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Exercise Intolerance during Stabilization/Withdrawal.


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Hey guys,


Just want some experiences with what you guys have experienced.


I just went for a 20-ish minute walk and I come home and now I feel like I could sleep the whole day. My brain is in a fog. I feel like I want to rip my skin off and my emotions are crazy insane.


Should I just wait another week or two before trying to walk again?


It's a tough thing to figure out, because I don't want to overdo anything, but not doing anything at all is bad too!


Any input?





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Ya , I hear ya, it's a balance.  I excersise regularly now , for me it helps tremendously with the symptoms. But I had to gently work up to it. If I overdid it I suffered. I really had to learn to pace myself.  I started out by just walking around my house, then walking around the block.. Now I go to the gym and swim laps. I still can't over do it or I pay the price.


Excersise releases cortisol. Our CNS is fragile and can't handle too much cortisol, that's why we become symptomatic after excersise ( if we over do it) . It will take time for your CNS to be able to handle the extra cortisol that excersise produces. But keep at it . Slowly the CNS adapts to the extra cortisol and when it does you will reap the rewards of exersise. Eventually , it will help with the symptoms.


Take it slow.... But don't give up. And when you're in a wave back off .

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I am glad I'm not the only one whose body overreacts from 20min, walking around the neighborhood. No one else believes me. I can't go to the store anymore because of this and other reasons.


Really paranoid that my muscles are wasting away from benzo and I can't do anything about it...I was never very active but...now I can't do hardly anything.

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It is horrid. Pretty much ruined my day, and I feel like I have the flu. Hopefully this goes away in a few weeks after my body adjusts to the dosage it's on.


I feel your pain man. This really makes it tough to stay positive.

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I am glad I'm not the only one whose body overreacts from 20min, walking around the neighborhood. No one else believes me. I can't go to the store anymore because of this and other reasons.


Really paranoid that my muscles are wasting away from benzo and I can't do anything about it...I was never very active but...now I can't do hardly anything.

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I read the article. I just did a very gentle, hardly anything yoga for fibromyalgia routine (I don't have fibro) two days ago and muscles still slightly sore. What kind of yoga would be best for GABA?
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Thank you for this. Everyone.


I guess the key is to find a good slow starting point... and work your way up... don't worry about the initial effects too much as they will be there, but your body will get use to it, as long as you're being smart and gentle.



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I wonder if it is possible to build muscle during tapering? Obviously not a significant amount but...?


I did. I lost a fair amount of muscle early in my taper, but when I went to a more gradual daily micro-taper I started putting it back on. Compared to other times I've taken a lay off from working out, my muscles came back at a significantly reduced rate but they did come back even during my taper. I'm probably at around 80-90% of my old self now after around a year and a half working out. Supplements, patience and perseverance.


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I hope that is the case for me, but being a girl it's harder to build muscle  :(.  I had a lot of muscle loss already, I would be happy with just maintaining my low muscle amount during taper if that is the best I can do...just did a tiny routine of grandma yoga and am sore, couldn't even do all the poses, can't believe what has happened. I take an amino acid complex, what did you use? I will have to look into a cortisol manager I guess too.
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I hope that is the case for me, but being a girl it's harder to build muscle  :(.  I had a lot of muscle loss already, I would be happy with just maintaining my low muscle amount during taper if that is the best I can do...just did a tiny routine of grandma yoga and am sore, couldn't even do all the poses, can't believe what has happened. I take an amino acid complex, what did you use? I will have to look into a cortisol manager I guess too.


I take all the supplements that reduce cortisol I mentioned in my piece on exercise in benzo withdrawal. A rule of thumb is cortisol eats muscle and anything you can do to reduce it will be helpful, particularly during exercise.

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I started a regular work about two weeks into my taper, which consisted of walking three miles a day and using weights every second day. My taper was going great compared to my other two attempts. I was getting all of my muscle mass back, then I decided to kick it up a few notches. Boy did I pay the price for it. My muscles were so score i could hardly move my arms or walk for three weeks and my mind went into a dark place because of all the pain I was in. I have reinstated my regular work outs and will not make another cut until i feel stabilized.


I am glad you posted this subject. Because I did not think a benzo could do this to a person.


Exercise and a positive attitude real do help withdrawal and now I know my limits.



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