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Bad Taper


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I just had a bad taper off Temazepam over three days.  I just reinstated my last benzo dose. I had cut my temazaepm from 30 mg to 15 mg with a small rescue dose during the day. I did this because I was on temazepm two years ago and was able to go from 30 mg to 15 mg without any problem.  I do not know what has changed but I went into horrific withdrawals this time.


After the three days on the reduced dose I went back to my original dose and I was at my parents house for thanksgiving yesterday.  I had a bad withdrawal starting at about noon.  Can I count on my resumed dose to stop working due to kindling over this short period of withdrawal?  Our bodies are different, but I just can't explain why my system is more sensitive to withdrawal now.  Any similar experiences would be most kindly accepted. Thanks.



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Hi Kendell,


I am sorry to hear you had a tough thanksgiving. Unfortunately it's very difficult for anyone to predict exactly how this will play out; as you've already witnessed, there's a lack of consistency, and different people react to this all very differently.


In general, if you only reduced your dose for a short time and have since reinstated, I'd expect you to level out over the next several days, but there's no guarantee that it will happen that way.

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Thanks for the reply.  My symptoms have improved to tolerable after 2 days back on my old dose, although I expect to feel a bit of tolerance.  I honestly don't know how people can go through the horror I experienced the last few days for any length of time. It is the worst thing I have ever felt. It is like the body gets very uncomfortable with what you feed it and is crying out for more.  I never considered myself an addict before this (not counting cigarettes or caffeine). However, I have quite smoking before and I guess the discomfort is somewhat analogous to nicotine withdrawal. 


The funny thing was it took a couple of days for the full withdrawal experience to set in.  It was just getting worse and worse.  I hope I haven't kindled.  I should wait a week to see how I feel.  I was tapering klonopin with a few cuts causing discomfort.  I think we all come to the point where there is going to be pain from withdrawing from things like temazepam.  I have seen some very terrible cases videotaped about really bad "rock yourself to death" withdrawals.  I don't know how long someone could go on like that.  I wish the practice of medicine would get up to speed on these dangerous scenarios.  I have read about the adrenal connection to HPA axis in the brain.  It was scary because it may take a year or so for the HPA to settle down.  I don't think anyone could go a full year with total acute withdrawal.  The body would give up the ghost due to pain I would think long before that.Thank you for your support. I would like to hear from anyone going through a really tough stretch in their withdrawal.  My doctor got really upset that I had tried this.  I know she is trying to help, but she just wants me to stay on "meds" for what seems to be forever. I have an impatient and impulsive personality.  It is hard.  What one needs during these stressful times is faith.  Faith is hard for those of us addicted to anxiety pills for anxiety is the antithesis of faith.



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