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Yikes help please...stopped my bio identical estrogen and is this normal?


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Yikes...I am titrating of my benzo and having a rough time and thought maybe my estrogen was causing it...got a wild hair up my bum and stopped the estrogen 4 days ago and then I got dizzy and sick but I was still titrating too..so I felt wierd and began to sweat more and dizzy bad and hr and bp went up and anxiety went up...so I took the estrogen again last nite and then got very dizzy and almost fainted and then could not sleep all nite and was sweating really bad and today I am really sick...and dizzy and feeling worse than I have since I started my titration.  is it what I did?  or is it the benzo ?  I am frightened as i feel like holy hell and not sure if just stopping the estrogen for 4 days could have done all this? 

seems like not..only taking it a year.


if it was the estrogen...when will my body balance back out after reinstating it or did I goof up?  yikes...so hold until I feel better or is this not the estrogen and maybe another thing...like it is the benzo making me sicker ...heck I am titrating so dang slow.


any help is apreciated.  thanks

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Hi What,


This is a bit out of our scope of care here, but I can tell you that supplemental reproductive hormones (estrogen, progesterone) are best tapered off of. 


I"ve read here many women having various hormonal problems during wd, whether their own, or prescribed. One can definitely effect the other. Try doing a search of the site.


Others may stop by with their own experiences. TC

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thx eljay...I had tried to research it and could not find anything worth while on the internet..I know I am still dizzy tonite and scared as hell...just feeling wierd in the brain and dizzy and sick like. 


the doc wants me to take lexapro and I dunno...he says I am nervous wreck and would help the anxiety caused by my fears of worry about getting off the benzo and the on going round and round thoughts of fear that he says would help ..I dunno...

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I meant to do a search here on BB. Just put 'estrogen' or 'hormones' in the search box.


Not sure what to suggest on the AD. It's really best to try and get thru without, if there is not severe depression and/or suicidal feelings present, as they can actually cause more anxiety in some people, particularly the first few weeks. And keep in mind that AD's must be tapered off also and though it's generally not as tough as benzo wd, it's no walk in the part in most cases.

But this is a decision you need to make for yourself, with your doctor.


You will get thru it, as hard as it is to believe right now.  ;)

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thanks ..if I was making better headway with my taper and not having the horible round and round thoughts and all I would not even be thinking of the damn ssri..as I do not believe in pills but I try so hard to take my mind off stuff but when one is in fear 24/7 what does one do and yes when I feel sick ...every day and some days worse without a window I think that this is not a way to live...bad thoughts...so I dunno..I worry about taking the lexapro as I know it is another chemical...one girl I know takes it and says it mellows her out.but there are so many horror stories that I found on the internet...just do not know what to do.

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I really do understand what it is you are going thru. It's so easy to say, 'oh, you'll get thru it, you don't need anything' when one is not in the midst of it. Why don't you give it a few days, or a week or two and let your body re-balance with the estrogen. 
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will holding take away the anxiety level too that the benzo caused..even if I am in tolerance wd? I am dosing 4 times a day and now I have interdose wd...wondering if my brain is broken and not making the gaba right?
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I wasn't necessarily talking about holding, I more meant to hold off on starting lexapro. just to give your body time to balance from the estrogen.


If you are dosing 4 times a day, you aren't having interdose wd. You are probably in relative (tolerence) wd.


No, your brain isn't broken, I promise. Your gaba receptors are wding from benzo right now. It is painful for them, but not damaging. They will eventually heal. 

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thx Eljay..


so tolerance wd huh?  well ok ...so holding ..would you think it would lessen the anxiety part of this mess ? I want to go lower but the lower I go the more anxiety I have....yikes.

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I had big problems with the bio identical estrogen but I had problems before I even started on them. I don't think they are causing the anxiety and nervousness you have, that is a product of the benzos. I know it hurts, I know you don't want to live like this and I can tell you it will end. It's hellish until it does but it will. It is awful, I know EXACTLY what you are feeling. Just know that you are doing good by getting off.
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I've been on an off - mostly on - bioidenticals for almost two years now. I went off again about 10 days ago and w/d symptoms kicked up a few notches. I'd been feeling really good w/d wise until then.  I only went off the hormones because I was having some side effects from taking too much and decided to start over again after they clear my system. I don't know if I'll stick to that plan or not - depends on how I feel. My body reacts to stress/changes nowadays by revisiting w/d symptoms that I thought were either gone or greatly diminished. I think that's what happened when I stopped the hormones, my body simply didn't like the change and reacted badly.

I'm sorry I don't have more of an idea why stopping your hormones seems to have caused the reaction it did. I hope that sharing my experience helps some.


Lynne :smitten:

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Sugar...yeah I think u r correct...it is coming from the benzo...

Lynne..thanks ..yeah my benzo sx's did get worse so it was that or the estrogen ...so that did help..what did you feel went worse for you?  I see you have been off the benzo for a while and only took you a little over 5 months to get off the 1 mg..I am at .5 k for 12 yrs and after two failed ct's I reinstated cuz of the stress..I remember how bad the ct was and I ct'd off .25 and thought I was gonna die..so I feel stuck and i want off this hell but don't know how to get off the rest of it faster without getting sicker and yet I feel sick as i go lower...I am in a hell...hate this...dunno what to do.  hope when I get lower I will feel better?  feel like the benzo is poisioning me since I started on it again...yikes.

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