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Count me in on the KILL AMBIEN PARTY


I will bring a sledge hammer to crush the pill.


I am holding steady at 2.5 mg; I have a success story tonight. I went to an outside event. It was a van gough event at the new Atlanta Pullman Venue.  The miracle part is I just got home. Its almost 10 pm and I am not craving or jonesing for ambien. I could not have done this a few months ago. It was so nice to enjoy the even and NOT have that paranoid feeling about when I could take my ambien.  This really made me feel like I'm making progress. Plan to stay a 2.5 for a few more nights.


Kachina I am right behind you and so incredible proud of you.

LadyDen, send healing thoughts your way and hope this wave passes soon.

Deanna, sounds like your are expanding your world with guest and activities.

John, the hardest part was waking up to the nightmare ambien caused me. It felt impossible to change, but now I cant believe I'm at 2.5 mg.


I still have healing to go


One night at a time.

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Lady, okay, you are THE VIP at the kill the ambien party! More details to follow! I'll play Ray Charles!


Twbd1ila!!!!! SO happy to hear of your Joy and I feel secure knowing you're holding steady to really let it set in, you've come soo far! I celebrate your freedom too! I agree, it felt impossible to change.


One peaceful night at a time.


When I can't sleep I know it's my brain saying: OMG, what's going on??!?!?!!! Jumping all around scared without it's crutch. I tell it a new day has come and we are okay.


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Hi All, I'm a bit closer to baseline today.  It is very hot here right now and I'm definitely pushing myself out in the garden in the heat.  My daughter is still with us and we will soon go out for a decaf iced espresso.  I had one last week and although decaf I think it kept me up a bit unable to fall asleep as usual, so today is a repeat experiment to see for sure.


LadyDen I'm sorry this wave of yours has blossomed into something weird.  I think moving is such a stress that it def has been a trigger, but when this wave subsides (and IT WILL) I believe you will have a better baseline!  I think we are both in advanced stages of healing and this will be our year.


Kachina I have fond memories of throwing away my Ambien!  I threw it in the trash with such force.  It was so cathartic.


John and Twbd1ila - Hang in there.....you are doing very well!!!!

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Twd I'm absolutely thrilled to hear this news. And this is a wonderful sign. I had the same experience toward the end of my taper. We had a family gathering and I ignored the time on purpose to enjoy myself. Next thing I know it was nearly 11pm. Not once during that time did I think of the Ambien. Matter of fact, I almost didn't take it at all because at that point I despised it. I was having paradoxical reactions every time I took it. But 2.5mg seems small but if you look at the Valium equivalent then it's not a good idea to CT at that amount. 1mg I would say go for it. You're doing a great job. So glad you enjoyed yourself. And sledgehammer is very welcome at this party.

Kachina, I had to redirect my thoughts when it came to the end of my taper and after I jumped. Thoughts kept coming at me with what ifs, I won't sleep, get a plan to get back on it, withdrawals will kill me, etc most of those was about sleeping. I basically told those thoughts to SHUT THE F..K UP! Absolutely none of those thoughts are true. This was the best decision I've made for my health. Even with it making me bedridden taking my quality of life! Because I'm healing. We never will as long as we keep on the pills. Matter of fact they make us all sick some more sick than others. Everyone of us was born with a brain that knows how to sleep. Our brains didn't lose this know how. What happened was things in life disrupted the natural pattern and a careless Doctor saw an opportunity. We trusted those white coats to do no harm in helping us. You're still very early in acute but soon you'll be sleeping like a baby again naturally. And so will all of us. So great job telling your brain to chill out. Lol you're running this show not Ambien! I applaud your attitude.

Deanna I'm happy to hear you're at baseline. One thing to remember about decaf is it might not be as close to 100% as you think. Especially if you got it from a place you went. I stick with Folgers brand decaf. It's 99% no caffeine. Having said that, I bet your sensitive system detected the smal caffeine and reacted. Another test is ideal. Yes as big as this wave was, I better have a better baseline!!!! Lol I agree with you that this will be our year. Wow I can't wait. I have soooo many plans when I'm healed. How about you?

John how are you holding up? How's your taper plan coming along? Did you start?

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LadyDen!!! <3 Your experience has literally saved my life. You've had my back from day 1 and all that you shared, and continue to share, is so helpful to me. Thank you. I have learned to accept rocky sleep, little sleep, no sleep and got off ambien. Okay, just 2 weeks. Holy Cow, 2 weeks!!!!


Yes, I have to be so careful with my evenings, otherwise I'm amped and it has taken 5 hours to get to sleep ... so the last 2 nights I must have done things right because I got to sleep in less than an hour, went back to sleep during the night when I woke up to use the bathroom and sept past 5am, then past 6am.


Two glorious, blissful, nights of sleep in a row. 6 hours is wonderful ... today was more. And I ditched the herbs these 2 nights, must be the fear I ditched too.


I exercised less and more gently those 2 days and didn't take herbs, hmmm, wonder if that's part of why I did better. My body does have issues and I want to exercise more but not sure it's in my best interest yet. We shall see.


Is anyone else using exercise in their sleep routine?


Happy gardening and decaffing with your daughter Deanna!!!


Lady, have a good Friday, may you be blessed with a big beautiful wonderful Window!!!

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Kachina that sounds awesome for you!!!!  2 good nights - that starts to build confidence.  I have had to be careful with exercise too as too much will trigger pain and symptoms.  But the more I've done my gardening the better I slept.  Gardening is also meditative so I think that helps.


Happy to report that I successfully indulged in a doubleshot decaf espresso drink, and fell asleep ok last night.  I will not overdo that bc I do realize like LadyD said that decaf still has some caffeine in it.  Maybe once a week and I'm happy for the progress forward.


Keep going everyone and Happy 4th of July (early) for those of us in the States.

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That's great news, Kachina and Deanna! Sounds like you both are taking control. Enjoy those decafs too! Kachina I think you're so right that those herbs may have been in your way. I'm looking forward to hearing how you do tonight. And you're so welcome for my help through your taper. It's my pleasure! You're such a joy to get to know and you've been a real good friend to me and everyone since you arrived. Much love to you sweet lady!

Deanna don't feel left out because you've also been a lovingly supportive pillar to everyone here too. I think you're absolutely fabulous! I admire your positivity especially on our Team Z thread. What a blessing to get to know you too.

Ok ok ok y'all are going to make me cry!!!! Cheek smooches to you both!  :smitten:

Btw, today I feel about the same as yesterday concerning the strong pulling. But it's not any worse so I'm thanking God! I'm just resting. That's all I can do anyway

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YES, Deanna, you saved my life by sharing about curable health and I also so appreciate all your posts and your success ... having another person who started ambien due to travel for work really made me feel less alone!!


Lady, sorry you're the same. Keep going!!!



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I use light exercise in my daily routine.


Most everyday, I either ride my bike a few miles or do pilates type moves with music.

The exercise helps me get rid of some of physical and mental stress of the day. :smitten:

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Have finished zopiclone in about 10 weeks. I feel like shite. My guts burn worse on eating

I dont know whata going on anymore. Still on 0.5 c and 15 mirt so still sleeping

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LadyD and Kachina you are both sooooo SWEET!!  Thank you so much  :smitten:


BTW have a new symptom I think the last couple days...very mild dizziness.  Not too bothersome really, almost like when you turn your head too fast and get a tiny bit dizzy.  First time I'm feeling anything like that and so I'm guessing must be withdrawal related.  C'mon brain - finish up that healing!!!!

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I posted on here re zop. Noone supported or commented they have g.i. issues or well done. You all are very upbeat chatty and tbo i dont know why i bothered as i thought this was a support group for z taper.

You all usa noone uk it seems either

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Great job Basten!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: what you're feeling is normal. Peppermints or ginger will help your stomach. You're going to have symptoms popping up and out in waves. Accept them. Expect them. Distract from them. They're a good thing even though it feels awful. Feeling is healing. Hugs


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Basten sorry nobody posted a reply to you. I just did because I haven't been on this thread yesterday and just now today. So I did reply. This is Fourth of July weekend in the US ( don't know where you are) but that's why it's kinda dead. It will pick back up tomorrow. NONE of us on here have ever ignored anybody on purpose! And we never will. Team Z is an extremely loving supportive group. We are very happy to have you and support you. Please stay with us.

Deanna I'm sorry to hear you're joining my dizzy club. I hope to God that you don't end up as bad as I've been. That would break my heart. I'm hoping this passes quickly for you. I want to kindly remind you that you're about to be 1 year. Milestone waves with new symptoms or old symptoms tend to pop back in during those times. Our brains circle back to do a little more repair. Be careful getting up or walking around....especially turning your head. Hugs!

Happy 4th of July to all Americans!

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Have finished zopiclone in about 10 weeks. I feel like shite. My guts burn worse on eating

I dont know whata going on anymore. Still on 0.5 c and 15 mirt so still sleeping

I also had this symptom. I think you said you're in the Uk? That's great because I order Gaviscon advanced from the UK for my burning when eating/silent reflux. My GI doctor told me to do that because the American brand is different in its function and make up. The Gaviscon advance keeps your stomach contents where they belong and works even when lying down to sleep. This is when mine was worst so it was a god send. Also it's not known to interact with any other medications because it stays in the stomach as a raft on top of the stomach contents. As you digest food, it's eliminated in your stool without the body absorbing it.

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Hello Z friends. Funny I find myself in this group as those that have read my story know that I was on a “Benzo-type” drug called Brotizolam for nine years. A drug I could only get in Japan, a country I traveled to frequently to see my family and get my prescription refilled. The med worked fine for me. It did what I wanted it to, it put me to sleep and I could preform at a high level in a busy and stressful job. In February of 2020, I ran out of Brotizolam and with Covid and travel restrictions, I couldn’t go back to Japan to refill my prescription. I knew I was running low but wasn’t too worried as I had backups in the form of an Etizolam and Zolpidem combo that I had used without issue nine years previously. I thought they were interchangeable. They weren’t. From day one of the switch, I hit hit all the classic terrible Benzo withdrawals we read about here. I’m convinced Zolpidem triggered these. I managed to taper off both meds with the help of a situation where I had to work from home due to Covid. On August 22, 2020, I jumped off all meds. I was fragile but functional. I could eat and drink what I wanted, exercise at a high level, and could get so-so sleep with Valerian and other supplements. In October of 2020, I was back in the fray at a new assignment in a new country. The old I can’t sleep because I have a big meeting or presentation tomorrow syndrome set in again. I started back on Zolpidem to put me to sleep. It worked again but I was still a shadow of my former self. I could get through the day, sleep, and perform at my job fairly well. In May of this year I fell into what I now know as tolerance withdrawals. Anxious, disturbing memory loss, and dark thoughts. I was up to nearly 30 mgs a day to put me out. Also drinking beer at night for relief. I took six weeks vacation time and got on a plane to go see my family in Japan. People I had only spent a total of two weeks with in the past twenty months. My first week in Japan I was literally locked in a airport hotel room for seven days and nights. I didn’t even have access to my daily beer relief. Each second would tick by in pain as I held out for my evening bedtime dose that I waited until 10:30 pm to take. I was in pain with no escape. Somehow I survived. I had to do another week in residential quarantine but I could see my family and had access to beer. Aaaaahh. In two weeks I reduced my dose to 15 mgs. and plan to cut 2.5 mgs. a week and jump at six weeks when I reach 2.5 mgs. As bad as I have been feeling I considered CT  but I think this plan will work. The Zolpidem no longer has any effect for sleep. For the past three evenings I have been taking 25 mgs. of Hydroxyzine to help sleep. It works but feel super groggy the next morning for at least 2-3 hours and I wonder if this will subside as my body adapts?  When I was at my worst in the tiny quarantine hotel, I scheduled an appointment with a psych doc. Pain was so bad and wanted relief. I thought I might find it in a Valium conversion taper. If I was independently wealthy and had time to spare I would just taper off, jump, and let nature take its course. I don’t have that luxury. So I went to the psych doc today. I have already pretty much decided I will not be getting back on a plane August 4th to return to work. I hope to take an additional 90 days unpaid leave of absence and might need a letter from a doc. I told him the same story I just shared and he started asking me if I had issues in my childhood or if their is a history of mental health problems in my family. The answer is no and I felt like slapping the guy. I know my issue. Cause and effect. I took a med to sleep, suddenly changed meds, and now I’m in this nightmare. He didn’t think I was “dependent” on meds and diagnosed me with depression. He did finally figure out what I wanted. Get off Zolpidem, find relief from the pain, and be able to sleep so I can do my job. That is an accurate description of what I would like. He listed a number of meds and recommended Remeron. This is a drug I have seen mentioned on BBs with both positive and negative reviews. I took the drugs and said I would consider taking them after I did my own research. I will not be taking them tonight and really would prefer not to take them ever.  My current plan is to ask for ninety days unpaid leave, get off Zolpidem, and find some safe option to help me sleep. If I can hang on until next summer I  will take an early retirement, recover, and rejoin my family full time. Surely I can find a lower stress job to help pay the bills. Whew, that was a long note to peck out with one finger on an IPad. For those that made it this far thanks for reading. Thoughts, reactions, and advice would be appreciated. One regular member on this thread has reached out to me personally to offer advice and support. He/She knows who they are but i really appreciate this generosity. This situation sucks for us and it’s nice to know that we aren’t alone on this road. I pray for each of you. Thanks for reading.
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I could identify with a lot of your story; especially your story where you talked about your pain and the tolerance withdrawals.


For over 5 years, I was in tolerance withdrawals and a pain in my leg and hip.

Taking 10 to 20 mg a night for 20+ years.  I'm down to 2.5 mg of Ambien a night.  Been amazed how the pain and tolerance withdrawals have lessened and almost gone. I now experiencing what I've come to understand as waves and windows. This was confusing for me but the BB has more knowledge experience and hope than any doctor I've known.



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BASTEN:  CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It's good to see you on here, we care! I'm really glad LadyDen had a suggestion for stomach pain (gaviscon) and I hope it helps, I think you are in UK or near--or can get that medicine. You're having lousy w/d symptoms and it must be really hard. Lady's right, we have a 3-day holiday weekend here and no one replied on July 4, but here we are!  So it's super awesome you left the Z-drug behind and I really hate the symptoms you have to deal with. It's emotional too and we forget that some of our mood issues are related to the taper. Please keep letting us know how you are doing. Remember, we all need each other's experience and wisdom and support for this taper--the good and the struggle!


Twbd1ila, I've ridden my bike a few times this summer and like hearing it's part of your routine. Glad you're hanging in there with 2.50---you've REALLY progressed a lot!


John! It's great to read your post, I'm so glad you've found a starting place. I did not like the support of doctors when I decided to start---it's so disappointing when they can't get with the program we want to be on. I believe a lot of buddies on these drugs way more than I do the doctors. Quarantine sounds awful too! I never felt like I could try stopping ambien while I was working but the stress I felt was partially due to what I have now learned are tolerance withdrawals ... anyway a very big mess. Now that I've been off work and got off ambien some really good energy has come in to my life and brought me a new career opportunity that will work much better for me--I wish for good results for you too. It helped me to come to this group and share when I dropped down and how I was feeling.


LadyDen, your advice is invaluable---you are reassuring and have really walked through a war zone on this path. I hope you're improving right now and we hear you've moved one of these days soon!


Deanna, I hope the dizziness goes away!


I'm grateful to hear from all of you. I'm having some good sleep and also had a bad night. My brain feels a bit more tired over this holiday weekend. A bad night sure asks a high price--and tires one out. I must calm myself in the 2 hours before I go to bed. If I don't I cannot sleep. So, on that note, sweet dreams Team-Z.



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I posted on here re zop. Noone supported or commented they have g.i. issues or well done. You all are very upbeat chatty and tbo i dont know why i bothered as i thought this was a support group for z taper.

You all usa noone uk it seems either









I'm in the UK, I'm much longer off than most of them in this section, but do dip in occasionally but think you will find them all very supportive. Sometimes you don't get an immediate response, quite often depends when you post as several hours time difference.

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Hugs to Team Z! Not to ignore anyone else but John needs us right now. So I'm going to address his taper plan issue.

First of all, you need to stabilize on the dose you're on for another week. I'm not an advocate for using other medications but if what you're already taking at night other than the Ambien is helping then use it. I know you're in tolerance withdrawal and it's rough. But this will not get better until you start reducing. Your taper of 2.5mg is a big chunk IMO and experience. There's two important questions I need to know...are you on regular zolpidem or the extended/control release type? What is your exact dose now?

A doable and less harsh taper is to reduce the zolpidem very slowly at 1/2mg every 10 to 14 days. This will help greatly to prevent a big shock to your brain. While reducing if you run into bad withdrawals then hold the dose you're on...do not updose! So if you're on 15mg then reduce to 14.5 and continue to reduce at that pace. I know you feel relief with the beers but alcohol works on the receptors that zolpidem target ( gaba receptors). This is why you may be adding insult to injury. Also it is my suggestion that you began coping skills TODAY! This should be in the form of meditation, soothing relaxation music, self pampering tools such as relaxing baths ( skip the bath salts), taking gentle walks, slow breathing techniques ( I like the 7/11-slow 7 seconds in and slow 11 seconds out through the mouth), entertaining distractions such as games or hobbies or start something that you've always wanted to do.

I'm here for you. We all are. You're not alone. You can do this! As all have said, you'll feel so much better when you start tapering properly. Let me know if you need ways to cut your pills.

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Thank you LadyDen. I’m at 15 mgs. now regular Zolpidem and plan to cut every week 2.5 mgs. Honestly, I can’t really feel them now, it’s as if I’m CTing even though I am on the drug. Makes no sense to me to prolong the misery. As I go down I do feel a touch better. I hear you on other drugs. I’m nervous to go on the Remeron as the Psych Doc suggested. I’ve taken hydroxyzine on three nights I couldn’t sleep. They make me groggy the next morning but seem to help a little with other symptoms too. My fingers have stopped twitching and I feel a tad calmer. Yes, I know beer is masking the pain. I plan to taper that down too. Removing it suddenly would be like taking a big pill cut. As you mentioned, same receptors. Thank you VERY much for your support and suggestions. Means a lot to be taken seriously. Unlike the doc that didn’t think my symptoms were related to withdrawal.
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Hello all. It was with heavy heart i read all stories but we must see the light at the end of the tunnel somehow

I reduced my 7 5 zopiclone by switching to 3 725 ones here uk. Just every 2 weeks now off. At first ok now im rough.


Gaviscon does nothing. I eat and i feel inflamed burning now every day all inside my back and as i digest my ears hiss my eyes are blurry dry. I can barely concentrate. Everything i eat does this like all insides inflamed

I broke my hip... not my fault. Hip is fine but knee and front of lower thigh soo painful and it gets worse i think since stopping muscles nerves.. I can barely walk cant shop drive  im still on 0.5 c and 15mg Mirtazapine so the worst is yet to cone. I cry and very depressed. I cant concentrate. Ive lost contact with 2 friends who have no idea or understand. If i eat carbs etc i go real high. Meds dont put me to sleep so quick. I still get hyper arousal wbich drives me nuts. I can go to bed literally screaming out loud what the fuck is going on...i.e. is it wd from zopiclone or am i now tolersnt to clonaz. Its has affected all my digestion and while i digest it hisses burns as my blood sugars drop and will go on for hours. I am waiting a bloid test Minday to see if im diabetic. I am prediabetic from constabt eating 17 months overweight from mirtazapine. I have high cholesterol high bp and i feel in going to have a stroke or heart attack now 72 before long. I take bp meds  i cant tell doctor any of this as they have only 10 mins to listen and symptoms so hard to explain abd as i have mental health somatisation theyd say its just anxiety.

I spoke to my gp yesterday but she never asked how was z going. I felt like shite but said nithing. I do speak once a week  to a benzo and z charity support. I feel very disheartened that i will survive this and a b mirtaz withdrawal for months. And i hate hate not sleeping. I eat to if i dont sleep which i mustnt. I live alone. Today since porridge my ears havent stopped hissing and burning all in my back.

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I'm sorry Basten that you are suffering so much following your zopiclone taper.  We are here for you, and yes we tend to be upbeat because a positive attitude is much more helpful than a negative one.  We all get into our negative moods though and sometimes we must let our emotions be felt and let them pass.


It sounds as if you are in the thick of acute withdrawal.  I see you are still on clon as well.  Your body feels so bad because of the damage the zop has caused and your brain must heal the damage.  Why didn't you tell your doctor how you were feeling?  They can't help you if you aren't honest with them.  Some doctors are very good about this, others not so much.  If your doctor isn't, perhaps you can find one that is.


Although you are feeling lousy you need to keep your nutrition up.  Can you get some Ensure shakes and sip them throughout the day?  I'm sure you have heard how time will eventually heal us, but is indeed hard to withstand the symptoms. 


Again we are here for you....

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