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Chronic fatigue syndrome and klonopin


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POTS stands for postural orthostatic tachychardia syndrome. It means that when you stand up, your blood pressure drops and your heart rate goes up dramatically.


My POTS has gone now, thank God. Very occasionally I can still have it, but I'm sure that will leave too.


I know it is often said that CFS is not curable but that is far from true. Many people have recovered from CFS, some completely and some almost completely. The vast majority of CFS patients are not bedridden (or not all the time) and lead a fairly normal life, much more normal than us in benzo withdrawal do. My health insurance told me that a diagnosis of CFS is not enough to be declared disabled. Your medical reports need to state that you are unable to work because of this or that symptom, and not just because you have CFS, as lots of people with CFS can hold a job. Complete recovery from CFS is certainly possible and (dramatic) improvement is almost guaranteed provided that you adopt a more healthy and stress-free lifestyle.


BTW, where I live in Europe CFS is considered a psychiatric illness by most medical professionals and the only treatment centers that are covered by health insurance are entirely run by psychiatrists. The main treatments here are cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, psych meds and graded exercise.


I keep reading that CFS is different from benzo fatigue altogether, but that statement doesn't really make sence because nobody knows what CFS is and what causes it, and futhermore CFS is different for each individual.









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