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Yes I took mag glycinate and also just mag by twin labs

I am the opposite and don't need the laxative qualities so it was too much and I think it increased my burning

When I did infusions I felt high!! No bad side effects. The bad side effects came when I did the fast taper but I don't think it was the mg that did anything bad I think it was the withdrAwal

Trying to eat lots of mg rich foods too. With SIBO issues absorption is hard.. Not sure.. Also stress depletes you

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Last night as I was preparing to go to bed I experienced a severe dizziness, actually probably more like vertigo as the room was spinning. I tried laying down and it was much better then when I simply turned over in bed the dizziness returned.

I did not get to sleep until 4 am but around 3 am I went to the bathroom. I had to hang on to what ever I could to make in there and back.

This morning it is gone and I feel normal again other than being tired from not enough sleep but that is par fr the course.


Has anyone had a similar experience?






I think a LOT of people have bouts of vertigo. Hopefully you wont have too many!

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Last night as I was preparing to go to bed I experienced a severe dizziness, actually probably more like vertigo as the room was spinning. I tried laying down and it was much better then when I simply turned over in bed the dizziness returned.

I did not get to sleep until 4 am but around 3 am I went to the bathroom. I had to hang on to what ever I could to make in there and back.

This morning it is gone and I feel normal again other than being tired from not enough sleep but that is par fr the course.


Has anyone had a similar experience?





Hi Atu,

I am so sorry you have this dizziness.

My mom only had it a couple times but didn't last more than a day.

I had her try the Brandt-Daroff excercise

There is also an Eply manuver too.

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Last night as I was preparing to go to bed I experienced a severe dizziness, actually probably more like vertigo as the room was spinning. I tried laying down and it was much better then when I simply turned over in bed the dizziness returned.

I did not get to sleep until 4 am but around 3 am I went to the bathroom. I had to hang on to what ever I could to make in there and back.

This morning it is gone and I feel normal again other than being tired from not enough sleep but that is par fr the course.


Has anyone had a similar experience?





Hi Atu,

I am so sorry you have this dizziness.

My mom only had it a couple times but didn't last more than a day.

I had her try the Brandt-Daroff excercise

There is also an Eply manuver too.




Thanks for the link, if it returns I will do those for sure. I read somewhere else that being low in B-12 could also be responsible,...who knows. Any way I'm fine now.


Take care.







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Last night as I was preparing to go to bed I experienced a severe dizziness, actually probably more like vertigo as the room was spinning. I tried laying down and it was much better then when I simply turned over in bed the dizziness returned.

I did not get to sleep until 4 am but around 3 am I went to the bathroom. I had to hang on to what ever I could to make in there and back.

This morning it is gone and I feel normal again other than being tired from not enough sleep but that is par fr the course.


Has anyone had a similar experience?






I did a few times.  It hasn't come back for a very long time and I suspect it won't ever.  Yours will stop in time I am sure.

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Last night as I was preparing to go to bed I experienced a severe dizziness, actually probably more like vertigo as the room was spinning. I tried laying down and it was much better then when I simply turned over in bed the dizziness returned.

I did not get to sleep until 4 am but around 3 am I went to the bathroom. I had to hang on to what ever I could to make in there and back.

This morning it is gone and I feel normal again other than being tired from not enough sleep but that is par fr the course.


Has anyone had a similar experience?






I did a few times.  It hasn't come back for a very long time and I suspect it won't ever.  Yours will stop in time I am sure.




Thanks, it only lasted until I woke this morning. I have had mild dizziness before but I could easily function through that but this flat out vertigo, wow. You can't do much with that going on. I'm sure it will pass like most else does.


Appreciate it arcade79,  you take care now. 😉



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ATU I had dizziness off and on during my taper. Before I jumped it was frequent; now, not so much. But I still get bouts of it, ugh. I guess it's one of those rotten s/x that just have to go in their own time. I'm glad you got feeling better, though.


Hope, I use Natural Calm. It does have a burny taste going down, now that I think of it, but perhaps that's due to its acidic nature. It took a bit of getting used to. I find it definitely helps with muscle cramps and spasms -- I haven't had any since I started using it, whereas I had a lot of leg cramping previously. And it does help in the, um, poo department, as you say. I just have to be careful to keep my dosage low, for obvious reasons.  ::)


Hope this helps,



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Hope I use the liquid magnesium, Ionic or something like that. Tastes FOUL but less stomach upset for me.


Hi Kitty,

Is Ionic the brand name? Also, what do you feel the benefit of the liquid magnesium is to you--other than a less upset stomach?




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Trace Minerals " Mega Mag" liquid - got it off Amazon. The powders seemed to upset my stomach more...


And it has a bit of a calming effect?




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It does tend to relax the muscles some. I think Inositol works better for real calming, there are a few threads on that on the alternative/ supplement board.
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DP, I thought I had this figured out, now I am confused, please help. I finished 20 days doing . etc. when I was finished, my husband, who is doing this for me, had me take none for 2 nights and then start again with the .9.9etc.  He is sure this is right, but I thought you didn't skip any days, you just started all over again. Is he right? I did 15.1 15.1 15.0 15.0 (rest is pills) and then 14.9, tonight I do 14.9 again. I hope I was clear and can get some help with this.  Thank you.  Cross


Thank you, DP, for helping me and thanks for taking the time to help so many people on this board.  Cross


Thank you, DP.  Sorry I have one more question.  Is there a big difference in slowness doing .05 instead of of doing I mg in 20 days?  I ask because my husband is doing this measuring and spreadsheets and he says the end result is the same.  He has been a prince taking such good care of me, unless their is an important difference I would rather not ask him to change again, even though he would gladly do whatever needs to be done.  I just have such guilt for all he has to do for me, that's all.  Thank you. It is very important to both of us that I do this slowly and  correctly.  Thank you, again.  Cross


Yes it's the same thing....... 0.05mg x 20 days = 1mg. So see how you go with that. You might find you can increase it, but just take it slowly.

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I am tapering off of Valium using pills and liquid.  I take 8 mg (pills) in the morning and I am at 14.9 mg at night.  I think my doctor (who is on vacation) said to get my morning dose and evening dose more equal but if he said that I don't remember how to do it.  If this is the correct way to taper, how would I go about getting my doses to match? I would want to do it slowly if that is an option.  Thank you. Cross
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I am tapering off of Valium using pills and liquid.  I take 8 mg (pills) in the morning and I am at 14.9 mg at night.  I think my doctor (who is on vacation) said to get my morning dose and evening dose more equal but if he said that I don't remember how to do it.  If this is the correct way to taper, how would I go about getting my doses to match? I would want to do it slowly if that is an option.  Thank you. Cross

I personally would shift one pill at a time to the lighter dose. For example, Days 1 and 2, do 9mg in the morning and 13.9 at night. Days 3 and 4, do 10 and 12. 9. Days 5and 6 do 11 and 11.9. At the same time, the .9 is probably being tapered down via liquid so you will then be closing in on an 11 and 11.X split. Once you hit exactly 11 and 11. Go 10.X and 11 or 11 and 10.x depending upon which dose is more necessary to you.  Just my 2 cents.



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Hi All,


I do a Diaz/Milk potion. Can I dissolve the 1mg in my milk in the fridge or must it be done at room temperature. I'd like to be able to get the potion started and leave for 3 hours. At the same time, I don't want the milk sitting at room temp for 3 hours.




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Hi All,


I do a Diaz/Milk potion. Can I dissolve the 1mg in my milk in the fridge or must it be done at room temperature. I'd like to be able to get the potion started and leave for 3 hours. At the same time, I don't want the milk sitting at room temp for 3 hours.




  If you're going to give it 3 hours, it will be fine in the refrigerator.  Dissolution is slower at lower temps, but you'll be fine with a 3 hour "soak".
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DP, I thought I had this figured out, now I am confused, please help. I finished 20 days doing . etc. when I was finished, my husband, who is doing this for me, had me take none for 2 nights and then start again with the .9.9etc.  He is sure this is right, but I thought you didn't skip any days, you just started all over again. Is he right? I did 15.1 15.1 15.0 15.0 (rest is pills) and then 14.9, tonight I do 14.9 again. I hope I was clear and can get some help with this.  Thank you.  Cross



  No, No, No!!  Do NOT skip dosing ever!  You can hold (stay st the same dose) for several days, but skipping days is almost a guarantee for misery.
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Hi All,


I do a Diaz/Milk potion. Can I dissolve the 1mg in my milk in the fridge or must it be done at room temperature. I'd like to be able to get the potion started and leave for 3 hours. At the same time, I don't want the milk sitting at room temp for 3 hours.




  If you're going to give it 3 hours, it will be fine in the refrigerator.  Dissolution is slower at lower temps, but you'll be fine with a 3 hour "soak".


Thank you.  While I have your ear, another quick question. As I am taking smaller cuts using this daily taper method, do the same rules apply with wd symtoms with regard to timeline? For example, I felt great yesterday all day, but then late, late night and most of today, I felt awful. Can this potentially be due to a cut I made 3-4 days ago even though it was only 10ml from my 100ml solution?

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Question. I was doing cut and hold from 10mg down to 2mg and it was too harsh. I swapped to the daily liquid taper from 2mg down to 1mg. I had symptoms still while I did that. Now that I've levelled out, in theory it shouldnt take as long to level out as it did when I was cutting and holding? Because my body has been adapting the on the way down. It generally took about 3 weeks to stabilise with the cut and hold. Now that I've reached 1mg and am holding, it shouldn't take as long as 3 weeks? Thoughts?
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Question. I was doing cut and hold from 10mg down to 2mg and it was too harsh. I swapped to the daily liquid taper from 2mg down to 1mg. I had symptoms still while I did that. Now that I've levelled out, in theory it shouldnt take as long to level out as it did when I was cutting and holding? Because my body has been adapting the on the way down. It generally took about 3 weeks to stabilise with the cut and hold. Now that I've reached 1mg and am holding, it shouldn't take as long as 3 weeks? Thoughts?


I hope not! I'm kinda wondering the same thing myself as I've hit a wave a few days after a .1g liquid reduction on consecutive days.

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Yeah I'm a bit confused cause I've spent 3 weeks liquid tapering down to 1mg with some rough symptoms in the hope that it would be easier to level out when I stopped. So far it hasn't happened but its only been a few days. Otherwise I just would have cut straight down to 1mg and avoided that 3 weeks of symptoms!  ::)
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I hear ya, but I think your symptoms would have been greatly magnified if you did the reduction in one fell swoop. The thing is, we'll never know.  :(


The positive thing is that you've gone all the way from 7.5mg to 1mg in only about 5 months. I'd just fight and fight my way through this no matter how long it takes, chill for a bit, take a deep breath, and work on that final mg. You're almost there! Dig in! You can do this!



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DP, I thought I had this figured out, now I am confused, please help. I finished 20 days doing . etc. when I was finished, my husband, who is doing this for me, had me take none for 2 nights and then start again with the .9.9etc.  He is sure this is right, but I thought you didn't skip any days, you just started all over again. Is he right? I did 15.1 15.1 15.0 15.0 (rest is pills) and then 14.9, tonight I do 14.9 again. I hope I was clear and can get some help with this.  Thank you.  Cross



  No, No, No!!  Do NOT skip dosing ever!  You can hold (stay st the same dose) for several days, but skipping days is almost a guarantee for misery.


Agreeing with Builder, Cross.

Do not skip a dose. I would never.

Hold yes, skip big nono.


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