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Need answers on birthcontrol&klonopin withdrawl


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Hi ladies,i was wondering if birthcontrol yaz will interfere with my klnopin withdrawl,i am having protracted withdrawls,wiull this make it worse? :sick: :sick: :'(
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Oh my goodness, khowell...... birth control pills are hormones.  And hormones are involved in almost every bit of communicating our body systems do with each other.  Like thyroid hormones, insulin, cortisol...... all of these hormones (including sex hormones/birth control) are attempting to orchestrate all of our body processes into harmonious balance.


Picture your body as a symphony..... The conductor (your brain/nervous system) has the same music as all the musicians.  Imagine, though, if all the musicians decided to start to play at different times.  And some were playing louder than the composer intended.  And some are walking off the stage half-way through the performance.  And some are asking questions in the middle of their part.  And the entire string section is sound asleep. And the conductor is taking drugs! 


You can see, I hope, what a gigantic mess this would turn into in short order.  Our bodies, provided we leave them pretty much alone, are masterful at sending beautifully balanced messages with precision timing to millions of cells every second.  Can you imagine how delicate this all must be for us to be able to  function optimally? 


I believe so strongly that it is our vital job to do as little as possible to get in the way of these exquisite maneuvers our bodies are trying so vigorously to pull off.  I think you, and all of us, are living proof of just how far off course we can get when we get in the way.  We have no idea, no clue at all, about how to achieve the balance our bodies need.  We throw in junk food, drugs, supplements, vitamins, no sleep, too much alcohol, too much stress, some herbs, more junk and then wonder incredulous why we feel like we do.  It's as if we are a really bad audience throwing rotten tomatoes at the conductor.  How can we possible expect to enjoy the music?


My wish for you is that you slow down for a minute.  Stop doing whatever you are doing.  Simply stop.  And begin to take some slow deep breaths.  Tell your brain and your body that you have been sadly misinformed.  And reassure yourself that you are now going to begin the process of correcting all of this misinformation.  You are not sure how, but that is going to be your goal from now on. 


With every step you take, ask yourself.....  is this step going to take me toward that goal or away from it.  If you don't know, do nothing until you have educated yourself.  When your brain starts speeding up, stop.  And breathe.  Your goal must be to get back in control, to reel the madness back in and begin the process of letting your body heal and reclaim it's role of balancing things out.  Listen for the wisdom that you already have.  Let it guide you to calmly, deliberately look for more and more wisdom that resonates with you. 


And one last thing, you must taper off of hormones safely and slowly.  So if you decide to let your body regain the natural balance of your hormones, educate yourself, act slowly, be patient.  It took time to get here, it will take time to return to optimum health.  But you can do it!

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Hi ladies,i was wondering if birthcontrol yaz will interfere with my klnopin withdrawl,i am having protracted withdrawls,wiull this make it worse? :sick: :sick: :'(


Hi Kristine,


well, you have been off of benzos for over a year now. Are you saying you are currently taking BC, or you are considering it? I can't say for sure it would interfere with your protracted benzo symptoms. If you can, it would probably be best to find another form of birth control for now.

But for some people, hormone imbalance or deficiency may have something to do with protracted wd. In this case hormone replacement (or oral contraceptive) may actually have a beneficial effect. This is a personal choice between you and your doc, we can't tell you for sure if it will be a problem to take them, sorry!

Good luck!


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You can ask your doc to check your hormone levels. I actually found that much of my insomnia was due to progesterone deficiency.  ;)
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Thank you hawkeye,your brilliant! I love the way you expressed yourself,it is very true,oh so true,thank you soooooo much for taking the time to write to me it all makes alot of sense,i like what you had to say.. Anyone who is expereincing protracted withdrawl can write to me personally,feel free! :sick: :'( :sick:
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My gyn gave me a follicle stinulating hormone test,it came out fine surprisingly! But i still think the benzo withdrawl is screwing with them,even though it's not shown. :sick:
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My gyn gave me a follicle stinulating hormone test,it came out fine surprisingly! But i still think the benzo withdrawl is screwing with them,even though it's not shown. :sick:


The hormones I'm talking about are the estrogen/progesterone hormones. Starting around the 40's these can become unbalanced and deficient causing sx similar to protracted wd. It's just a thought. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
I tested within 'normal' for blood based hormone tests done at gyn offices. Occasionally, some of the levels would be off, but they'd retest in a few months and it would be 'fine'.  I almost took Yaz or Yasmin, one of them, last year to regulate my periods.  The doc first wanted to force a period before I started the b/c pills.  He used Provera to force one, and this is what totally sent me threw the roof, rather to the ER repeatedly.  At the time I blamed all the symptoms solely on the hormones, which are terrible, but from what I've been reading it looks like they just totally aggravated the klonopin, fentanyl, trazedone withdrawal.  I did not know about the protracted withdrawal before I started the Provera, and the w/d symptoms were interpreted as hormone and perimenopause symptoms!  Those hormones are some evil, wicked stuff.  I would never ever ever go near them!!  That said, I found a doctor that started me on the bio-identical progesterone cream and that seemed to help.  It helped with dryness and mood.  I do believe it helped with the vibrating sensation, too.  I will never let another doctor convince me to try a synthetic hormone, birth control pill, again, for any reason. 
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