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It seems as though there are many of us experiencing heart palpitations. Is there anyone out there knowledgeable and past this s/x who would start a palps group?



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I think this is a great idea for a support group.  Palpitations and tachycardia are very scary symptoms indeed.  They are the reason I was put on Xanax in the first place.  I didn't have them in withdrawal though, because by that time I was on atenolol for hypertension.



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Megan, the stenolol has really helped mine alot too. I am taking a tiny dose 12.5 mg split in an am dose and a pm dose. I have a benign irregular heart beat anyway, but it never ever bothered me and my b/p was always good...until the crazy episode that sent me flying to er 2 weeks ago. It took about 10 days or so to adjust to the bets block and regulate my palps and b/p...now my b/p runs about 110/72 and still fluctuates a little throughout the day. My palps are so much better and I can sleep at night. I am not suggesting that medication is the answer for everyone as I understand and respect that many BBs do not want to take anything for them

....My advice is that if you have any doubts at all go to urgent care or er. It will be stressful to go, but in the end most likely you be reassured that you are not having a heart attack.This is so helpful in backing down fear during subsequent bouts.

.....I think the important thing to know is that w/d driven heart s/x seem to be part of the devil 's ransom for getting off of benzos. It was the most terrifying s/x of all for me. It pushed my panic like lightening and even after the panic. each palps carriead a shot of adrenaline.  It took all of my coping strategies. to cope...mostly they overwhelmed me regardless.

....I am curious about why w/d has such an impact on the heart, but I am avoiding any net search. research otherwise because my hypochondria is under control ( barely) at the moment

...As all w/d s/x, palps have absolutely no predictability...showing up in taper for some..in w/d for others...both for others....I had not had noticeable palps until I stupidly took a rescue dose of .125 ativan. and then reinstated for 3 days at that dose twice a day. My reinstatement was medically ill advised by the PA in urgent care.I should have known better, but was so entirely freaked out I followed the advice. I was able to refuse Valium in er and had a wonderful Benzo wise er doc who supported my Valium decline and even admitted, " the Valium will do you no goof in the long run " He started the beta block and was great at reassuring about heart attack fears.

...My heart goes out to anyone experiencing palps and palps panic...Do whatever it takes to ride them out. I did nothing what so ever stressful for 2 weeks...didn't push myself to go out..to meet anyone 's expectations..to clean the house ( unless I wanted to), no interactions with difficult people...etc etc...I had great support from my daughter. and friends

...For those of you going through this very special Benzo blue hell w/d s/x...it wont last forever...it feels like a heart attack but is not ( but it is good to have a check...just remember to state up front that you are withdrawing and don't want benzos). They trigger panic so fall back on your coping strategies...enlist support from friends, family and BBs...eliminate as much stress as possible from your daily life. Eat healthy and stay hydrated. ....It will get better....after it has shook the stuffings from you.....wishing everyone peace....coop

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Just a little follow-up....The heart palps that sent me flying to er in a hot panic attack have started to back down. I am taking 12.5 mg of a beta blocker ( 6mg in the morning 6 mg after dinner). I am not suggesting that a beta block is right for everyone . I am just posting to let those experiencing heart palps that most likely they are w;d driven. ( its always good though to have scary s/x checked out for reassurance). I still get a few after eating so I eat small...and healthy).

....Stress and worry activate them...deep breathing and relaxation help...fear ( which they cause...starting off the panic loop...panic...more fear...more palps...more fear...panic).

....I hope this is reassuring. to anyone experiencing these awful s/x...they still desk me out, but not quite as bad...wishing everyone peace and sunbreaks....coop

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I went to the Dr today.  They did an EKG and offered me a beta blocker.  I was told my symptoms were NORMAL and that one of my Drs patients had 14,000 beats in something like a 1 minute period.  He told me mine would probably pass but it's about what we can take and our comfort level.  I am glad yours are backing down.  I too notice things increase after eating so I stopped by the store and bought low glycemic foods.  It's already working, but I absolutely agree with the looping.  This is crazy!  We are going to make it.  Just knowing it's normal and will pass made me feel better.  Also the encouragement from the board.  So glad I went in to the Dr.  He has stopped offering me meds he knows I won't take.  If my symptoms aren't life threatening I surf.


The Dr and staff kept saying over and over how great it was I'd made it 3 months out so I pass that on to you and the others. 


We will get to put 'healed' on our story too.



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Mommy R...so glad to hear that you are good w/o the beta block...nobody wants to take more meds. Wonderful that you have supportive doc and.nurses. It IS so great that you are at month 3...we are about the same, I am about a week from entering month 4...month 6 is my first goal point.I told myself at mid-taper if I could get to month 6 of Benzo free I would probably make it.

...thanks for the tip on eating low glycemic. That makes sense to me. I am going to give it a try. I already eat no sugar and low carb ...

......My palps are a lit better, but my b/p wants to jump around a little, and when I do get an occ pall if freaks me out and then I begin to to to focus on them. It has been my most challenging s/x. I am sure in a couple of months I will be able to wean off, my dose is about as low as they prescribe. ..

....keep it going MR...you are doing so good...hope we can write our success stories twogether...

..........wishing you big big windows....coop

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I too am a heart palps sufferer! My worst symptom. Had it for a good year off benzos three months but it still comes and goes. I have atenolol too if I need it but I mentally need it for comfort. I need it less and less. Benzo withdrawl sucks and I am in a bad wAve right now!! Heart

Palps headache and bad anxiety tonight.

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I get heart pals too. They began with my use of Klonopin. They where really bad and got worse when I began my taper. Every taper resulted in bad heart palps. Many sent me to the ER wondering what was going wrong. All test came back normal and I wore a event monitor in Aug and Dec to see exactly what was going on but my Cardio Dr said that my Heart just speeds up at times but there is nothing abnormal in the beats so he will treat the condition.


Now since Dec I have seen a reduction in the amount and they seem to not be as strong. I believe this is also do to some good progress that I making from my withdrawal syndrome at almost 8 months off.


On the flip side I know that I can't go on blaming everything symptom on Klonopin and I do know that at 47 I am perimenopausal and Heart Palps are VERY common to woman at this stage of life.

I've had a hot flash here and there and my periods are getting closer together (every 22 or so days instead of a clockwork 28 days) and the time of the cycle is heavy but only for 2 days. I know my change of life is a concurrent issue that I need to consider as well.


My Cardio Dr. said if perimenopause if the reason and it could be then that in time will correct itself once I've completed the transition to being fully on menopause. Of course no one can tell you when that will be and you only know once you are there once you gone 12 months without your period and then there is still some settling of hormones but over all you should be feeling a bit better at that point in time.


My thoughts to all the woman who are in there 40's and early 50's and still getting your periods is that the change of life may also be causing the Heart Palps.


I don't like them at all but I'm learning to accept them and that they aren't hurting my heart, I try to breathe slowly during one and I'm finding that I can actually fall back to sleep after one which wasn't the case before. I do see them occur before my period and my PMS is worse then ever this to I believe is my changes of life and I do not wish to take any chances by taking HRT or Birth Control Pills or any type of SSRI all of which come with risks and I will hopefully get through the change of life in a untreated way and I hope it ends sooner the better.

I hope this helps some of you,




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My heart palps started on Ativan. I was at home and BOOM heart rate took off. I thought for sure I was dying I almost passed out. BP went high too that day. I thought it was being treated for throid cancer. Taking a high dose of synthroid can make the heart rate go high. Well I was put on a beta blocker atenolol and moved off ativan to .5 clonazepam. This first happend April of 2013- THEN 6 months later heart palps again oct 29th. Went through lots of testing!!! NOT one dr told me that it was the benzos!!! So I COLD turkey quit!!! NOT smart!!!


I do get the rapid heart beats, not as strong now! ANd the lst year I could feel my heart beat!! THUMP and go fast. It has slowed down allot. I feel a diet that is CLEAN has also has helped me a ton!!! NO MSG CAFFEINE GLUTEN and sugar. I eat lean proteins, frest fruit and veges and only in moderation and so far lost 34lbs!!! They say that over time they will go away unless you are a woman. The good change of life is the next ting is line. I am 35 I hope to be ok before that happens. I take my atenolol ONLY If needed!!! I cannot take 25mg because my bp goes way low!!! I take a 1/4 of a tablet and it will stop the palps COLD!!



Happy me

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Thanks Megan for moving this...I am not Techno savvy and didn't know how to paste the whole thing over....hope it helps people...seems to be the s/x. 'of the month ' right now...and at first glance ( without doing ananylsis) it seems that ativan w/d won the lottery on this one. It set new back in my CBT coping skills...but making progress again .....

........Thinking of everyone experiencing this s/x....wishing you peace of mind and speedy relief from this s/x.......coop

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Glad you started this support group.  I've posted a few times about my worse side effect from my taper and recovery!!  PALPITATIONS! 


Ativan on and off for ten years, the last 5 at least one, to two a day of .5 mg.  So, it was more the length of time I took them, than the amount.


I started taper in may 2013, and the palps were awful, but not as many.  They calmed down, but now, after my final pill during xmas time, they've come back with a vengeance.  Not as booming, but now more in a day, and with any small excitement or none at all.  I really hate them.  They make me feel tired, scared and weak.


To make it all worse, a week ago, my period stopped coming, so I'm at the age of going into the final trip to menopause.  That's when they got crazy again.  So, now I'm not sure if they're from withdrawal or hormones???  If I knew it was withdrawal, I'll know they'll get better and go away in a few months.  If they're from menopause, they could go on for years, and that is NOT ACCEPTABLE.  So, I went to my doc who gave me the low dose beta blocker.  I'm not taking it yet, until I give them a few more weeks to go away naturally.  I hate to be on a beta blocker for years.  Not ruling it out tho'.  Anyone, here have any suggestions, about the watch and wait situation?  Or if they are coming from hormones or taper?  Or have they morphed into the same thing..... of adrenalin surges??



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I'm in the same boat as you and just wanted to say that if the Palps are do to Hormonal changes don't invest to much thought that it will be for YEARS. The worst of perimenopause is ending when you have a halting of your periods. If at the end of 12 months you haven't had a period then you are considered to be at Menopause, this is when hormones begin to settle and things calm down a lot for many.


I've tried Beta Blockers for nights when I think I might have palps but I find that it doesn't stop them but perhaps lessens the intensity. I have a prior condition that requires me to be on a diffident blood pressure medicine so I have been cautioned to never take more then one pill a night every now and then as I'll take a huge risk of suddenly dropping my blood pressure to the floor. Under the care of a different Dr I had this actually happen and was in the ER after my BP dropped to 60/40.

I rarely will take a Beta Blocker now as my BP is often around 110/75 and I don't want to risk anything.

Also, on a daily dose of Beta Blockers most have the most impact on lowering blood pressure after daily use and inside of 4 weeks. Care should be taken when using Beta Blockers.



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Question regarding beta blockers....I have been taking 12.5 atenolol for about 2 weeks to treat palps and they have bewen effective in calming them. They bring my b/p down to an average of 110/ 68....but now I am wondering.if they are increasing my feeling of d/r ..and possibly nervousness. ...I take a split dose and I think I feel a little better w/d wise in between the dose of beta blocker. I could be just obssessing and imagining this...( although I have to say ..nothing is as bad as the palps)....

....any insights?........I am really hoping the beta blockers are only a temporarary fix until the palps fall into line. ..I know some BBs only take them as needed...

.....thank you for any thoughts......coop

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Hi Cooperten,

I had DR/DP off and on in the first 4 months pretty bad. I believed it to be related to withdrawal and nothing more. I haven't taken BB's long enough during my withdrawal to see if they had any increased effect on my symptoms, I wouldn't think so as they don't effect you gaba or the receptors.

I'd say if the BB's are helping and your BP is stable like it seems then continue on and I also don't think you'll need them forever. My heart palps where so strong when I first jumped off klonopin it would really scare me and send me into a worry fit, now 7 1/2 months later and I still get them and mostly right before my period but they aren't as intense. Still I'll be glad when they leave for good, the withdrawal syndrome and yes, lets include my periods, I can't say that I'll miss them either WOW, what a year of changes all at the same time for us.  Either way all of it will go away but there just isn't a simple fix for any of it but time.


Hang in there you sound like you are doing everything that you can.


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Thanks Still...yes, I think you are right...I had d/r consistantly through the 6 weeks of mid-taper...then it let up through end taper and first month of w/d. Discouraged to see it back. I am staying on my beta blocker until things are consiztsntly stable ( the palps are too scary and they trigger panic for me).

....So sorry your palps increase with your cycle...fortunately I am post menopause...guess there is one thing positive about being older.

....thanks so much for your reply...it has eased my mind to know that beta blockers do not influence the gaba system....wishing you progress every day.....with many sunbreaks and windows...coop

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After last Wednesdays gym experience, I have decided to more closely monitor my pulse to learn how to live with my 'new' (i.e. recovering) body.  My first 'report' is for my bike ride into work this morning.  It's mostly a downhill trip (I pay in the afternoon when I ride home).  There are a couple of small hills in the middle of the 3.4 mile trip.  The monitor was activated about 5 minutes before I started, and remained on for around 5 minutes after the trip.  What's most interesting here is that my maximum pulse was achieved going downhill.  I started day-dreaming about my golf swing (a source of anxiety).  I looked down at my iPhone (it's mounted on my handlebars), and saw that my pulse was pushing 130.  I got my mind off of the swing, and my pulse immediately went back down.  Similar thing happened after I got to work.  I started looking for the charger for the monitor (I hate looking for things).  That caused me some short-term stress until I realized/accepted that I had left it at home.  Conclusion: anxiety is significantly affecting my pulse.



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Question regarding beta blockers....I have been taking 12.5 atenolol for about 2 weeks to treat palps and they have bewen effective in calming them. They bring my b/p down to an average of 110/ 68....but now I am wondering.if they are increasing my feeling of d/r ..and possibly nervousness. ...I take a split dose and I think I feel a little better w/d wise in between the dose of beta blocker. I could be just obssessing and imagining this...( although I have to say ..nothing is as bad as the palps)....

....any insights?........I am really hoping the beta blockers are only a temporarary fix until the palps fall into line. ..I know some BBs only take them as needed...

.....thank you for any thoughts......coop



I HAD TO STOP THEM for this reason!! I could not cope and it made things worse!! I only take them OCCASIONALLLY IF I NEED ONE If I do I take a 1/4 of a 20mg tablet!! It made me so I could not cope if that makes any sense?!!!

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Is anyone taking propandolol? ....my beta blocker ( atenolol) was taking my heart rate down to 63 and my b/p 100/65 at times causing dizziness ...my. cardiologist is switching over to propandolol that can be take as needed for palps...so would like to know if anyone has experience with it...thanks for any responses....coop
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My pulse skyrocketed briefly during a couple of bike rides (and one walk) yesterday.  They were linked to anxious thoughts.  While I could take down my pulse quickly after realizing that my pulse was high, it would be better for me to avoid those spikes altogether.  On my final ride last night, I practiced deep breathing during the entire ride.  The breathing centered me (if nothing else), and I had no spikes.  Did it again this morning and had no spikes.  I know there's a lot of feedback looping between heart and lungs.  Maybe a steadier breath rate can help me avoid spikes.  I think that I tend to hold my breath at times.  Something (else) to work on, I guess.
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You would not believe the ride I have been on with heart palps (or maybe you guys would).  I can tell you the best thing that has helped me is a group of fb called the magnesium advocacy.  Magnesium glycinate has helped my anxiety and palps.  It took about a month to really feel it.  I take about 700 mg which is equivalent of 5 mg for every lb.  I also do an adrenal cocktail of lemon juice, water, 1 tsp of black strap molasses (for potassium), and celtic sea salt.  In addition to those 2 things I started doing celtic water in the morning and it has really helped with the adrenalin surges.  I'm 9 months out.  I still have lots of problems they come and go thankfully.  The one thing bothering me right now is a fluttering heart palp.  It only does it once in awhile, but when it does it really scares me. 
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You would not believe the ride I have been on with heart palps (or maybe you guys would).  I can tell you the best thing that has helped me is a group of fb called the magnesium advocacy.  Magnesium glycinate has helped my anxiety and palps.  It took about a month to really feel it.  I take about 700 mg which is equivalent of 5 mg for every lb.  I also do an adrenal cocktail of lemon juice, water, 1 tsp of black strap molasses (for potassium), and celtic sea salt.  In addition to those 2 things I started doing celtic water in the morning and it has really helped with the adrenalin surges.  I'm 9 months out.  I still have lots of problems they come and go thankfully.  The one thing bothering me right now is a fluttering heart palp.  It only does it once in awhile, but when it does it really scares me.


Is it like a BUMP that comes and goes all day and only lasts a few seconds? I call them heart bumps Iam 90 days out and I still get them. Once in a while I get a good heart palps going on, they scare the hell out of me. It is not fun and is my WORST symptom. Funny how we all exsplain things so different some times it is hard to put in to words how it feels.

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I just wanted to add my experience with heart pvcs (Thumps.) I started having them a few months out after my Klonopin withdrawal. They took me by surprise because during that time I felt pretty damn good. I was eating well, exercising and felt stable. Developing them really made me spiral mainly because of the fear behind them. (Which has not helped the situation!) I have worn a 24 hour halter monitor which came back normal. I then ended up in the er on an EKG- normal. I finally was put on a 30 day monitor which showed I was having PVC's. I then had a echo and did a stress test. They came to me and said, "We cannot find anything wrong." Which pretty much sums up my entire withdrawal. Lots of medical issues with not problems to be found.


I see a cardiologist that says the same thing I have read a lot post here. "You're fine, try not to worry about them." Sorry, but that is impossible. Don't get me wrong I have good days when they don't get me down then others (Like today) where I am very down. But I have to add the thumps/pvcs are a lot less than when they first occurred. I have taken a lot of measures to try and get them to cool down and for the most part they are fairly quiet. Except during times of stress and right after my heart rate is up and starts to go down. Like after exercise. I get the thumps when my heart is settling back down.

I was also told my PVCS are stemming from "Adrenaline" bursts.


Be careful about food triggers. (Read up on histamine intolerance) Foods high in histamines increase adrenaline. Smoked foods, salamis, aged meats and cheese are a few of histamine triggering foods. Gluten! If I eat a lot of bread I am guaranteed to have a run of pvcs. Spicy foods, sugars, carbs are all triggers. Not always but for the most part. Again these trigger adrenaline. I have noticed when I am gassy my PVCS are worse. Its as if trapped gas is annoying my vagus nerve and triggers the pvcs. When I ate an almost entirely bland diet I had no pvcs. Of course it is very hard to live like that/this. I don't drink or smoke.


There can be so many reasons why PVCS happen and I have been told over and over that they are benign. It is my gut feeling that my central nervous system is totally whacked from being on Klonopin. I believe that my body is hyper sensitive to everything I ingest, feel, or do. I can only hope that these pvcs settle down as I heal even more. I know it can be other things like hormones, etc. But the bottom line is these started after my withdrawal. When I was on Klonopin I NEVER had these. It is the hardest thing in the world knowing I could take the pill and more than likely these things that have me so down would be gone. But I would have a whole host of other things to contend with. I am trying to be strong but some days I just can't handle it. (Like today.) I will pull out of this I am sure....


Again watch your diet, stress levels, it all matters. Thanks for reading.

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Hi All,


I am posting here because heart issues have been and still are one of my worst symptoms.


I was on Ativan for about 3 months including the 1 month taper. I started having heart issues about 3 weeks prior to jumping and continue to have them.


My heart symptom is an irregular beat that's followed by a pause which feels like a skipped beat followed by a few normal beats and the process repeats. It rarely happens when I sit or lay and happens mostly when I stand up for longer than a few minutes. It's at its worst when I take a shower.  Generally it causes extreme weakness and I often feel like I am going to collaspe.


I had a heart doctor do a full workup last year in April before any of thd benzo drugs. During and after benzos I have been to the ER several times and have seen my GP. All of them say I am fine. The GP did say that the palps are most likely from adrenaline bursts.


My BP and heart rate fluctuates wildly, but the BP stays in the normal range mostly.


I am not sure what's causing this, but it's horrible, and if you have these symptoms, know that you're not alone.



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