a dr that specialises in bio identical hormones so she maybe able to help further


I for one will be trying stuff to not have to do that every month


The low progesterone is what is causing this craziness for me not estrogen, I've done tons of searching on the boards today and have found so many posts with women that have the same issue as I do and they are all low in progesterone. I'm just scared for my life right now and won't be able to taper if I can't get my hormones in check. I don't want to end up checking out for good just because of my hormones being wacky, if I can get that fixed I can taper and finally get off this crap.

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I posted something on the Valium thread about hormone replacement therapy that I found on wiki. I should have posted it here I guess.

Diaz, you said " please don't post anything on HRT from wiki".

Why is that? Is it not good info? I don't understand...


I actually just said "Please don't go to wiki for information on BHRT or any kind of hormone treatment". I said that because I know how unreliable so many non-medical sites can be. I don't want anyone to think that I don't want people to post information from other sources. There’s nothing specifically wrong with wiki. It’s just that it’s not a medical site, and the information is only as good as the person who posted it in the first place. Also, unless the information is constantly updated, it becomes out of date very quickly. I will admit that I haven’t specifically read the wiki site, because I have already done a lot of research on proper medical sites and I've put all that information on this thread (on the first post). 


As more and more research is done on hormone therapy, more and more positive results are found, as well as added benefits of using it. Unfortunately a lot of people have a very biased and negative view of hormone therapy, which is not based on proper research. It is only based on what the media has reported and what other fairly dubious websites have reported (usually so they can sell their own even more dubious products).


I guess the main problem I have with wiki (after a very cursory perusal of the first couple of paragraphs) is that they are implying that bioidentical hormones are only available by being compounded and saying that there are “unfounded claims of safety and efficacy”. This is partly true, but this is only specific to compounded hormones – not the proper bioidentical hormones.


Bioidentical hormones are available on normal prescription, from normal doctors, dispensed by normal pharmacists, are usually covered by insurance (or NHS, PBS etc), perfectly safe to use, do have proven safety, efficacy, reliability and benefits, and are FDA (or each country’s regulatory body) approved. Compounded hormones are not FDA approved and their safety and reliability can be questionable.




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If you feel it is low progesterone time then give the pill a go

Some women have had bad reactions to progesterone whilst tapering others not

It is all very individual and does mean trial and error


Whether it is the pill or something else there are many options for hormones so you should be a

Ble to ultimately find something the helps.. Just try things and speak to drs and/or possibly an endocrinologist

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Do most of you go to a regular doctor for the gyno stuff or a gynecologist? Not sure if I should find one or just stick to an internal medicine dr. I am currently looking for a dr for all my med care and I usually like internal med drs. But as Im 50 now, maybe I need gyno on board too?
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I'm in, too.  Just finished tapering HRT after 20 years and am noticeably over-emotional at the moment. 

Challis  :P                   

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Not sure if this is of any interest to anyone, but after 20 years of HRT after an early hysterectomy, I finished tapering off of it about two weeks ago.  No problems with hormones/HRT during my taper, no problems tapering off.

Challis  ;D


That's great Challis :)


However… see post above.  ;)

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Hi Challis, what were you on and how did you taper? Hope you doing well today.


Thank you

Love Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi Challis, what were you on and how did you taper? Hope you doing well today.


Thank you

Love Jackie :smitten: :smitten:


Hi Jackie!

I was on Estratest and broke off increasingly larger bits of the tablet over a period of maybe two months until I was down to a small chunk.  I have to say I know nothing about HRT withdrawal.  I should know better, right?

Challis  :smitten: :smitten:

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Thanks Challis.  I'm thinking about 2015 that I might taper mine. Its expensive and I'm tired of all meds. If I don't need them then I just want off. Have a great day!!!!


Love Jackie :smitten: :smitten:




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Thanks Challis.  I'm thinking about 2015 that I might taper mine. Its expensive and I'm tired of all meds. If I don't need them then I just want off. Have a great day!!!!


Love Jackie :smitten: :smitten:


That was my thinking, too. 

Love ya, Jackie!

Challis  :smitten: :smitten:

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I've done a slow taper off my bios.  I did it in the reverse order they were prescribed.  ...  so first went the testosterone; then the estrogen; now coming off progesterone --- this has been the most difficult.  I'm going very slowly and hope to be off by summer. 


I'm not sure what to believe about benefits/ no benefits of them.  I had really bought into the Susan Summers, etc school of thought, but she does sell a lot of books... 


I decided to taper off after reading Perseverance's posts about cross tolerance. 


I just want off everything also!!  and forever!!!

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Just got prescribed a birth control called Mononessa and I am scared to take it.... scared to take anything at this point. I feel completely wacko right now and I'm scared that it won't help but I don't know if it will.
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Time, who Rx'd the BC pill?  I mean what type of doc?  I'm 52 and have been taking bioidenticals for the last 17 months or so.  They did really help me.  I took 'the pill' when I was younger and then the Depoprovera for about 4 years I think, then finally had my tubes tied.  I never had any troubles feeling sick or out of sorts, but then I never suffered from PMS either.  I was very fortunate.


If I were you, I'd really be tempted to give the BC pill a go and see what happens.  I'm not trying to sound flip here, but it can't get much worse.  I guess I'm saying you wont know unless you try it.  I totally get you're scared given the condition you're in, believe me, I've been there and it's not fun AT ALL. 


Did the doc tell you to take for 21 days and then skip the days you're on your period?  Just curious.  I'm praying for you sister.  Heaven knows benzo w/d is hard enough and then toss in the hormone issues, it is REALLY hard!

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I am 54 years old and have not yet gone thru menopause. I just had my last period four weeks ago. Is there something wrong with me? It keeps coming and coming. Betsy

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There's nothing wrong with you. Menopause is just like puberty. Some go through it early and others go through it later. The average age is 51 I believe (and I was right on the average - my very last period started on my 51st birthday - there's nothing like being "average"...lol...). So that means that there is a big variance between women who go through it in their 40s to women who go through it in their 50s.


As long as you are feeling okay, I'd enjoy it while you can. However, if you are feeling some of the symptoms creeping on, like anxiety, depression, insomnia, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, etc, you should talk with your doctor because there is a lot of help available, and you don't have to wait until your periods stop before you start taking hormone therapy. Also if you notice any differences with your periods (longer, heavier, clotting etc), you should also talk with your doctor.

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I took hormones off and on during menopause, then they came out with that study that says HRT causes heart problems so I stopped.  Big mistake, I wish I knew about bio-identicals during perimenopause so I wouldn't have had the vaginal shrinkage.  On it now for a few years and it helps with a lot of things except benzo w/d, lol.

Overcomer    :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Yeah, the media has a lot to answer for with that WHI (Women's Health Initiative) study. They misreported the whole thing and totally scared a whole generation of women off using natural hormone therapy. The WHI study did not use natural hormone therapy (they used the conjugated equine estrogens), and it is now disregarded by most doctors and the International Menopause Society. The truth is that no study has found natural hormone therapy increases the risk for any of the things it is supposed to increase the risk of. The opposite is actually the truth.
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Time has any hormone therapy worked with the dreaded benzo/period?


I've had my tiny bit of estrogen patch off for a few days and feel ok. I'll probably need it to take the edge off the period when it comes..


My periods have been really irregular and heavy lately. I wonder if it is the use of some of these hormones


My dr was positive oil wouldn't be peri menopausal

I don't necessarily think I am but I though her complete discounting of the idea silly. Especially since my mum had menopause at 41- yup last period at 41.. Young


Personally I'd prefer not to be peri menopausal because I'd like the option of a second child when I'm thru with these benzos



Overcomes I reckon your hrt would be helping your taper. They seem to help women tapering no end



Benzo girl!! Gets tested my love! It could be the answer to your sleeping stale mate ;)

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Actually HRT/bio-identicals have not helped with my insomnia which I have suffered from since early 40s (perimenopause).  As a youngster and teenager I slept a lot.  Weird how bodies change.  In fact in my fifties my gyn dr gave me ativan to induce sleep, to take occasionally.  Hmm just remembered that.  Also took Ambien once in a while, flexeril, baclofen.  Not knowing so many drugs that I have taken over the years affect GABA until I read the Ashton Manual, post K w/d.  No wonder my brain needs healing.  Hope the hormones help.  Also doctors never mentioned that any of these drugs are addicting.  So by alternating them, you are still affecting GABA!


I am a little leary of returning to my gyn who prescribes the bio identicals.  She knew I was tapering K and taking Temazepam and still not sleeping so she prescribed Ambien CR.  What these doctors do not know, is astounding.  I think I have PTSD against Dr.  Don't know if I can trust any of them.  All they do is throw a drug at you for a symptom!


Overcomer  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Time has any hormone therapy worked with the dreaded benzo/period?


I've had my tiny bit of estrogen patch off for a few days and feel ok. I'll probably need it to take the edge off the period when it comes..


My periods have been really irregular and heavy lately. I wonder if it is the use of some of these hormones


My dr was positive oil wouldn't be peri menopausal

I don't necessarily think I am but I though her complete discounting of the idea silly. Especially since my mum had menopause at 41- yup last period at 41.. Young


Personally I'd prefer not to be peri menopausal because I'd like the option of a second child when I'm thru with these benzos



Overcomes I reckon your hrt would be helping your taper. They seem to help women tapering no end



Benzo girl!! Gets tested my love! It could be the answer to your sleeping stale mate ;)


No I'm 3 days late, I woke up this morning shaking really bad, dry heaving, I have thrown up twice. I slept very poorly, when I tried to go back to sleep I would stop breathing, I notice I am doing this during the day too I stop breathing and then I gasp for air...this is scaring me. I don't know how much more I can take....I need to know what to do, do I need to go to a hospital or somewhere so they can figure out what is wrong with my body? Something isn't right, maybe it really all is in my head too I don't know, all I know is my body is in extreme shock right now. It feels the same as before I went to rehab and right after I got out.

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Oh Time, I'm praying for you honey.  I'm sorry I don't have any sage advice.  This whole thing is just horrible.





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OK:  interdose w/d and tolerance w/d.  What do they mean exactly?


Overcomer  :smitten: :smitten:



As I understand it, interdose w/d is what you feel between doses when your dose isn't enough to cover the time between doses, hence a lot of people dose more frequently to avoid that.


Tolerence w/d is when the current dose of medicine you're on is no longer providing the same relief it used to and people usually increase their dose to avoid tolerance w/d sxs (those that are not trying to taper).


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here

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