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Can you take Bezo as needed?


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Just to clarify, I do believe that you have to do what you have to do to care for yourself. Recovering from benzos isn't going to do you much good if you end up having other serious health issues that don't get addressed in the meantime.
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Personally, I wouldn't. If you need it now, what will keep you from needing it again in a few days? And will it even help? I have found that when I take an extra dose in the past, it didn't do anything to help me. I would keep that in mind and try to hold out if you can.
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For what it's worth, I went off of 4 mg. of ativan/day back in 1994 when I found out I was pregnant.  Even though I had tapered to .5 mg/day, the withdrawal was fairly bad, but nothing compared to klonopin withdrawal.  After my son was born I was really stressed out and went back on the ativan.  I had no idea about all this withdrawal stuff back then, but I think it worked.  I do remember that I was always in tolerance withdrawal and that is when I asked the Dr. to switch me to klonopin, as it was longer acting.  What a mistake!
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Thanks all for the concern and great responses. Thanks Alabama for the awesome post. You may want to think about putting that one at the top of the pages next to "whats happening to your brain". I am scheduled for a biopsy next week.


Love you all  IslandGirl

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OH HONEY! I am so glad you are ok and decided to go in and get it sorted out. That is wonderful news. The whole BB team was concerned for you and rooting for you so I am sure they are all going to be as thrilled as me. It takes courage to do what we are doing and remember that  "courage  is being afraid and doing it anyway". Keep us  posted ok? Good luck, Alabama.xo
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Island Girl,  I was given hydroxyzine  for itchiness.  The doc said it helps with anxiety and doesn't interefere with gaba receptors.  I don't know if you would want to try it or whether your Doc would give it to you.  Just a thought.


Peace and blessings


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Hi all,


An update. I broke down and took a very small dose of KLOPINE (.125mg). I did rest but it felt like I was sedative but reved up and holded on tightly. When I got up I had such a sever migraine and my right eye closed up and my right legged dragged.  Not good stuff at all. The migraine killed me most of the day..  took over 16 hours.


Now what do I do. The benzo did not help. What can I do to get to a surgery.  I need calm and rest and no drug paradoxical effects. I am so bad off I can't even reinstate. OMG



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Island Girl,


Try hydroxyzine or Benadryl.  They are antihistamines that cause drowsiness.  Hydroxyzine is also an anti anxiety drug that doesn't affect gaba receptors. 


Or  get some propranolol.  It is a beta blocker a lot of BB use  It calms anxiety responses such as fast heat beat, sweaty hands, etc...


Peace and Blessings


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Just because you had a bad reaction once does not mean you will again. Sometimes when I take my pain killer tramadol i feel nauseous and a few times i even threw up. But the majority of the time, like 50 times, I feel normal. Sometimes I have a bad reaction to magnesium, other times not. It just depends on where my body was at that day.


I find tramadol very relaxing, it is a synthetic/fake opiate pain killer, someone here mentioned beta blockers, they might work as well, trazadone is a relaxant and knocks people out but in a small dose perhaps it could be relaxing....or as someone mentioned here even benedryl.


I personally find ROBAXECET, a muscle relaxant for back pain you can get OTC at the drug store very relaxing as I take it when my back is out......Have you talked to your doctor about other options? Can you call him/her on the phone and discuss it so you don't have to go to the doctor? And could he phone in a prescription?


You see there are at least 8 options I just mentioned....can you imagine how many more there could be? You are not trapped or stuck. We will help you figure out a way to get to the doctor. There are 1,000's of buddies on here that can offer you options....at least one of them will work, I promise. We will get you to the doctor! Can you also take a taxi to the doctor or have someone drive you? Try not to panic. When is your appointment?........Alabama.xo

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Hi IslandGirl,


I am so sorry about the failed reinstatement. I do know about that! I tried it and it was horrible for me also. I am so much better now, but I went through most of the feelings you are probably having. I had so much hope that I could get some relief, and was devastated when it did not work.

    This has been a few weeks ago, and I am MUCH MUCH better now. Better than I have been since April 1st!!!  :thumbsup:

    I pray that you will be OK soon as far as the benzo's go. As to the cancer, do not lose hope! It seems you are doing all the right things to deal with it. Also, don't forget, that when you are going through the benzo w/d's, things seem to be WAY worse than they oftentimes are. I would have sworn on a stack of Bibles that there was no WAY I could ever get by without having more disc's fused in my back when I saw the MRI's taken in April. I did not ever think that I would be able to lead any kind of normal life again without going back on the pain med's, etc.

    Yet, here I am now, doing quite well in spite of myself!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Keep the Faith!

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